I don't know WHAT it is about this song, but I love it. LOVE. Freaking. IT. Seriously, folks. And...lately, I've been totally feeling an inspirational vibe coming from it.
So...you know how lots of times you love a song and it's totally inspiring and then you see the video and it totally ruins it. Well.....
....this is not one of those.
This video is amazing and totally and completely inspiring and now I want to do nothing but create! (If only work wasn't always getting in the way! HA!)
P.S. If you have never heard HoneyHoney, all I can tell you is to go to your favorite online source of music and listen. All day. You will be happy. Just say'n.
Obsessive Compulsive Much?
For reals.
This post proves that I am obsessed with daily blogging AND with clippies.
Not. Even. Joking.
You see, here's the thing. I had planned on doing something creative last night because I've not really done much in the last few days, but dh found this movie that he wanted me to see because it was surprisingly mature and really a good overall movie...SO....I watched that with him instead of creating.
Okay...so that's cool. BUT...I didn't have anything for the blog!
That just cannot be. Well, I could write up a long and fun diatribe about something that annoys me, but to be honest, this whole 30 Day Shred thing has me feeling rather good this week, so I just wasn't in the mood to gripe! HA! (Either that or I couldn't think of a good topic...one or the other. You pick. Just say'n.)
SOOOOO.....that left me, once again with nothing artsy to show off and nothing to rant about.
THUS....the 6am ribbon flower clippie.
AHA! You see, I had another dilemma on my hands. I was really wishing I had a purple hair accent to go with my outfit today, but I didn't have one, so that made me sad. Hmmmmm....let's fix that!
I have seen tutorials for these all over the place and so I was feeling a bit left out, so I decided to make one this morning so I would have something cute for my hair!
Begin with a circle of felt, a ribbon of your choice, and a glue gun. You will also need a clippie later on.
Tie a knot in the ribbon and glue that to the center of the felt. It's okay if you have a bit of a tail.
Now just twist the ribbon and glue in spots as you go around the felt circle until you have the size you want!
Finish it off by tucking the loose ends under the twisted ribbon and gluing in place. Then trim off any extra felt that may be visible. (Be careful of how close you get to the edge with the glue...I got a little too close, so if someone looks REALLY closely they will see it on my clippie. Sad day.)
Finish it off with a cute button, gem stone, or whatever other adorableness you happen to have laying around! If I wasn't in a hurry I would have at least added embroidery floss to this button, but I was in a hurry, so I didn't. HA! Finally, don't forget to glue a clippie to the back. Otherwise it is just ribbon flower and not a ribbon flower clippie and if you just want a ribbon flower, that's cool, but I wanted to tell you how to make a clippie in the event that you have a fashion emergency such as my own, so I have to include the part where you glue on the clippie and so I added that part here at the end, but you don't have to if you don't want to, I'm just say'n is all. *breath.* HA!
I created my flower clippie with grosgrain ribbon, giving it a more casual and perhaps more youthful look. If you click on the link to the tutorial above they used Satin ribbon and it looks amazing! I will be making some of those, too!!!
So...when all else fails...make something at 6am so you can post it on your blog before you leave for work! HA!
Now...for more fun stuff to make head on over and check out Everything Etsy's I Made It Blog Party!!!
And check out these fun ones, too!
This post proves that I am obsessed with daily blogging AND with clippies.
Not. Even. Joking.
You see, here's the thing. I had planned on doing something creative last night because I've not really done much in the last few days, but dh found this movie that he wanted me to see because it was surprisingly mature and really a good overall movie...SO....I watched that with him instead of creating.
Okay...so that's cool. BUT...I didn't have anything for the blog!
That just cannot be. Well, I could write up a long and fun diatribe about something that annoys me, but to be honest, this whole 30 Day Shred thing has me feeling rather good this week, so I just wasn't in the mood to gripe! HA! (Either that or I couldn't think of a good topic...one or the other. You pick. Just say'n.)
SOOOOO.....that left me, once again with nothing artsy to show off and nothing to rant about.
THUS....the 6am ribbon flower clippie.
AHA! You see, I had another dilemma on my hands. I was really wishing I had a purple hair accent to go with my outfit today, but I didn't have one, so that made me sad. Hmmmmm....let's fix that!
I have seen tutorials for these all over the place and so I was feeling a bit left out, so I decided to make one this morning so I would have something cute for my hair!
Begin with a circle of felt, a ribbon of your choice, and a glue gun. You will also need a clippie later on.
Tie a knot in the ribbon and glue that to the center of the felt. It's okay if you have a bit of a tail.
Now just twist the ribbon and glue in spots as you go around the felt circle until you have the size you want!
Finish it off by tucking the loose ends under the twisted ribbon and gluing in place. Then trim off any extra felt that may be visible. (Be careful of how close you get to the edge with the glue...I got a little too close, so if someone looks REALLY closely they will see it on my clippie. Sad day.)
Finish it off with a cute button, gem stone, or whatever other adorableness you happen to have laying around! If I wasn't in a hurry I would have at least added embroidery floss to this button, but I was in a hurry, so I didn't. HA! Finally, don't forget to glue a clippie to the back. Otherwise it is just ribbon flower and not a ribbon flower clippie and if you just want a ribbon flower, that's cool, but I wanted to tell you how to make a clippie in the event that you have a fashion emergency such as my own, so I have to include the part where you glue on the clippie and so I added that part here at the end, but you don't have to if you don't want to, I'm just say'n is all. *breath.* HA!
I created my flower clippie with grosgrain ribbon, giving it a more casual and perhaps more youthful look. If you click on the link to the tutorial above they used Satin ribbon and it looks amazing! I will be making some of those, too!!!
So...when all else fails...make something at 6am so you can post it on your blog before you leave for work! HA!
Now...for more fun stuff to make head on over and check out Everything Etsy's I Made It Blog Party!!!
And check out these fun ones, too!
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....{Wordless Wednesday}
If you were me (you would be super cute and amazingly adorable and lots of happy....oh...wait....that's not what we were talking about was it? NUTS! I guess you would also be a bit random. One might say. Maybe. Just say'n.) and you had a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate and you were all excited about the various new art forms you have found recently, which of these two fabulous items would YOU choose? I won a class using the clay, but I've wanted some decent acrylics for art doll and mixed media work for awhile now. Oh, I HATE making decisions. I hate it. I suck at it. And no...both is not an option. The price turns out to be about the same because with the acrylics I can add filler and get free shipping and with shipping the clay comes to about the same, so that doesn't really factor in, either. Hmmmm.....
For More Wordless (or maybe something close to wordless) Wednesday posts check out here, here, and here!
Girl In Progress. My current WIP
Hmmm...well, that little title just inspired perhaps another doll! I kind of like the way it sounds. But, alas, this one that I am sharing with you today already has the crumbs of a story forming around her.
I know that many doll makers write their story (either literally or just in their imagination) before making a doll, but for me, I'm finding then whenever I create a personality of any kind her story begins as my hands begin to form her. It grows as I choose my materials and decide on color palettes and such. And her story is never complete until she is complete...and even then there is more to tell...it just depends on the character.
That being said, I'm brand new to this doll making thing, but I've created personalities in my artwork before, so I'm not TOTALLY new to that.
I know that many doll makers write their story (either literally or just in their imagination) before making a doll, but for me, I'm finding then whenever I create a personality of any kind her story begins as my hands begin to form her. It grows as I choose my materials and decide on color palettes and such. And her story is never complete until she is complete...and even then there is more to tell...it just depends on the character.
That being said, I'm brand new to this doll making thing, but I've created personalities in my artwork before, so I'm not TOTALLY new to that.
Here are her beginnings. I began by sculpting her arms, legs, and a flat head/face from polymer clay. I chose translucent clay in case I decide to leave it unpainted. I'm not sure where I want to go with that yet, but I'm leaning toward 'naked' clay parts at this point. We shall see, though. If she tells me she wants paint, paper, or even fabric, I'm open to her ideas.
I then sculpted a wire body figure from a copper wire. I'll be honest. This wire was NOT the best choice, as it is super malleable and that makes it rather hard to keep in place AND to work with in general. BUT...remember that part about me being new to this...well, that means I don't quite have all of the 'proper' supplies yet and I'm not the type to just go spend a gagillion dollars buying a bunch of new stuff. I will gradually work on getting things I know I will use and, in the meantime, use what I have. I've found that this kind of exploration keeps your mind open to less traditional ideas AND keeps your studio from overflowing with stuff you SO don't need.
Not that I've EVER purchased anything that I didn't need. That just doesn't happen. Ever. Yeeeeeeah. So. (Ummm...if you believe that, I have some BEAUTIFUL ocean front property out in Denver I'd like to show you...just give me a call....we can chat! Heee!)
Not that I've EVER purchased anything that I didn't need. That just doesn't happen. Ever. Yeeeeeeah. So. (Ummm...if you believe that, I have some BEAUTIFUL ocean front property out in Denver I'd like to show you...just give me a call....we can chat! Heee!)
This is the start of her head. I sculpted the piece fairly flat with a large indented center. I stuffed some canvas with some plastic bag stuffing and then glued it down to fit in the indented area of the face. The fabric is currently covered with Gesso, as I plan to paint that with her facial details.
I'm hoping to wrap in in strips of vintage papers or newspaper...not sure which yet...her story is still formulating, remember, and the material will be guided by that story. I thought about using some of those brightly colored handmade papers I showed you yesterday, but I don't think they suit her...they are waiting for a much more spirited doll! One who LOVES color. No...while this doll has a very 'colorful' personality, she is not one who would be considered a 'lover of color.' You shall see. I'm kinda loving this story part - it's way fun to create someone exactly the way you imagine them. The funny thing is...you would think more perfect dolls and creatures would be created, but nope. They all have SOMETHING about them. Why? Well, because we all have something about us, that's why! As I imagine these stories and the who and why of pieces I create or even pieces I see I find that they are never perfect. As a matter of fact - it is in their imperfection that they shine. That is what makes them so amazingly wonderful...personalities that are so REAL and so full of LIFE!
Yes, each one is an adventure. It's pretty neat, actually.
At least I think so.

