It's a holiday weekend, so I think that means it is a PERFECT time for a GIVEAWAY! What do you think?
Today's giveaway is from the FABULOUS CSNstores! You know, the place where I got those amazing pans I told you about recently? Yup. That place. Well, they have MUCH more than just great cookware! As a matter of fact, they have some upholstered headboards that are to die for! I am particularly loving this one!
And check THIS out! It even has a matching chair!!! CUTENESS!!!! All totally cute and all really quite affordable, too! Love that!
Well, today CSNStores is offering one Just Jingle reader a $55 gift code to be used on ANYTHING in their stores! For. Reals. I wouldn't make this stuff up!
You could totally get those pans I raved about recently, or you could put it toward a new headboard like the one above, or you could use it to pick up a holiday gift for someone you love!!! They seriously have something for everyone!
This giveaway is provided by CSN, begins today, and the last day to enter is 7 November. It is open to US and Canada only, per the sponsor.
How To Enter:
MANDATORY: Go to CSN and tell me something (be specific) that you might buy if you win!
Extra Entries: (The Mandatory entry MUST be completed in order for these to count. Please leave a SEPARATE comment for EACH entry!)
* Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect (publicly) and leave a comment letting me know you follow!
* Become a fan of my Facebook Page and leave a comment here with your Facebook name.
* Spread the word about this giveaway via Twitter (@JustJingle), your Blog, Facebook, etc. Leave a comment with a link to your post. Be sure to link back to this specific post in your announcement. (1 entry per method, but only one entry per method. In other words if you tweet about it, you get one entry. It is not a daily thing.)
The Reader
She could go anywhere in any time.
She could be anyone.
She could unlock any door.
She could meet the most fascinating new friends.
It was a perfect journey. All bound in the pages of the volume she clutched by her side.
The Reader.
Just Say'n. ;-)
Image: Kristin Hubrik of Retro Cafe
Stamps: ScrollsWork
Ink: Momento
Stickers: EK Success and Making Memories
Shimmer Cardstock: Prism
Clip: K&Company
Colored Pencils: Prismacolor
Adhesives: Tombow
WOYWW - Fresh Rubber, Fresh Ink, Glittered Pumpkins, and Dog Hair....Oh...Wait.....
Well, that pretty much sums up the activity on my desk this week! HA! No, for reals, though.

Here is my most recent card - hanging out being all cute and stuff. (You can see better shots of it in the previous post if you want AND you could do the sketch challenge and WIN FREE STAMPS! Just say'n.) You can also see some of my other recent activity, such as that bottle of gesso sitting nicely on my desk...yes, that leads me to the next photo...the gesso 'incident.'

You see, I've had a project in my head for awhile now and I just haven't taken that first step of preparing a canvas for it, so I finally went ahead and did that last night. I covered a sheet of cardboard with gesso with some nice texture and set it out to dry so I could continue my project over this week. Then, The Hubbums asked if I had a clipboard he could use for a size comparison. No problem! I have clipboards! I reached down and picked one up off the floor beside my scrap paper file, as that is where I've kept them for a bit. It had a bit of dog hair stuck to it because Maggie has been lying right next to them this week. Not a problem...we are quite used to puppy hair in our house! I happily go back to what I was doing and The Hubbums says to me, "Wifee! This clipboard had paint on it!" He wasn't upset, just concerned that he would get it on something. I was alarmed by this, as I knew that the clipboard had not had contact with paint of any kind in the little spot by the scrap bin. And that is when I saw what had happened. The Hubbums had set it down for just a brief moment ON my gesso covered cardboard. Ooopsies!!! He felt SO bad! I laughed. It was an easy mistake to make in that mess! It just bloody well figures, 'cause now I have to paint another one! LOL! Oh, well.

In other news, I got some fresh rubber from ScrollsWork along with some fresh ink and I'm super excited to play with it all! I've already used the inks and I LOVE them!!!!
AND...finally, I just HAD to share my glittered pumpkins with you all because I know you will get excited about them with me. The Hubbums tried, but apparently glitter just doesn't do it for him like it does for us? HA!

