
No, I have not yet fallen off the planet....

....just the usual "my goodness! when was the last time I blogged..." excuses. Super crazy busy, spent time with family instead of online during the holiday weekend. Tons going on. Haven't created JACK lately! And so on.... HOWEVER....I did make some REALLY yummy pumpkin cupcakes and got one of my best cupcake pics ever (imo) so I'll be posting that, along with an Etsy feature, perhaps some pics of my super cute cousins playing in the dog cage....yup...you read that right...and maybe if you (and me) get lucky I will make something cute and post that! I did get some fun pics when we went to cut down my parents Christmas tree, so those may be worth sharing with you, too. Maybe some youth group pics, I do have a few decorations up so I could post about that....I don't know... I'll come up with some stuff, though, I promise! I'm always full of good 'ole randomness!

What would YOU like to see this week?


  1. What would YOU like to see this week? I will tell what I don't want instead....Don't you dare post pictures of sunny weather ...I am stuck in snow and ice :-P Have I told you I HATE snow...

  2. hi jingle! found your great blog when i saw that you voted for my brown stripe personalized note pads. Thanks so much! i'll be back here soon for a longer look. lots to see!

  3. I would love to see some yummy pumpkin cupcakes show up in my mailbox, but I'll settle for the next best thing ... a recipe!

  4. OH YUM send some cupcakes my way!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!