Yes, each one is an adventure. It's pretty neat, actually.
At least I think so.
I have SO many people to Thank today!!!
Let's start with Jillian Michaels. Yes, folks. I have successfully completed Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred as of this morning. Let me give you a bit of a rundown of what to expect if you decided to conquer this workout.
Day 1: You will feel like you are going to die.
Day 2: While you know you won't die because you obviously didn't on day 1, you still aren't convinced. Oh..and something is going to hurt a LOT! It varies depending on your body. For the Hubbums, his arms were barely mobile. For me...my front thighs were pretty much out of order, making going down stairs VERY difficult. P.S. We live on the third floor. Just say'n.
Day 3: More ouch, but MAN am I starting to look good.
Day 4: This was the hardest day yet. For some reason neither of us had any motivation and it was just difficult to get through....however...we were both LESS sore AFTER doing the workout than we were prior.
Day 5: Well, this was the first 5am attempt. A bit challenging due to the sleepy factor, but seriously...I'm doing better and I feel so good. I'm hungry. Very. Hungry. But I think that's a good thing because it means I'm burning calories.
Oh...and you totally discover muscles you never knew you had, so that's fun. Well, sort of fun...being that the method of discovery is usually pain. AND...you also will discover that you use certain muscles for things you NEVER knew you used them for. For example...why, YES, Jingle...you DO actually use your abs while driving.
So, yes...I hate her, but I love her and I must thank her because 25 days from now I am going to look DAMN good. Just say'n.
Now...some more personal thank yous:
I was fortunate to win several giveaways during the One World One Heart event and I have received some of those and I would simply be remiss if I did not take a few moments to share these beautiful things with you and thank the generous artists who gave them to me.