Yup. I totally went all Martha Stewart on those suckers! AND BOY are they CUTE!!!! Love!
For more awesome workspaces check out The Stamping Ground!
Here is my most recent card - hanging out being all cute and stuff. (You can see better shots of it in the previous post if you want AND you could do the sketch challenge and WIN FREE STAMPS! Just say'n.) You can also see some of my other recent activity, such as that bottle of gesso sitting nicely on my desk...yes, that leads me to the next photo...the gesso 'incident.'
You see, I've had a project in my head for awhile now and I just haven't taken that first step of preparing a canvas for it, so I finally went ahead and did that last night. I covered a sheet of cardboard with gesso with some nice texture and set it out to dry so I could continue my project over this week. Then, The Hubbums asked if I had a clipboard he could use for a size comparison. No problem! I have clipboards! I reached down and picked one up off the floor beside my scrap paper file, as that is where I've kept them for a bit. It had a bit of dog hair stuck to it because Maggie has been lying right next to them this week. Not a problem...we are quite used to puppy hair in our house! I happily go back to what I was doing and The Hubbums says to me, "Wifee! This clipboard had paint on it!" He wasn't upset, just concerned that he would get it on something. I was alarmed by this, as I knew that the clipboard had not had contact with paint of any kind in the little spot by the scrap bin. And that is when I saw what had happened. The Hubbums had set it down for just a brief moment ON my gesso covered cardboard. Ooopsies!!! He felt SO bad! I laughed. It was an easy mistake to make in that mess! It just bloody well figures, 'cause now I have to paint another one! LOL! Oh, well.
In other news, I got some fresh rubber from ScrollsWork along with some fresh ink and I'm super excited to play with it all! I've already used the inks and I LOVE them!!!!
AND...finally, I just HAD to share my glittered pumpkins with you all because I know you will get excited about them with me. The Hubbums tried, but apparently glitter just doesn't do it for him like it does for us? HA!
Yup. I totally went all Martha Stewart on those suckers! AND BOY are they CUTE!!!! Love!
For more awesome workspaces check out The Stamping Ground!
BOO! It's Sketch Tuesday with Skipping Stones Design! (That means you can win stuff. Just say'n.)
Yup! I am going to push this Halloween creating right up to the last minute! LOL! I just love it WAAAAAAAY too much. Just say'n and stuff. But, for REALS! How could I not, I mean, really, it's wicked crazy fun! I REALLY REALLY is. So...that's why when I saw this sketch, I KNEW I was going to grab that bat punch I was so excited to have purchased! It was PERFECT!
Pretty great sketch, huh? Yup. I thought so, too. Of course, I did have to remake my card three times before I was happy with it, but that wasn't because of the sketch, that was because sometimes I'm just dumb like that. HA!
Soooo....I stamped the background with Skipping Stones Design Grunge stamps. (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this set? 'Cause I totally do. For reals. I love it. Just say'n.) And I also stamped the center square with the wood grain background, as well, before popping it up in the middle. I surrounded the square with punched bats and then stamped the BOO! from the Happy Halloweennie set! Of all the CUTENESS!!!!!
I finished the card off with some black glitter glue (Which, is still wet in the photos. I apologize, but if I didn't take them then I would never get to bed! HA!) and of course that super cute candy corn ribbon! Before you ask...I have no idea where it came from. Sorry about that. It's just been hanging out in my stash waiting for a super fun card!'s the TOTALLY need to head on over to Skipping Stones today to participate in the sketch challenge! There is a winner every week and you have NO FREAKING IDEA how psyched I'd be if one of my readers won! For reals!
Today I am linking with the following parties:
A Winner and a Great ScrollsWork Sale!!!
First, I want to say a big congratulations to Terri for winning the Pink Together giveaway sponsored by MyBlogSpark! I am happy to share that Terri is a Survivor herself and VERY MUCH deserves this prize! How exciting!!!
Also, ScrollsWork is running a SUPER SPOOKTACULAR SALE right now and you should TOTALLY check it out!
