
Who wouldn't Love a Pink Hedgehog???

No, seriously, though folks...who doesn't absolutely LOVE an adorable little pink hedgehog??? Did you know that you can actually keep a hedgehog as a pet? I just recently discovered this and BOY was I excited!

Sean said no.

I was sad.

BUT...that doesn't mean that I can't continue my love for the adorable fuzzy looking little critters! (Yes, I do realize that those are SPIKES and not fuzz, but STILL!!!!)

Check out this amazing pocket mirror from Madison Craft's Shop on Etsy!

UMmmmmm....CRAZY WICKED CUTENESS!!! And at only $4.00, these would make FABULOUS stocking stuffers! Or...perhaps just wicked crazy cute little gifts for your favorite blogger in the wholest widest world! (But...only if that blogger happens to be me! LOL!)

However...if you are not a big Hedgehog fan...no fear, my dear friends! Check out Madison Craft's Shop for bird, owl, mushroom, vintage camera, and other great designs...all of which I am drooling over! Owls & Hedgehogs AND vintage cameras AND mushrooms????!!!! I think I am in love! LOL!

Alas, this is the end of my delightful Etsy update post of the day! I hope you stop over and check it out! Because, quite frankly, this stuff makes me happy.

Then, come back and tell me what your favorite item in the store was! I am dying to know what makes you happy!!!


  1. Oooh, I love the "peeking bird" design! So cute! Great find, Jingle, thanks for the link!

  2. Maybe Sean would let you keep one as a pet if you found a live PINK hedgehog!

  3. Well, since he said no to the hedgehog, you are completely justified in getting some SoapNuts, don't you think?

    Thanks so much for entering the All Thumbs giveaway. Hope to see you over there again once in awhile, and good luck!

  4. Cute little spiky hedge hog!

  5. I liked the set of three bird image magnets!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!