This absolutely amazing handmade Zentangle doodle journal came from the lovely Linda! She HAND doodled that cover! It is really so cool and I can't imagine the time that must have gone into this. AND it is painted and it just feels good and makes me happy! So beautiful! She also included a Micron pen for me to do my own doodling in the journal! Thanks, Linda!!!

See this cuteness???? It is actually a brooch that I pinned to a headband because I'm obsessed with having wonderful things in my hair, but it will make it's rounds as a brooch, too, I am sure of it! This was made by sweet Tammy at Red Panty Crafts. Ummm..yeah, that might be the best name EVER! HA! I LOVE the brooch, Tammy, thank you SO much!!!

So, on the list of amazing art forms, this one is pretty high. When Dianne, who is just super cute and fun, btw, told me that I had won some of her handmade papers I was pretty excited because I LOVE all things paper. However, when they arrived I was simply in SHOCK at just how gorgeous these are and the skill it takes to create them! That first photo shows you the variety that she sent and the second shows you the type of detail that is in each paper. These are STUNNING and I can't wait to use them...but I'm afraid to use them because I don't want to cut them! HA! She also sent some blank paper - the kind she uses so I can try to create my own....here's hoping I can even get CLOSE to the beauty of these sheets! Wow! Thanks, Dianne!

This piece. This. Piece. Take a moment.
Bridgette created and sent this absolutely amazing pendant to me. I have to be honest...I had a new experience when this piece arrived. I opened the delicately wrapped package, lifted the lid off the brown paper box and gasped. I had to catch my breath. I actually got a little teary simply from the beauty of this piece. I really love it. I can't say it effectively enough. This is an amazing little piece of art.