Yup, you read that right! For every $25 you spend you will get $5 right back again!!! AND...I just got my latest shipment from ScrollsWork with some FABULOUS new Momento Inks AND a bunch of great stamps that are just itching to be inked!!!
Also, ScrollsWork is running a SUPER SPOOKTACULAR SALE right now and you should TOTALLY check it out!
Yup, you read that right! For every $25 you spend you will get $5 right back again!!! AND...I just got my latest shipment from ScrollsWork with some FABULOUS new Momento Inks AND a bunch of great stamps that are just itching to be inked!!!
Music. Let's Discuss....
I had an insane weekend and made precisely nothing. Sad. But, alas, I shall make something tonight and then I will feel better. However, I did come into contact with several different types of music over the course of my weekend.
The Hubbums was downloading a few new things in the trance and techno type genre. Not my favorite, I have to admit, however, I can totally see the draw to that kind of stuff. It's kind of funny, actually...for him, it is energizing and for me it totally puts me to sleep! LOL!
Saturday night we attended a 30th birthday party complete with DJ - and old school hip hop. Yeah, buddy! I'm not going to lie. I love it. He played a ton of new stuff, too. Dance music, 'cause, well, that was sort of the point. It was fun and the music suited the environment quite well.
At home, I often listen to Florence and the Machine, Honey Honey, and that sort of stuff in general. THIS is the kind of stuff that inspires and energizes me. I really love it!
Basically, this weekend I was reminded of just how many different types of music there are out there and just how fun it all is! Music ROCKS, dude! For real! And there is not a single type that is actually just horrible - not to my specific tastes, perhaps, but it all has a purpose and it is just plain fun stuff! So, today, let me know what you love to listen to and what catches you off guard sometimes....
Oh...and here's a video in case you just need something fabulous to listen to today!
Leave a Comment. Make me happy. Just say'n.
The Hubbums was downloading a few new things in the trance and techno type genre. Not my favorite, I have to admit, however, I can totally see the draw to that kind of stuff. It's kind of funny, actually...for him, it is energizing and for me it totally puts me to sleep! LOL!
Saturday night we attended a 30th birthday party complete with DJ - and old school hip hop. Yeah, buddy! I'm not going to lie. I love it. He played a ton of new stuff, too. Dance music, 'cause, well, that was sort of the point. It was fun and the music suited the environment quite well.
At home, I often listen to Florence and the Machine, Honey Honey, and that sort of stuff in general. THIS is the kind of stuff that inspires and energizes me. I really love it!
Basically, this weekend I was reminded of just how many different types of music there are out there and just how fun it all is! Music ROCKS, dude! For real! And there is not a single type that is actually just horrible - not to my specific tastes, perhaps, but it all has a purpose and it is just plain fun stuff! So, today, let me know what you love to listen to and what catches you off guard sometimes....
Oh...and here's a video in case you just need something fabulous to listen to today!
Leave a Comment. Make me happy. Just say'n.
When Is It Time to Replace the Wedding Gifts, Exactly? (A CSN Stores Review)
So, not too long ago, The Hubbums takes out one of our frying pans to make dinner. Looks at it....
...looks at me....
...looks back at the pan.
"I'm throwing this away. It is seriously gross and I can't use it anymore."
Ummm...he was totally right. It was SOOO done. We felt horrible throwing it away, but it was not something that ANYONE could use at this point. Being that we felt bad, I had to think about it for a minute...and that's when I realized that the pan he was holding was in a set we received as a wedding gift.
Nearly ten years ago.
Yup. Folks, I am here to officially proclaim that you are TOTALLY allowed to replace the pans you were given at your wedding ten years later. may want to do it sooner. Just say'n.
So...when CSN offered me the opportunity to do a review, I found that I had the PERFECT thing in mind! I hopped on to and went directly to COOKWARE!
That, my dear friends, is where I found these!!!

