
Design Team News, A New Technique Class and Bloggy Giveway Time!!!

Okay...so remember last week when I told you had some exciting news...well...I made a design team!!!! I am now one of the three newest members of the Use Your Stash Design Team and I am super excited to be working with Kimmie and Corey!!! If you haven't yet checked out Use Your Stash, you totally should! It's all about making use of that hoard of supplies that we all know you have!!! I love it! Fun challenges and GREAT prizes! I will be posting here with each new challenge after it is posted on the blog! I actually got my page done for my first assignment over the weekend and I can't WAIT to share it with you guys!!!

I also wanted to share with you that I just posted a fun Technique Triple Play class over at All Moments Remembered! The class includes the full instructions for the Joseph's Coat, Toilet Paper Casting, and Retiform stamping techniques! So much fun stuff there!!!

Here is one of the cards I made for the class:


Check out the board for more!!!

And....now for lotsa stinking fun!!! I love blog giveaways! I can't do them as often on my own blog as I would like, but I am working on that! LOL! I MUST tell you about the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival I am telling you, it is INSANE!!!!

I had a blast entering (and winning!) several giveaways in the last one, so I really wanted to participate this time around! I don't have a photo of my prize yet, but I will be making a set of three felt brooches as my giveaway! I am so excited about it!!!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Here is the info you need to enter:
1. You must have a United States address. I apologize to those outside the US, however, my budget only allows for shipping to the US.

2. You must leave a way for me to contact you. This means either a blog link or an email addy. This is essential, as if you do not have this you will not be entered because I can't contact you if you win.

3. Leave a comment telling me something about yourself...please do not leave just an "enter me" type of comment, as it is way more fun to get to know people through these things!

4. You will receive an extra entry if you follow my blog! Just click on the "Follow the Leader" on my sidebar.

5. After you have entered my giveaway, head on over to Bloggy Giveaways and check out the list of other participants! She is expecting over 1000 blogs this time around!!! How cool is THAT???


  1. Okay this sounds like fun...I am an empty nester and work part time. So these days its just me and hubby which can be very peaceful :)


  2. Woohoo! Congrats on the DT! :D

    Hmm...something about me...you can give me any word, and I can tell you its point value in Scrabble.

  3. I'm a mom of 2 grown daughters and a stepmom to a 14 yr old son. Boys are SO SO SO different! I love crafts! I plan on following you as soon as I finish this comment! :)Lisa

  4. poor me I am not from US!lol. Anyway, congrats for the DT position and I love the card.

  5. I am an avid stamper and scrapbooker and have been wanting to learn felting since I saw some things on another blog that were awesome.

    thanks for sharing

    ceashark at aol dot com

  6. I am a follower.

    thanks again

    ceashark at aol dot com

  7. Thank you for having this. I am a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful children and a wife to a fabulous husband. Thank you!

  8. about me hmm i tried to lick my elbows a minute ago and i couldnt.. can you? I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

    Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

  9. Ohhhhhhhh WANNA LEARN!!! I'm just starting all of this and actually just got my first set of paper in the mail yesterday. Please teach me your ways!

  10. Oh yeah and I follow

    rebecca (dot) sprouse (at) gmail (dot) com

    Yay for giveaways btw!

  11. I homeschool my children (3rd and 5th grade)


  12. Wow! These sound fabulous. My interesting "thing about me" - my mom was from a family of 3 girls - my family growing up had 3 girls - now I have 3 girls!
    Thank you for such a nice, generous giveaway!

  13. I have three daughters and I can't wait until they are old enough so I can borrrow their jewelry :)

  14. Now how did you know I have boxes and boxes full of craft supplies? I used to do so many crafts, quilting and sewing project but now am a full time blogger.

    Sounds to me like you are one busy girl! Will be back to see all your crafts.

  15. I'll tell you a secret...my favorite snack is Cherry flavor Prunes. Not many people know this because the ones I've told always give me a weird look...don't tell anyone, OK?

  16. I love the Lord.
    Melissa Waters

  17. I'm a new blogger who is learning to cook! I work full-time and we're hopin to start a family this year.


  18. If you check out my blog you will find that I have a passion for wolves.

  19. I'm a stay at home graphic designer mommy! I love creating lots of cute illustrations for children!

  20. I also love blog giveaways, but during the last carnival, I didn't win any.....not surprising, since there were so many people entering! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  21. I have three cute as a button kids that keep me on my best behavior and keep me from having a good nights' sleep. I am in love with giveaways, twilight and my husband. my favortie color right now is red and I just moved into a new house 3 months ago. I love to sew, knit, crochet and anthing else crafty. Yes, I have a stash of horded stuff too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I'm a stay at home mom with 5 kids. Two are in school and three are at home. I want to homeschool, but my kids don't to do that, especially my oldest who will go into middle school next year. Sigh. I still have some hope with the younger ones. We just moved and I'm missing old friends. I love to cross stitch and watch old musicals. Doris Day movies are the best! Thanks so much.
    baron4ml at yahoo.com

  23. cool giveaway...so about me, I'm getting married next month!!!


  24. well thanks for the chance to win. I am a mommy of one. (SAHM) My favorite color is blue, I love sappy love stories.