And...the last one for today...this HUGE pile of goodness! Ummm....so....WOW! For REALS! Joy stuffed this box so full of vintage papers, ephemera, stamps, and other amazingly fantabulous stuff! It was inspiring from the moment I opened it! I simply couldn't believe HOW MUCH there was in that box! I am so excited to put all of these fabulous treasures to good use! Thank you, Joy!
So, as you can see, I have been EXTREMELY blessed this week! Oh...and thank you all for taking the time to read The Hubbums post. Even if he did stuff me in the closet. Sometimes things need to be shared and we both felt like this was definitely one of those times. We genuinely appreciate each and every comment! Thank you! (And ... if you haven't read it yet...you should. It's a fairly amusing read, actually! HA!)
Looking forward to a great week! Leave a comment and say something happy!
Day 1: You will feel like you are going to die.
Day 2: While you know you won't die because you obviously didn't on day 1, you still aren't convinced. Oh..and something is going to hurt a LOT! It varies depending on your body. For the Hubbums, his arms were barely mobile. For me...my front thighs were pretty much out of order, making going down stairs VERY difficult. P.S. We live on the third floor. Just say'n.
Day 3: More ouch, but MAN am I starting to look good.
Day 4: This was the hardest day yet. For some reason neither of us had any motivation and it was just difficult to get through....however...we were both LESS sore AFTER doing the workout than we were prior.
Day 5: Well, this was the first 5am attempt. A bit challenging due to the sleepy factor, but seriously...I'm doing better and I feel so good. I'm hungry. Very. Hungry. But I think that's a good thing because it means I'm burning calories.
Oh...and you totally discover muscles you never knew you had, so that's fun. Well, sort of fun...being that the method of discovery is usually pain. AND...you also will discover that you use certain muscles for things you NEVER knew you used them for. For example...why, YES, Jingle...you DO actually use your abs while driving.
So, yes...I hate her, but I love her and I must thank her because 25 days from now I am going to look DAMN good. Just say'n.
Now...some more personal thank yous:
I was fortunate to win several giveaways during the One World One Heart event and I have received some of those and I would simply be remiss if I did not take a few moments to share these beautiful things with you and thank the generous artists who gave them to me.
This absolutely amazing handmade Zentangle doodle journal came from the lovely Linda! She HAND doodled that cover! It is really so cool and I can't imagine the time that must have gone into this. AND it is painted and it just feels good and makes me happy! So beautiful! She also included a Micron pen for me to do my own doodling in the journal! Thanks, Linda!!!
See this cuteness???? It is actually a brooch that I pinned to a headband because I'm obsessed with having wonderful things in my hair, but it will make it's rounds as a brooch, too, I am sure of it! This was made by sweet Tammy at Red Panty Crafts. Ummm..yeah, that might be the best name EVER! HA! I LOVE the brooch, Tammy, thank you SO much!!!
So, on the list of amazing art forms, this one is pretty high. When Dianne, who is just super cute and fun, btw, told me that I had won some of her handmade papers I was pretty excited because I LOVE all things paper. However, when they arrived I was simply in SHOCK at just how gorgeous these are and the skill it takes to create them! That first photo shows you the variety that she sent and the second shows you the type of detail that is in each paper. These are STUNNING and I can't wait to use them...but I'm afraid to use them because I don't want to cut them! HA! She also sent some blank paper - the kind she uses so I can try to create my own....here's hoping I can even get CLOSE to the beauty of these sheets! Wow! Thanks, Dianne!
This piece. This. Piece. Take a moment.
Bridgette created and sent this absolutely amazing pendant to me. I have to be honest...I had a new experience when this piece arrived. I opened the delicately wrapped package, lifted the lid off the brown paper box and gasped. I had to catch my breath. I actually got a little teary simply from the beauty of this piece. I really love it. I can't say it effectively enough. This is an amazing little piece of art.
And...the last one for today...this HUGE pile of goodness! Ummm....so....WOW! For REALS! Joy stuffed this box so full of vintage papers, ephemera, stamps, and other amazingly fantabulous stuff! It was inspiring from the moment I opened it! I simply couldn't believe HOW MUCH there was in that box! I am so excited to put all of these fabulous treasures to good use! Thank you, Joy!
So, as you can see, I have been EXTREMELY blessed this week! Oh...and thank you all for taking the time to read The Hubbums post. Even if he did stuff me in the closet. Sometimes things need to be shared and we both felt like this was definitely one of those times. We genuinely appreciate each and every comment! Thank you! (And ... if you haven't read it yet...you should. It's a fairly amusing read, actually! HA!)
Looking forward to a great week! Leave a comment and say something happy!
Barnes and Noble, The Nook, and Flaming Eyebrows
For those of you who are wondering, no this isn't Jingle. This is her Dearest Hubbums. I have tied Jingle up and locked her in the closet in order to hijack her blog. So here's the story… The Wifee (Jingle) got the Hubbums (Me) a Barnes and Noble Nook for Christmas. For you technophobes out there, the Nook is an e-book reader (supposedly the world's most advanced e-book reader). My first response was, and I'm quoting here, "Yay for me!, Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Clause, and her name is Jingle." Unfortunately for me (and for you poor Jingle's hijacked blog readers) that was my first response. My second response, still quoting here, was, "Well that's not right." Third response was, "You've got to be kidding me!" Fourth, "But… I've been on hold for forty-five minutes." Fifth, "What do you mean you need my credit card again?" Sixth, "Why didn't you send the label? Well send it now…" Seventh, and I'm still quoting, "What the f%$@, this has to be a bad joke." Eighth, "Holy s*^#!, Barnes and Noble has completely ripped me off!"
Yes, my dear hijacked blog readers, I have been the victim of the worst customer service I have ever experienced in my 31 short years on this planet. And this customer service c$*@-up was perpetrated by none other than that media giant Barnes and Noble. Let's take my reactions in order from the second. (Yes, we're starting at number two, that's because my first reaction is self explanatory.)
Reaction the second was brought about by noticing, shortly after receiving my new Nook in the mail, that our bank account was $275.00 short. That shortage was caused by Barnes and Noble charging us twice for one Nook. Yup, Barnes and Noble charged us once when the Wifee made the purchase, then they charged us again when the device shipped from their warehouse. We got that taken care of and got the $275.00 back, but my joy regarding my new toy was slightly tempered.