Aren't they just gorgeous? *sigh* Brand new GORGEOUS brand-name pans! It's a happy thing. Now mind those ten years we have picked up additional pans and such, but the only ones we purchased were two cast iron pans which ROCK, but aren't for everything. I got some other cheap ones in a free deal thing once, but they aren't anything to write home about (hmmm...that's an interesting expression...I wonder if it should be changed to 'not anything to blog about' in our modern era? HA!). We have NEVER, however, had pans like these! Yes, my dear friends, these are Calphalon. *happy sigh*

For reals. These are wicked nice pans. They are non-stick (and we shall discuss just HOW non-stick in a moment) and they have SUCH a sturdy handle and basically we love them. Seriously, you guys, The Hubbums was SO excited when we got them and after he used them - well, he was ecstatic! For reals. Not even kidding. The man was excited about pans!
Check this out!

Do you see that? FOR. REALS! Those are beautifully browned PERFECT pancakes, folks! Wanna know a secret?
*shh* There is ZERO butter, oil, or any other type of fat in that pan. *shhh*
Nope. Not even joking. Those are made directly on the non-stick surface of the pan. Batter - meet pan. Pan - meet batter. I think you two will be happy together. And yes, indeed, they are. Quite.

Here is a picture of them before The Hubbums flipped 'em. You can see the great lack of butter or oil in the pan. Isn't that incredible! These are seriously AWESOME pans!
Thanks to CSN for the opportunity and the gift of product to review! Totally check them out for quality products, particularly as we enter the holiday season!!!
...looks at me....
...looks back at the pan.
"I'm throwing this away. It is seriously gross and I can't use it anymore."
Ummm...he was totally right. It was SOOO done. We felt horrible throwing it away, but it was not something that ANYONE could use at this point. Being that we felt bad, I had to think about it for a minute...and that's when I realized that the pan he was holding was in a set we received as a wedding gift.
Nearly ten years ago.
Yup. Folks, I am here to officially proclaim that you are TOTALLY allowed to replace the pans you were given at your wedding ten years later. may want to do it sooner. Just say'n.
So...when CSN offered me the opportunity to do a review, I found that I had the PERFECT thing in mind! I hopped on to and went directly to COOKWARE!
That, my dear friends, is where I found these!!!
Aren't they just gorgeous? *sigh* Brand new GORGEOUS brand-name pans! It's a happy thing. Now mind those ten years we have picked up additional pans and such, but the only ones we purchased were two cast iron pans which ROCK, but aren't for everything. I got some other cheap ones in a free deal thing once, but they aren't anything to write home about (hmmm...that's an interesting expression...I wonder if it should be changed to 'not anything to blog about' in our modern era? HA!). We have NEVER, however, had pans like these! Yes, my dear friends, these are Calphalon. *happy sigh*
For reals. These are wicked nice pans. They are non-stick (and we shall discuss just HOW non-stick in a moment) and they have SUCH a sturdy handle and basically we love them. Seriously, you guys, The Hubbums was SO excited when we got them and after he used them - well, he was ecstatic! For reals. Not even kidding. The man was excited about pans!
Check this out!
Do you see that? FOR. REALS! Those are beautifully browned PERFECT pancakes, folks! Wanna know a secret?
*shh* There is ZERO butter, oil, or any other type of fat in that pan. *shhh*
Nope. Not even joking. Those are made directly on the non-stick surface of the pan. Batter - meet pan. Pan - meet batter. I think you two will be happy together. And yes, indeed, they are. Quite.
Here is a picture of them before The Hubbums flipped 'em. You can see the great lack of butter or oil in the pan. Isn't that incredible! These are seriously AWESOME pans!
Thanks to CSN for the opportunity and the gift of product to review! Totally check them out for quality products, particularly as we enter the holiday season!!!
George - He's Cool Like That
I'm not going to lie, here, folks. I really love this one. This was a slightly different type of piece for me and I had SO much fun creating him! I am totally going to be doing more pendants like this in the future. It was just too much fun to quit now!!!
So, here he is: George.

*sigh* SO FUN!!!! No, for reals. He is a fabulous stamped image from Scrolls Work stamps! I don't know what it is, but he is just fabulous. His demeanor is just so....sooo..... yeah. That.
The thing is...I can't really categorize this one. Would you say this is Steampunk? Hmmmm....not sure. I don't know. Perhaps it doesn't matter, but I love it no matter what it is! HA!

