
A Measure of Another Time {Vintage Thingies Thursday}

For Vintage Thingies Thursday Posts Check out Colorado Lady!

I will be honest. I don't have a lot to say about my VTT post today. I just love it. It's that simple. It's not a fancy thing, it's not rare or hard to find. It's just a little something that makes me very happy. I have it sitting on my 'white' collection scrapbooking supply shelf. It has trinkets and such in front of it and on top of it. It is just there to look cute. It does that job quite well, actually. Just say'n.

The Measure of a Time Gone By

Just a simple wooden tape measure. Well, I guess it's not really a 'tape' measure, seeing as it isn't made out of a 'tape-like' material. So, what does that make it, exactly? A Measuring stick? A folded wooden measuring stick. Yup. I think that works. Do you agree?

Please don't forget to enter the two giveaways I have going right now! Today is the last day to enter the Postcard giveaway! And if you enter that one you get an extra entry in the Pink Together giveaway! Check them both out!


  1. I love old things...especially old sewing things...perhaps because my mother was a seamstress. That photo is lovely; did you take it yourself?? The photo itself is just gorgeous. Something so simple, looks grand! Thanks for sharing!

    Stop by and browse a bit; I'm sure you'll like what you see. If you do, then don't forget to click the "Follow" button and just below that you can "Subscribe" to my blog to get informative posts and we can both inspire and share with one another to get our creative juices flowing.

  2. I enjoyed your vintage post today. I have so many vintage things, but guess you can expect that at my age. I have a measuring tape like that somewhere. You did a great job on the picture.

  3. I love posting things like this...one simple wonderful elegant thing...photographed wonderfully :)

  4. i have the very same thing...LOVE your vintage post!!

  5. I love vintage thingies, too!!

  6. I think my dad has one of these. No need to explain - it's just great.

  7. I have one I inherited from my Father Jack, he was a carpenter. It is very special to me. The photo was beautiful.

  8. Back in the day a folding ruler was found in every carpenter's tool box. My father had one or two in his workroom. It is nice to see old tools of the trade.

  9. Love your site for sure!! Come see our latest vintage tutorial!!

  10. I think you would love our site too. Yours is so cute!!

  11. Love your folding ruler and I love the photo you took. It's a really sweet picture. Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.

  12. I love this...great photo by the way!! I have seen a few of these at estate sales, but they are already in the hands of someone who beat me to them!!!

    Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  13. Awesome photo!! I have one of those as well...stole it from my hubby...its mine now!!
    Wanted to stop by and personaly thank you for all the love you leave on my blog...don't get upset on todays post...I used a word you don't like. Also pick up something if you want!!!

  14. Love this ruler! I had to use one like this is my surverying classe in university. It was not a pretty as this one is :)

  15. My father was a builder and he called that type of measuring device a "Carpenter's Rule." Not a "ruler"!

  16. My Dad had one of these too! It was yellow.....I love when you see something like this and you are with a loved one again! Thanks for the memory!

  17. I've been looking for one of those for a long time now! I like how you can make a star out of them too. I like yours, because it's so perfectly chippy, and so simply elegant!
    Happy VTT!

  18. I know exactly what you mean. I wonder where mine is? We moved a little over a year ago from a larger house, and I still can't find things.
    Thanks for sharing yours!

  19. I think we all have things we love - for no reason at all. That's just the way it is.

  20. We had a folding ruler like that when I was a little girl. Oh, how I wish I had one today! It sure does bring back memories.

    I loved using it to measure things. It was much more fun than a regular yardstick.

  21. I love those old wooden measuring sticks! I know my grandparents and older family members had them all over their houses. I will have to do a little digging in basements I guess!

  22. I remember having fun playing with one of these as a kid. I think it was my Dad's.

  23. I have one of these, too, and I love it. BUT, My sister and I broke it back in the day, so really I have 2.

  24. i agree it is lovely to look at & that's good enough for me!!

  25. I do that sometime! I love looking at my stuff in scraproom. Sometime it would inspire me to scrap using those items. I have a jar full of vintage buttons i have collected over the year. I love dumping them out and sorting them thru sometime i will use them or not. It's cool. :)

  26. how neat, I have never actually seen one of those!


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