
Best. Day. Ever. - Scrapbook Circle Goodness!!!

The kit for this month over at Scrapbook Circle is SO MUCH FUN!!! I have to be honest, when I first saw it I wasn't sure where I was going to go with it, but once I got my hands on it I was SO thrilled with the cards that were coming out of it!!! And you should SEE the amazing scrapbook pages the rest of the design team has come up with using this fabulous kit! It is serious cuteness!!! The kit is called Best. Day. Ever. and it's basically amazing. Just say'n.

Here is one of the cards I created using this super fun kit!

Tight Squeeze

This one utilizes the adorable Dear, Lizzy stickers from American Crafts and just a strip of the wonderful paper from the Bazzill Vintage Marketplace collection. I also pulled a strip of cardstock from the cardstock add-on for this month. If you are ordering the kit, I HIGHLY suggest getting the cardstock add-on. It's only a few dollars and it adds so much to the kit and the colors are fabulous!!!!

Tight Squeeze (detail)

I think this card is just fun! It sort of has that BEST.DAY.EVER. feel to it, you know? I hope you have a truly fabulous day today. Smile. Right now. No...really...it will make you feel good. Just do it. K. Thanks. Bye, now.


Jingle out.


  1. Yes, it does have a best.day.ever. kinda feel. Makes me wish I was on that scooter meandering over the countryside with a picnic basket and blanket on the back, lookin for some meadow full of flowers to sit and enjoy the beautiful sunshine!

  2. Very cute!!! :) Loving those colors!

  3. this card is awesome...I am a scooter girl and i totally love this..

  4. How could anybody NOT smile when reading your blog posts? YOu are such a cutie-patooty! So is that card! I am craaaaazy 'bout the colors & the tiny motorbike! WAY too cute!

  5. pretty sure that scooter is the cutest thing ever!!! Super cute card!

  6. totally does. so fun...just makes you happy looking at it!

  7. such a cute card... I love it all.. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me today... hugs

  8. seriously adorable!

  9. That IS an amazing kit! I love the pretty colours and especially that tape!

  10. Love this kit too! Great card! Love the scooter images in that line.

  11. Very cute! I love that scooter.. it make for such a happy card!

  12. Very cute scooter card! The phrase banner is terrific.

  13. Such a fun card and what a great kit!

  14. Super cute card! I love the coulors and the clean look of it!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier!
    xoxo Karen

  15. Love, love, love that little scooter.

  16. Ok, enabler. I'm going to check out Scrapbook Circle now. My hubby will be none to pleased. hahaha


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