I stamped the image on muslin with StazOn ink. I love how even the details show well!

For the charms, well, I basically took out my Tim Holtz (for Advantus) stash and went a little crazy! The circle clips are Close To My Heart, but the pin and the charms are all Tim Holtz! I attached them using a copper wire that I had around.

He hangs beautifully! George makes a great decorative pendant, but he is actually small enough, that if I can create the right chain, I could totally wear him as a statement necklace. He's cool like that. I mean, yes, it would be bold and all, but, well...I'm cool like that, I guess. Just say'n. HA!!!!
Soooo....that's what I made last night! What did you make? What do you think of George? And...wait for it... last question...
...aren't you wicked glad that tomorrow is totally Friday? 'Cause I TOTALLY am. Just say'n.
So, here he is: George.
*sigh* SO FUN!!!! No, for reals. He is a fabulous stamped image from Scrolls Work stamps! I don't know what it is, but he is just fabulous. His demeanor is just so....sooo..... yeah. That.
The thing is...I can't really categorize this one. Would you say this is Steampunk? Hmmmm....not sure. I don't know. Perhaps it doesn't matter, but I love it no matter what it is! HA!
I stamped the image on muslin with StazOn ink. I love how even the details show well!
For the charms, well, I basically took out my Tim Holtz (for Advantus) stash and went a little crazy! The circle clips are Close To My Heart, but the pin and the charms are all Tim Holtz! I attached them using a copper wire that I had around.
He hangs beautifully! George makes a great decorative pendant, but he is actually small enough, that if I can create the right chain, I could totally wear him as a statement necklace. He's cool like that. I mean, yes, it would be bold and all, but, well...I'm cool like that, I guess. Just say'n. HA!!!!
Soooo....that's what I made last night! What did you make? What do you think of George? And...wait for it... last question...
...aren't you wicked glad that tomorrow is totally Friday? 'Cause I TOTALLY am. Just say'n.
WOYWW - Insanity, as per usual. Just say'n.
You would think I would be used to posting a giant mess for WOYWW by now, but alas, I'm not. It still makes me shudder a bit each and EVERY week. Just say'n.
I CAN say, however, that you are getting a bit of a glimpse of my week, though. You see that bat punch? It's brand new! I was SO excited to find it since my local Mike's didn't have it in stock, but I happened to be in another area and they had it and it was on SALE, so I grabbed it! I {heart} it. Totally. Just say'n.
And...see that wicked crazy cute bag on the far right of the photo? I won that from Bored, Inc. and it is SOOOO stinking cute! Love!
And, that darn doll in the middle. Well, she has had a few words to say, as of late. You see, she was destined to be a witch, but now she is arguing with me and suggesting that perhaps she is more of a Christmas holiday character, perhaps a caroler or something of that sort. I'm not sure this argument is going to end well. We shall see, we shall see. She was almost painted green the other day and now she might want to be a CAROLER???? *ugh* Decisions, decisions. Feel free to leave your opinions - witch, caroler, something she hasn't even thought of know how it goes around here!
Just a quick on today...don't forget to check out the other workspaces at The Stamping Ground.
I don't know WHAT it is about little Kawaii Erasers, but I do SO love them! {Wordless Wednesday}
Kick'n It Grunge Style with SSD #47!
Yes, my friends, it is time for another Tuesday Sketch with Skipping Stones Design! Did you know that if you play along with the sketch you can win credit toward ANY stamp set in the SSD store? Yup! That's right, folks! It's pretty awesome like that! So play along and have some fun and maybe you will win!
Here is this week's sketch:
Okay, so I am TOTALLY in love with this new background stamp set that we got to play with this week! FOR. REALS. You, you guys, seriously, it's wicked awesome! It's called GRUNGE! This is great for unique and interesting backgrounds AND it totally works for all of your 'guy card' needs! Of course, I personally, love ever stamp on it, so you can feel free to use it for all of your 'girl card' needs, as well. Just say'n.