  25. this is cool. I love dolphins and Im getting ready at the end of feb to move to south carolina and we will be at the beach


    This is such a fun giveaway

  26. Hmmm...something about me?! I think I have the cutest baby EVER....but doesnt every Mom?? Oh Ok....I am also the oldest of 7 kids! :)


  27. Something about me: i am addicted to both coffee and books

  28. I'm addicted to books and reading

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  29. I love entries like this! i'm a SAHM with 3 kids, all are in school except for my mighty monster (aka-Daniel my two year old). I love blogging except that's when the monster decides to pour shampoo all over the floor or go fishing in the fish tank! hmph-wonder why that is?!!! :)


  30. I'll tell you something about myself - I would like these brooches because I am a knitter, and have recently started learning to knit lace shawls. They are really gorgeous, and I love making and wearing them, but I need something to keep them in place so they don't fall off my shoulders!

  31. Christina - xristya@rock.com - I am a poet, visual artist (collages), free-lance journalist and I did a cable tv program on the arts for many years. I have a rescued Russian Blue cat, Kismet Kitty, who actually yowls "I love you!" (other cats in the world have done it too) and a sweet and intelligent German Shepherd - Husky mix dog named Birdie, and a group of exotic parrots, and I love all of them! I am also very loyal to the people in this world that I love, and would do anything to help and protect them!

  32. What fun!
    I make a mean alfredo sauce that is so, so yummy!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  33. I am now following your blog!

  34. I am a very young (44) grandmother of 7 and am really enjoying having my children grown. LOVE my grandbabies. I am trying to create more this year. I love creating and just started making earrings. I also love reading blogs and I have several I follow. I just became a follower of yours!

    Thanks so much!

  35. I work for a mulch company! (taking orders in an office though, not making the mulch :))
    wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

  36. following
    wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

  37. I'm Audrey and I love backgammon and hearts. I'm audreyoka@cox.net

  38. I love funky jewelry, making crafts with my two year old, and photography. I love anything 'artsy' and 'hand-made'.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  39. Grats on your new job! Please enter me in your giveaway for the felt brooches. I bet they're pretty.

  40. I'm a mom and I'm training to be the crazy cat lady when I get old. ;)
    and...please enter me

  41. Im a mommy to 2 beuatiful girls


  42. Sounds wonderful! I make jewelry and my cousin is about to give birth to twin boys and I'm super excited! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I love crafting & just never have enough time to do it but I'm happy to be a homemaker and take care of my home. Thanks for the opportunity! christylaverty(at)hotmail(dot)com

  44. Hum something about me. I was the first female hockey coach in my town. :) And I love all handmade crafts! :) Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win.

  45. I am only 4'10 but I always say I am 4'11. Thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  46. please sign me up for your giveaway con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

  47. Something about me huh - I love paper crafts, writing, photography, reading and much more. :) And a mom of six hehe.

    Thanks for the chance to win! :)


  48. a couple things about me: I'm a scrapbooker, and right now, I can only work from my stash. Same thing with fabric and yarn. Sigh. and I LOVE making things with felt! I can't wait to see what your brooches look like!

  49. I love surprises and handmade stuff..woohoo! About me...hmmm...well, I am addicted to jelly belly jellybeans and I am deathly afraid of spiders...even plastic ones..they just freak me out!!!! Congrats on your new endeavor..good for you!


  50. I love to stalk birds in the backyard so I can take pictures of them. Don't worry, I'm a quiet stalker who also leaves them treats before going back inside the house to download my photos!

  51. Congrats on making a DT. About me... I bought one of my friends her first glue gun last weekend. She's 35! I can't understand how she made it this long without one! Thanks for the chance~ Abi@monkeytreecreations.com

  52. I am a scrapbooker too! Congrats on making a desgn team, so cool! I wish I had more net friends, (just because telling you I was a scrapbooker too sounded too easy.)
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  53. I bet whatever you come up with will be awesome. Count me it!

  54. I am the mom of 2 daughters & I love to read & scrapbook!

  55. Thanks for entering the Name that Puppy contest on my blog! And I'd love to enter yours, giveaways are a blast! Hope you are enjoying yours. Its a good way to meet your readers.

  56. Hey Jingle! I am a mom of 3 boys, trying to come to grips with the fact I am closer to 40 than to 30 (as of a few days ago). I love Cathy Z.'s blog-she makes me laugh, and that is why I stop by every little bit to read what you have to say... you make me laugh too, which I love to do... by the way, congrats on the design team thing... way to go! Have a great weekend... I AM a Just Jingle blog follower :)

  57. I would love to win a brooch or two or three!
    Fun stuff. I have a friend who loves jewelry and her bday is coming up.


  58. My mother used to wear a brooch, but I never liked it because the word reminded me of a roach....and hers war oval and a deep purple/black color....looked like a roach. I have moved on, and now love them. Boy how the minds of kids think.


  59. My name is Amy. I am a full time employee at a laundromat and tannign salon, I am expecting a baby, luckily my job isn't to hard. I like to do crafts and coupon clip on my spare time. Thanks, Godesseablu@msn.com

  60. I have only been blogging for 6-7 months.

  61. I am following your blog.

  62. I am a frugal mommy of 5