Third reaction came on a Sunday morning about a week later when my new Nook froze on the start-up screen. I was the now the proud owner of a $275.00 paperweight. So I called tech-support and promptly sat on hold for most of an hour. When I finally talked to someone, I was told that I needed to talk to "digital support" which has a different number than the number listed for tech support in all of the Nook literature and on the nook box. Enter reaction the fourth. After I got over my confusion and disappointment, tech support transferred me to digital support, where I was immediately placed on hold for more than an hour. Eventually, a very nice digital support person (by god, don't you call them a tech support person!) spent about forty minutes walking me through various procedures and protocols to determine that my Nook was frozen on the start-up screen, and further, was, in fact, broken. I'd told him that forty minutes earlier, but whatever.
This conscientious digital support person said he was going to issue an RMA(Return to Manufacturer Authorisation) number and send me a return shipping label via e-mail. Great! Than he started to confuse me. He said that if I wanted the return dealt with immediately I could give him my credit card number (yes here is where reaction the fifth comes in) and have the matter solved and a new Nook in my hands in 3-5 days. I was hesitant to give Barnes and noble my credit card number seeing as how they had charged me for my Nook twice already. So, I asked for another option and was told that I could have my Nook replaced in 7-10 days without a credit card. I took the 7-10 day plan. For the record that was twenty days, four phone calls, and a trip to the brick and mortar ago.
I received the RMA e-mail instantaneously in my inbox. However, for days later I still hadn't received a return shipping label. So I called tech support again, sat on hold again, was told I needed digital support again, sat on hold again, and finally talked to a digital support person again. Oops, (wait for it… here goes reaction the sixth) their system hadn't sent out the label, but they'd send it now if I wanted.
Label came almost as soon as I hung-up the phone, I packed-up my Nook and sent it off to Barnes and Noble. A week later and ten business days since I had received my RMA number I still had not received a replacement Nook so I called tech support again, sat on hold again, was told I needed digital support again, sat on hold again, and finally talked to a digital support person again, again. He said he was sorry I was given the wrong information but that it would take seven to ten days from when they received my Nook, not from when they issued the RMA number. But they'd received my Nook three days ago so a new one should be shipping out soon. Here goes reaction the seventh. I get frustrated and ask them how they are going to resolve the fact that they gave me erroneous information. He said they weren't, it wasn't his problem. (Deja vu, it's reaction the seventh all over again.) I push and finally he agrees to send me a $10.00 Barnes and Noble gift card. Whoopdie freaking' do.
Another week and fifteen business days after I received my RMA number, still no Nook. So I call again, sit on hold again, ask for digital support (he can be taught!), sit on hold again, and talk to a a very nice person who is very understanding, doesn't know why my replacement hasn't been shipped yet, but he can't really do anything. So, he offers to let me talk to his supervisor because this entire situation is absolutely ridiculous (his words, not mine!) I politely decline and tell him I'm going to go to a store and talk to a manager, as I've got nowhere with Barnes and Noble over the phone. He agrees that this would probably be a good idea and I thank him for his honesty and help.
I head to my local B&N and end up talking to a manager there named Tina. (BTW, Tina, if you ever read this I hope you have a wonderful day, the stars align for you, you win the lottery, your wildest dreams come true. So far you have been the only bright spot in my interactions with Barnes and Noble. You and you alone are the only reason I have not vowed to do all my book shopping, which is substantial, at Borders and Amazon.) Tina agrees that my customer service has been horrible, she'd like to refund my money on the spot, but she can't because my Nook is not in my possession. (Ironic, I can't get my money back from B&N because they have my Nook, not me. Premonitions of reaction the eighth.) If she had any Nooks in stock, she'd give me one and let me exchange the new when it finally arrived, but corporate won't let her store stock Nooks. But, Tina does get on the phone and see what she can do, which is not much. But she tried, and is still trying, she's going to talk to her District Manager and see if he can expedite the process or make amends for my lousy customer service. She apologises for my trouble and tells me that she is personally embarrassed by my experience with her company, and if I don't hear from her by Monday to call her. (You rock Tina!)
Emboldened by my experience with Tina, I call back tech support. Again with the holding and the transferring and the holding. I eventually ask for a supervisor and get Chris. (Chris if you ever read this you are the exact opposite of Tina, enough said.) Chris tells me that this is just the way things work and it's not his fault that I didn't want to give my credit card information to a company that double charged me and that it would take 7-10 days form the day that B&N received my Nook just for a tech to verify that the Nook is actually broken before they can ship a replacement. That's it, reaction the eighth just hit in full force. I tell Chris (you have to say it like it's a dirty word) that I want a refund, and I'd like it now. He puts me on hold. FYI my eyebrows are in flames by this point. Chris (still, like a dirty word) says that he can't refund my money, because my replacement Nook might get shipped then I would have my money and my Nook. (But wait, they have my money and my Nook… Oh, I see!) But, he can cancel my Nook replacement order, and submit a refund request to Barnes and Noble corporate, it should only take 7-10 days to process.
If, dear hijacked blog readers, you're thinking about buying a Nook the name says it all, "Noooooooo… K!" That last bit is me choking on Barnes and Noble's horrific customer service.
Buy a Kindle, I have to go untie the Wifee now.
Five Fabulous Friday F.... Things. Ummm....
Yeah, okay, so I couldn't think of a word to finish out the alliteration action. Oh, well. Such is.
But....I do have Five fun and fabulous things to share with you this fine Friday, so here we go!
1. I hate Jillian Michaels. Except for the part that I love her. But I hate her. And love her. For serious, folks. Yes...I did the One Day Shred. Shhhhush! I am FULLY aware of what the video is ACTUALLY called, however, if you have ever actually DONE it, then you know...it is mis-named. HOWEVER...it does seem to be working, and I do sort of feel really kinda crazy good, so I love that girl! And I hate her. And we will continue with this love hate relationship for the next 30 (ish) days. Just say'n.
2. I LOVE The Hubbums! Yesterday I came home from work and wandered into my studio to find the latest issue of Art Doll Quarterly sitting happily on my desk!!!! YAY! So excited! Lots of fun and fabulous inspiration in there and just plain fun! He is great. Just great.
3. This is Pen. He is a dead penguin. I love him. He is a limited edition Skelanimal and SUPER STINKING CUTE! He arrived a couple of days ago and we have bonded nicely.

