
I Will Follow You - Love Your Blog Followers Day!!!

I have decided to declare today, February 14, 2009, Love Your Blogosphere Followers Day!!!

That's right! I am thrilled to have so many fabulous people following my blog and I want to show them that I appreciate that! So....here is my proposal...See that little fun gadget over there


Yeah, that one.

I am going to click on each of those pretty faces and I am going to go check out their blogs and comment! I would like to encourage each of you to do the same!!!

Let's FOLLOW!!!!

If you decide to participate please add your blog Link (directly to your "Love Your Followers Day" post) to the comments section of this post! Let's have some fun!!!


  1. What a great idea for Valentines Day!

  2. I think I will try this today. http://beccasbackyard.blogspot.com and http://beccascontestlist.blogspot.com

  3. Hey, I just noticed I'm not on there.. but I subscribe to you.. Following is different? Hmm, gotta remedy that..

  4. Stopping by from SITS.
    Wow you have a lot of followers.
    Great idea with the blog love!

  5. Okay I'm officially following you...not that I already wasn't from my google reader AND my facebook (now that you've added my little head)

  6. I am with Harley, I subscribe too....guess I need to follow too....

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. That was uber sweet and a great idea to have a follower day!
    Happy Valentines Day!

  8. Thanks for stopping by to say "hi". I am glad I found you...we are a lot alike! Visit anytime!

  9. You gotta alotta followers!

  10. I just signed myself up to follow you! :) I pop in here and there, but now I'm offcial! :)

  11. I read a ton of posts for Valentine's Day, Jennifer, but this one truly takes the cake. What an inspired idea! Comment on each of your followers and give their blogs some love.

    How did it go? Did you have some fun? I will definitely have to try this sometime. :)


  12. I LOVE that movie. Too funny. Happy Blog Followers Day!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!