Hee-Hee. Get it now? "Kick'n it Grunge Style." HA!!! See how I did that there? I created a play on words because there are boots on the card and you can totally kick with boots and the stamps are called Grunge. That's funny stuff, my friends. Just say'n.

I created this card using lots of layers and I love the dimension. To get my sentiment exactly where I wanted it, I simply stamped the background image multiple times to cover the surface and masked the area where I planned to stamp the 'Thanks.' I love the look that resulted!

I finished it off with a wrap of hemp and a little cowboy boot charm! I love it!!! So fun!
So...head on over to Skipping Stones Design and check out what the other Stamp Tramps created! Good stuff this week! For reals!
Here is this week's sketch:
Okay, so I am TOTALLY in love with this new background stamp set that we got to play with this week! FOR. REALS. You, you guys, seriously, it's wicked awesome! It's called GRUNGE! This is great for unique and interesting backgrounds AND it totally works for all of your 'guy card' needs! Of course, I personally, love ever stamp on it, so you can feel free to use it for all of your 'girl card' needs, as well. Just say'n.
Hee-Hee. Get it now? "Kick'n it Grunge Style." HA!!! See how I did that there? I created a play on words because there are boots on the card and you can totally kick with boots and the stamps are called Grunge. That's funny stuff, my friends. Just say'n.
I created this card using lots of layers and I love the dimension. To get my sentiment exactly where I wanted it, I simply stamped the background image multiple times to cover the surface and masked the area where I planned to stamp the 'Thanks.' I love the look that resulted!
I finished it off with a wrap of hemp and a little cowboy boot charm! I love it!!! So fun!
So...head on over to Skipping Stones Design and check out what the other Stamp Tramps created! Good stuff this week! For reals!
Today I am linking with the following parties:
Vanilla Wafers + Nutella = Holy Yum, Batman!
No, for reals.
I figured I'd start your week off with a little snack tutorial that will pretty much rock your world and make you the happiest snacker EVER. Just say'n. goes...
Begin with Nilla Wafers, Nutella, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Sprinkles.
Ummm...yup.... so you can totally see where I'm going with this right? Yes, my friends, we are about to create tiny little Nutella ice cream sandwiches of goodness. For reals. They are amazing. Just say'n.

....simply spread the Nutella on several Nilla Wafers. Be sure you have an even number, since you need two for each sandwich. If you make an odd number you will just have to sacrifice one and eat it. Just say'n.

Then, you just have to scoop a small bit of ice cream onto the Nutella covered surface. I used a knife. If you have a melon baller, this would be PERFECT, but I don't. So I used a knife. *sad* HA!

FINALLY, you have to put some sprinkles on a plate and roll the edges of your little masterpieces in the sprinkles!!! YUM!!!! run and hide in a closet somewhere and eat 'em! 'Cause you are SO not gonna wanna share! Just say'n.
Enjoy! And You are Very Welcome! :-)
I figured I'd start your week off with a little snack tutorial that will pretty much rock your world and make you the happiest snacker EVER. Just say'n. goes...
Begin with Nilla Wafers, Nutella, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Sprinkles.
Ummm...yup.... so you can totally see where I'm going with this right? Yes, my friends, we are about to create tiny little Nutella ice cream sandwiches of goodness. For reals. They are amazing. Just say'n.
....simply spread the Nutella on several Nilla Wafers. Be sure you have an even number, since you need two for each sandwich. If you make an odd number you will just have to sacrifice one and eat it. Just say'n.
Then, you just have to scoop a small bit of ice cream onto the Nutella covered surface. I used a knife. If you have a melon baller, this would be PERFECT, but I don't. So I used a knife. *sad* HA!
FINALLY, you have to put some sprinkles on a plate and roll the edges of your little masterpieces in the sprinkles!!! YUM!!!! run and hide in a closet somewhere and eat 'em! 'Cause you are SO not gonna wanna share! Just say'n.
Enjoy! And You are Very Welcome! :-)
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