4. I am expecting some SERIOUSLY happy mail today!!! If my calculations are correct, I should find THREE new Cricut Carts in my mailbox today!!! So excited about that!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for the great birthday present!!!!
5. CUTE CARDNESS!!!! I had an AMAZING urge to create something cute over the last couple of days and last night I finally got the chance!!! I don't know what it is, but sometimes you just gotta go CUTE!!! So, I jumped in on the great sketch challenge over at CPS and created this super fun card!!! I had this fun idea to stack these cute stamps and when I saw the sketch I knew it would be a PERFECT fit! So fun!!!

The patterned papers are from Glitz (dots and pink) and Cosmo Cricket (yellow), the A-FREAKING-DORABLE stamps are from Gel-A-Tins. I colored the pig and monkey with Prismacolor pencils and then blended the color with OMS. The mouse is colored with CTMH watercolor pencils. The Doodlebug Design stickers spell out the perfect sentiment for the perfect card recipient! The Hubbums! Because he is pretty much great and stuff. You know...like I told you earlier in this post. And other posts. And....alright, I'll shut up about it already! HA!

Here is a close up shot of the dimension. I love making my cards pop up and up and UP!!!

And here you get to see those SO STINKINGLY AMAZINGLY ADORABLY CUTE critters up close and personal!!! I love them. They make me smile. Just say'n.
Soooooooo.....there's your five fun and fabulous things for this fine Friday!!!! Leave a comment...those are fun and fabulous too, and they keep me from wandering around asking myself why nobody loves me.
Just say'n.
Jingle Out.
HA!!!!! So funny. I'm telling you.....I can't say that without cracking up. Just. Can't. Do it.
See ya!!!!
But....I do have Five fun and fabulous things to share with you this fine Friday, so here we go!
1. I hate Jillian Michaels. Except for the part that I love her. But I hate her. And love her. For serious, folks. Yes...I did the One Day Shred. Shhhhush! I am FULLY aware of what the video is ACTUALLY called, however, if you have ever actually DONE it, then you know...it is mis-named. HOWEVER...it does seem to be working, and I do sort of feel really kinda crazy good, so I love that girl! And I hate her. And we will continue with this love hate relationship for the next 30 (ish) days. Just say'n.
2. I LOVE The Hubbums! Yesterday I came home from work and wandered into my studio to find the latest issue of Art Doll Quarterly sitting happily on my desk!!!! YAY! So excited! Lots of fun and fabulous inspiration in there and just plain fun! He is great. Just great.
3. This is Pen. He is a dead penguin. I love him. He is a limited edition Skelanimal and SUPER STINKING CUTE! He arrived a couple of days ago and we have bonded nicely.
4. I am expecting some SERIOUSLY happy mail today!!! If my calculations are correct, I should find THREE new Cricut Carts in my mailbox today!!! So excited about that!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for the great birthday present!!!!
5. CUTE CARDNESS!!!! I had an AMAZING urge to create something cute over the last couple of days and last night I finally got the chance!!! I don't know what it is, but sometimes you just gotta go CUTE!!! So, I jumped in on the great sketch challenge over at CPS and created this super fun card!!! I had this fun idea to stack these cute stamps and when I saw the sketch I knew it would be a PERFECT fit! So fun!!!
The patterned papers are from Glitz (dots and pink) and Cosmo Cricket (yellow), the A-FREAKING-DORABLE stamps are from Gel-A-Tins. I colored the pig and monkey with Prismacolor pencils and then blended the color with OMS. The mouse is colored with CTMH watercolor pencils. The Doodlebug Design stickers spell out the perfect sentiment for the perfect card recipient! The Hubbums! Because he is pretty much great and stuff. You know...like I told you earlier in this post. And other posts. And....alright, I'll shut up about it already! HA!
Here is a close up shot of the dimension. I love making my cards pop up and up and UP!!!
And here you get to see those SO STINKINGLY AMAZINGLY ADORABLY CUTE critters up close and personal!!! I love them. They make me smile. Just say'n.
Soooooooo.....there's your five fun and fabulous things for this fine Friday!!!! Leave a comment...those are fun and fabulous too, and they keep me from wandering around asking myself why nobody loves me.
Just say'n.
Jingle Out.
HA!!!!! So funny. I'm telling you.....I can't say that without cracking up. Just. Can't. Do it.
See ya!!!!
Let's Talk Inspiration for a Minute...
Inspiration is an interesting thing.
According to Dictionary.com it is the following:
/ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-spuh-rey-shuhn] Show IPA
1. an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
2. something inspired, as an idea.
3. a result of inspired activity.
4. a thing or person that inspires.
5. Theology.
a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b. the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
6. the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
7. the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.
Is that what inspiration is to you?
It's kind of funny...the first few definitions in this list make perfect sense. They are exactly what you would expect to see in a definition of the word Inspiration. However, I was quite caught by definition #6.
Inspiration: The drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
Never before have I seen these words - inhalation and inspiration - used together in such a manner. It is as if they are synonymous in a way. And, while I've never been introduced to them as such prior to reading this definition, I feel as though I have viewed inspiration in this way for a very long time. You see, it makes perfect sense.
Inspiration = Inhalation. Taking it all in. Absorbing design, emotion, feeling, color, line, style, contrast, and hue just as the lungs absorb oxygen. Inspiration is the very life force of Art. It is what keeps each piece breathing. I can't think of a more beautiful correlation.
So, this, of course, begs the question...if oxygen is provided by the environment, what then, does this very same environment provide in the way of inspiration. What are you inhaling to bring life to your art?
Here are a few things that have been taking my breath away as of late...or, providing it, as it may be.
