...okay, so maybe that isn't quite as popular as the summer vacation essay, but still! HA! So, here's the deal, I'm going to give you the run down on the last four days in photos with a bit of explanation here and there...sooooo...*deep breath in*.....here goes....
Thursday: Thanksgiving Day: Had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner prepared by Mom and Dad. It was SOOOO yummy!!!!! Saw the fam and such.

My Adorable Mommy!
Met my cousin's new baby girl, Ava. She's three weeks old and just over seven pounds. Just in case you are confused by that - she is basically TEENSY TINY!!!!!

Grandpa and Ava

Mom and Ava

My sister, Sarah, and Ava. Yes...Ava was a pretty popular little thing.
Hung out with my cousin's son a bit, too. Tyler is pretty much awesome. Just say'n.

The Hubbums and Tyler

Tyler and his Leapster

Nana and Ava (...like I said...popular kid, that one. Just say'n.)
And I took enough pictures to start getting looks before dinner even started. LOVE THAT!

The Hubbums and Sarah. My personal favorite photo of the day. These two crack me up!

We celebrated Tyler's birthday since we were all together. That's my cousin (Ava & Tyler's mom) with him.

Watched this little girl, my cousin, Jade, come alive for the first time ever! She opened up SO much this year and kept us laughing! So cute!

Mom, Dad, and The Hubbums getting things ready.

Desserts in action! THERE WERE SO MANY OF THEM!!!! And they were REALLY good, too!
*ANOTHER DEEP BREATH IN* Annnnnd....we move to Friday. Friday is tree cutting day! We met up with the fam for breakfast at a little local place and then headed to the tree farm to choose a tree for my parents. This is an annual tradition that leads to my sister choosing the largest tree she can possibly find and my Mom talking her down from there. Both examine the trees QUITE thoroughly to check for proper amount and distribution of needles, lack of bare spots, perfect height, straightness of the trunk, etc. to find the PERFECT tree.
Mom and Sarah examining a potential 'perfect tree.'

Sometimes you have to fend off the scary tree monsters....or your Daddy...one or the other....just say'n.

Sometimes I just enjoy the view with my camera! :-)

The Hunt is ON!


Perhaps? Let's take a full group circle analysis of this tree.

Decisions, Decisions!!!!

Could it be? The perfect tree? Oh, me!

Is it the right size? Let's hug it to find out. K? K. Thanks.

This could be it!

Excuse me while I just enjoy that view once again....

The men have been left to guard the perfect tree while we go search the lot for...the perfect tree....waiiiiit a minute.......

Note the obvious disapproval on the Sister's face. She doesn't like little trees.

And....yet another discussion on potential. They walked away from this one, too.

Sarah's thoughts on little trees. HA!

YAY! We found the perfect tree! Hugs and celebration! HA! My family CRACKS ME UP!!!!

One last scan to see if there are any other more prefect trees. Just in case. You know how it is.

Cutting down the tree.

Bringing in the tree.

Tying the tree to the roof.

Watching them drive down the road with said tree tied to said roof. YAY for the perfect tree!
*DEEP BREATH....k....now onto SATURDAY!*

Get tree from basement. Put together tree. (Yes...we have a fake one. I like it.)

Get Hubbums to do lights and ribbon since it comes out like a five year old did it if I do that part. Just say'n.

Decorate the tree with fabulous Ikea and other ornaments. Lots of them.

Add a few other decorations around the house and voila! It's CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
As for Sunday, well...

There was a lot of this enjoyed by all! Relaxing!!!! Miss Maggie loves the Christmas tree! She always has!
So...that was my Thanksgiving weekend...how was yours? Thanks for stopping by!
Jingle Out!