Wow! So, I took a little time off...sorry about that, but last week was just a little too nutsy for me to be online much. Anyway...I actually have quite a bit I want to share with you, but I guess I should at least attempt to spread it out a bit! LOL! I have some folks to thank, I have some stuff I made as gifts and couldn't share before, and I received some fun things I'd like to share with you, too! So, that's pretty much a summary of what you will see this week. I would toss it all into one REALLY long post, but you would get tired and then I wouldn't have much to post for the rest of the week! LOL!
First of all, I need to say a HUGE thank you to my awesome Secret Santa over at
All Moments Remembered,
Julie! OH MY FREAKING CHRISTMAS SCRAPPY CUPCAKE MONKEY OWL JINGLE GOODNESS!!! This was a seriously amazing package! I received it on Christmas Eve and that alone was a blessing because I needed a bit of a 'pick-me-up.' So, I got home from work and had a million little things that I still needed to do and we had to leave for Church at 6:30 to get there for 7 and then we had two parties we needed to go to after the service. I still hadn't even started my parents Christmas gift, I had a couple of little things I wanted to make for Sean and I still needed to find a gift bag or something to put my sister's gift into so that we would be ready for Christmas day. Well, I came home and there in my scrapbook room were three boxes that Sean had picked up from the office for me! How much fun is that? One of those boxes was from Jewelz and I can't even get over her generosity, her incredible thoughtfulness and her kindness! Each and every item felt as though it had been hand chosen just for me. She wrapped everything in smaller packages (I SO should have taken a pic of it before I opened it, but I totally spaced and didn't). The wrapping paper was even hand selected! It was "Jingle" bell paper and had my name written ALL over it! LOL! She included so many wonderful things! Here are some pics just to give you an idea....keep in mind...I have a few obsessions in my life...cupcakes, monkeys, owls, and "J's" of all kinds! you see why I was so excited! LOL! Sean was a bit confused because he kept hearing gleeful exclamations from the other room as I opened each individual package of goodness! LOL! Do you SEE that adorable little cupcake container??? Yup! The frosting part is the lid and it comes off and I can put treasures in it! Right now I have it right beside my bed, but it may end up back in my scrapbook room or somewhere else once I find something I deem worthy to be held within the cupcake!
And .... Did you see the wicked cute "Jingle" ornament? LOVING THAT! And the "Jingle Bling" cracked me up! It even comes with a little book that tells you the history of bling! LOL!
That little cupcake cookbook totally ROCKS and I can't wait to try a couple of the recipes in there! And we haven't even DISCUSSED the scrappy stuff yet! New Distress Stickles!!! Yup! I was pretty stoked about those! Sakura Souffle pens...a personal favorite of mine!!! CUPCAKE stamps!!! Need I say more? Plus, she got me the cute little holiday sets that WM is carrying and she ONLY got me the ones that I didn't already have because this girl SERIOUSLY pays attention! I was uber impressed! There are o-wires for my BIA, which I am SO excited about! There is a BUNCH of crazy cute AC ribbon, the little Jolee's cupcakes are so stinking adorable and did you see those cute little owls back there???? CUTENESS!!!!
OH! And
she included a WHOLE PACK of 12x12 Kraft cardstock because I mentioned that I wanted some really nice kraft and everyone said that Hobby Lobby was the best place to get it and guess where I live...East coast, HL here! (One of the great things I miss about Denver!) I already used a sheet of it! It is just as perfect in color as everyone claims!
Plus there was Distress embossing powder, the cutest little monkey pin, that neat painted "J" which resides on the "green shelf" in my scrapbook room, an adorable handmade tin stuffed with my favorite gummy bears, another little mailbox tin stuffed with Swedish Fish (my life source) and two emergency chocolate bars in a cute cupcake purse bag thingy....OH...and let's not forget the little felt snowflake embellishments and the Jingle topper and, of course, the really cute butterfly photo box in which she stuffed most of this great stuff!
Whew! I may have missed a thing or two, but I am going off the photo, as I don't have it all in front of me, but you can see that
she deserves a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!
Here are a couple more pics for you to drool over! I hope you don't mind me sharing this. I just was really excited because this was more of a blessing than a gift. I was really touched by what
Julie sent my way!
Julie....thank you. You truly made a difference in my life. You did more than you know...especially right now. Thank you.

As far as Christmas morning photos...this is a good example of what I got! LOL! I think we shall call it "Puppies in Motion!" LOL!