If you are not familiar with Somerset Studio Magazine or any of the Stampington Publications, I strongly urge you to RUN to your nearest book shop and pick up a copy. The artists that are showcased are amazing and I have read the current issue literally more times than I can count at this point, each time breathing in something new and exhilarating to carry with me to my next piece!
As you guys already know, I love Etsy! However, I don't just love it for all the super fabulous handmade goodness that I can purchase there, I also love it for the sheer creative energy that flows through the site. Every time I sit down to peruse through page after page of cuteness or vintage fabulousness, I leave with an urge to make something wonderful!
Another place where I am constantly looking for that breath of fresh mountain air to fill my creative lungs is on various blogs. Yes, I read a couple of big names, but I prefer those fabulous artists who just make stuff because they have a pure and unadulterated passion for their art. I was so fortunate to come upon several of those during Whimsical Bohemian's One World One Heart event . But, I have to be honest. I want more. I think I may be an oxygen hog. I want to breathe deeply in the art of others in order to spur on my own creations. So...before you leave today, let me know what it is that inspires you. I would love links to wonderful places! Particularly art doll and mixed media happy places...those are really doing wonders for me at the moment. Even if it is your own! Let me know!
I want to absorb!
I want to inhale.
I want to be inspired.
According to Dictionary.com it is the following:
/ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-spuh-rey-shuhn] Show IPA
1. an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
2. something inspired, as an idea.
3. a result of inspired activity.
4. a thing or person that inspires.
5. Theology.
a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b. the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
6. the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
7. the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.
Is that what inspiration is to you?
It's kind of funny...the first few definitions in this list make perfect sense. They are exactly what you would expect to see in a definition of the word Inspiration. However, I was quite caught by definition #6.
Inspiration: The drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
Never before have I seen these words - inhalation and inspiration - used together in such a manner. It is as if they are synonymous in a way. And, while I've never been introduced to them as such prior to reading this definition, I feel as though I have viewed inspiration in this way for a very long time. You see, it makes perfect sense.
Inspiration = Inhalation. Taking it all in. Absorbing design, emotion, feeling, color, line, style, contrast, and hue just as the lungs absorb oxygen. Inspiration is the very life force of Art. It is what keeps each piece breathing. I can't think of a more beautiful correlation.
So, this, of course, begs the question...if oxygen is provided by the environment, what then, does this very same environment provide in the way of inspiration. What are you inhaling to bring life to your art?
Here are a few things that have been taking my breath away as of late...or, providing it, as it may be.
If you are not familiar with Somerset Studio Magazine or any of the Stampington Publications, I strongly urge you to RUN to your nearest book shop and pick up a copy. The artists that are showcased are amazing and I have read the current issue literally more times than I can count at this point, each time breathing in something new and exhilarating to carry with me to my next piece!
As you guys already know, I love Etsy! However, I don't just love it for all the super fabulous handmade goodness that I can purchase there, I also love it for the sheer creative energy that flows through the site. Every time I sit down to peruse through page after page of cuteness or vintage fabulousness, I leave with an urge to make something wonderful!
Another place where I am constantly looking for that breath of fresh mountain air to fill my creative lungs is on various blogs. Yes, I read a couple of big names, but I prefer those fabulous artists who just make stuff because they have a pure and unadulterated passion for their art. I was so fortunate to come upon several of those during Whimsical Bohemian's One World One Heart event . But, I have to be honest. I want more. I think I may be an oxygen hog. I want to breathe deeply in the art of others in order to spur on my own creations. So...before you leave today, let me know what it is that inspires you. I would love links to wonderful places! Particularly art doll and mixed media happy places...those are really doing wonders for me at the moment. Even if it is your own! Let me know!
I want to absorb!
I want to inhale.
I want to be inspired.
Happy Yellow Tulips! {Wordless Wednesday}
These are the beautiful tulips that my parents gave me for my birthday! I love them! They are bright and sunshiny!!!
Oh. And I *MIGHT* possibly, maybe be wearing red and black striped socks with purple ballet flats today just to make it a brighter day. Maybe. I could be. Just say'n.
For More Wordless Wednesday posts check here, here, and here!
All Cracked Up!
No...not in the amazingly hilarious kind of way. Sorry to disappoint. BUT...it IS all cracked up!!!
That's because after coating the ATC base with gesso, I applied a nice, thick-enough layer of crackle medium!!! Have you ever played with crackle medium, 'cause, dude, seriously...it's wicked crazy fun stuff! Over the medium I applied the green acrylic paint and WA-LAH! Beautiful cracked goodness!!!!
I added ink and texture in various forms to let that background just SING! I love it! You can totally feel it with your eyes, and that's just pretty much way cool.
I created the flower with fabric, buttons, and a fun little gem stone and simply lined the bottom of the ATC with some vintage text paper. The look is finished off with a bit of glitter around two of the corners and flooding onto the edges of the card.
I actually made this one for a lovely friend who is filling up a wonderful ATC tray, so I hope she likes it! I had a blast creating it!
Congratulations - An Elegant, yet Modern Wedding Card
When I read about THIS amazing challenge over at Caardvarks I couldn't help but want to give it a shot! My wheels starting turning almost instantly as I thought of a wonderful Wedding Card design!
I decided to go for an elegant look that still is a bit modern in design.

I began with a kraft base and a simple sentiment. (CTMH stamp and ink) I accordion folded the fan from a sheet from the Wedding pages of a vintage encyclopedia and inked the edges with Tim Holtz Distress ink (Ranger) to give it depth. I used my Cricut to cut the simple, scalloped border and the brackets from My Mind's Eye papers. The scallops are layered with dimensional adhesive giving them a fabulous sense of dimension! The lace (Making Memories) is placed below the border and I added a few gem stones (CTMH and Making Memories) to give a more formal feel to the entire design. The edges of the card are inked to pull the whole piece together.

So, let me know what you think! I really love how this one turned out! Classic beauty and a bit non-traditional, while still respecting the occasion! I love it!
I decided to go for an elegant look that still is a bit modern in design.
I began with a kraft base and a simple sentiment. (CTMH stamp and ink) I accordion folded the fan from a sheet from the Wedding pages of a vintage encyclopedia and inked the edges with Tim Holtz Distress ink (Ranger) to give it depth. I used my Cricut to cut the simple, scalloped border and the brackets from My Mind's Eye papers. The scallops are layered with dimensional adhesive giving them a fabulous sense of dimension! The lace (Making Memories) is placed below the border and I added a few gem stones (CTMH and Making Memories) to give a more formal feel to the entire design. The edges of the card are inked to pull the whole piece together.
So, let me know what you think! I really love how this one turned out! Classic beauty and a bit non-traditional, while still respecting the occasion! I love it!
Winners!!! My Birthday Giveaway and my OWOH Giveaway!!!
The winner of my surprise Birthday giveaway is JANA!!! Jana, thanks for being such an awesomely loyal reader!!!!
Thank you ALL for the wonderful birthday wishes!!! It was great!!!
And...the winners of my OWOH giveaway are....
Debby at The Gathering Nest (First prize - you win the Kibbet!)
Regina at Southern OOAKS (Second Prize - you win the Vintage Encyclopedia pates)!!!!
Congratulations to everyone!!! And thanks so much for making this SO much fun!!!
Thank you ALL for the wonderful birthday wishes!!! It was great!!!
And...the winners of my OWOH giveaway are....
Debby at The Gathering Nest (First prize - you win the Kibbet!)
Regina at Southern OOAKS (Second Prize - you win the Vintage Encyclopedia pates)!!!!
Congratulations to everyone!!! And thanks so much for making this SO much fun!!!
It's My Birthday!!!
Yes, it would appear that the day has arrived! I love my birthday!!! I really do. I'm like a little kid. A guy I work with likes to remind me that it is nothing special and it is just an ordinary day. He's wrong. Just say'n.
No, for reals, though. There is just something great about having a day that is special to you and your family alone. Birthdays, anniversaries, you know....those kinds of things. They are actually EXTRA special because they are personal, they are real, and they are just pure, unadulterated fun!
And, on another very extremely amazingly FUN note...My sister is an actress, she is actually getting ready to leave on an educational tour this coming week. Because she always has an eye on calls and such she sent me some info on auditions for a community theater production of Clue in our area. Well, The Hubbums gave it a shot and last night he was given the role of Wadsworth!!! Yes, that would be the hilarious butler played by Tim Curry in the movie. LOVE IT!!!! I am so excited and so proud of him!!! I can't wait to see it! He is going to have a blast!!!! (Oh...and if, perchance, you haven't seen the 1985 film - go out right now and get it. Sit down. Watch it. Trust me on this one. It is SO worth the time. Hi-freaking-larious. Just say'n.)
And...I also have Monday AND Tuesday off from work, so that is super great, so basically there is just lots and lots of super great going on around here and I'm kinda hyper about it all! HA! I know...totally UNLIKE me to be hyper and such.
Oh. Wait.
But....anyway....since I'm in SUCH a fabulous mood and since I'm having Pink Snowballs (Hostess) for breakfast 'cause it's my birthday and I can, I've decided to do a REALLY QUICK GIVEAWAY!!!! Yup! Just over the weekend to celebrate all the good stuff! I don't know what it will be yet....it's a surprise, but it will be good! It may be made by me, it may be bought by me, it may be both. Who knows! The point is...it will most certainly be SUPER FUN!!!!
To enter to win just leave a comment, but make sure it's a real one. If you only say 'I wanna win!' or 'Pick me.' the random generator has a habit of skipping those numbers. Just say'n. Hee-hee. That's all!!!! Have a super happy FRIDAY!!!!!
Good Things Come In Little Packages!
And it certainly doesn't hurt for those little packages to be REALLY SUPER CUTE!!! The challenge over at BASB right now is to create a cute Valentine along with a matching gift bag...WELLLLLLL.....I have been just ITCHING for an excuse to use my Cricut to make a gift bag, so I jumped right in for this one! It was SOOOO fun! Seriously. Cutting a tiny little gift bag, decorating, and assembling it is a seriously good time. Just say'n.
I used Making Memories Papers along with some sparkle and lace! LOVE. IT.!!!!!
For the side of the bag I used my Martha Stewart Trellis border punch and just punched out a portion of the design so I could put this fabulous strip along the edge of my tiny little gift bag. THAT was fun!
I then used the same papers to create the card! So fun!!! I love matchy matchy stuff, I really do. I can't help it. It just seems right. Just say'n.
So...there you have it!!! A super freaking adorable little matching Valentine's set! I love it. It makes me happy. I will be making more in the next day or so if I get time 'cause it is just too fun! What do you think?
Some Said She Didn't Deserve Sunshine
If you are coming over from Whimsical Bohemian for the One World One Heart Giveaway Please Click This Link!
This is NOT the giveaway post. You MUST click the link above and comment there to be entered.
OH! And a quick note to those who asked yesterday...My Mom bought the slippers for me at Anne Taylor Loft for Christmas. I don't know if they have those ones anymore, but I know they had a similar pair in black that were really cute, too!

This is a mixed media on stretched canvas. It is small. I think it is about 3 1/2 x 51/2 or so.

I created the background using multiple layers. I began with a thick layer of gesso using brushstrokes to add texture. Over that, was added a vintage book page with french text. I covered that with an acrylic paint/glitter glaze mix that I thinned out and then added a couple of layers of crepe paper over the vintage book page. I overstamped with distress inks and sealed the base so that the ink would not run.

I used decoupaged the face image after cutting it to the shape I desired and singing the edges. The wings are stamped and cut from handmade papers.

Her torso is stamped into polymer clay with distress ink. I love this because even after curing in the oven, the distress ink retains it's imperfect look.

I used various trinkets and such to detail the features. The piece is finished with a simple phrase:

I think her simple beauty and the glitter that surrounds this young lady prove those people to be quite wrong, indeed. That's what I think.

This is NOT the giveaway post. You MUST click the link above and comment there to be entered.
OH! And a quick note to those who asked yesterday...My Mom bought the slippers for me at Anne Taylor Loft for Christmas. I don't know if they have those ones anymore, but I know they had a similar pair in black that were really cute, too!
This is a mixed media on stretched canvas. It is small. I think it is about 3 1/2 x 51/2 or so.
I created the background using multiple layers. I began with a thick layer of gesso using brushstrokes to add texture. Over that, was added a vintage book page with french text. I covered that with an acrylic paint/glitter glaze mix that I thinned out and then added a couple of layers of crepe paper over the vintage book page. I overstamped with distress inks and sealed the base so that the ink would not run.
I used decoupaged the face image after cutting it to the shape I desired and singing the edges. The wings are stamped and cut from handmade papers.
Her torso is stamped into polymer clay with distress ink. I love this because even after curing in the oven, the distress ink retains it's imperfect look.
I used various trinkets and such to detail the features. The piece is finished with a simple phrase:
I think her simple beauty and the glitter that surrounds this young lady prove those people to be quite wrong, indeed. That's what I think.
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