
I love Ice Cream. I Really and Truly Do. Just Say'n.

It's a bit amazing, actually. Ice Cream, that is. I mean, it has the amazing ability to simply make one happy. And it is darned good at it. At least for me it is. Just say'n.

Life ... How Sweet it is!

And, that, my friends, is precisely why I thought of this wonderful sentiment to go with these SUPER YUMMY LOOKING ice cream brads from The Eyelet Outlet! The stamps are from the Samantha Walker Sweet Life set from Unity. I cut the cherry out and made it shiny with a bit of glossy accents and then popped it up so it would coordinate well with the super fun brads! The twine is from The Twinery.

Life...How Sweet... (detail)

*sigh* And now I want ice cream. For breakfast. Just say'n. HA! Don't worry. I will just have yogurt. But I'd rather have the ice cream. Such is life, my dears, such is life.

The good news is today is FRIDAY!!!! Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? Ice Cream, maybe? Just a random thought. You know...totally random. 'Cause I wouldn't be the type to focus this cute card post on the fact that I just really love ice cream. Of course I wouldn't do that. That would just be weird. Or ... something.

K. Bye, now.

Ice Cream.

Jingle Out.

Maybe with Ice Cream.

Just say'n.


  1. Ding, ding! We have a winner on cutest brads!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. totally love this! And, yes - I can practically eat my body weight in ice cream - LOL!

  4. Well growing up in my house my mom only ever bought icemilk (do they even make that stuff anymore?!) so when I moved out on my own I swore only real ice cream would occupy my freezer!! Then I married a man who adores ice cream as much as, oh...say breathing!!!!!!!!! LOL. Love the ice cream cone brads-definitely makes me want ice cream and no, I would never say you created this post just to talk about ice cream...hahaha

  5. what a fun card...love those little brads..

  6. HAHAHAHA!!! Jen, you're a NUT (atop some yummy ICE CREAM, of course!) The brads? Oh, yeah! HAVE to get some of those!!! They ... GASP! ... gave me an idea for a ... CARD! WHAT? ME???? Yeppers! It won't be awesome like yours, but it will be a CARD! Have a super deluxe, 36 flavored ice creamy day!

  7. I really love SWEET cards like this! Those brads are cute as can be! :) And if it were me, I'd have ice cream for breakfast if you want it. A few scoops out of the container won't hurt ... LOL

  8. gorgeous card and now I want ice cream too!
    Have a great weekend ♥Debxx

  9. Sweet LOL Of course you can have ice cream for breakfast. Ice cream works wonderfully in coffee - just a spoonful of course when you are out of milk!

  10. those brads are perfect with this. CUTE!

  11. Ice cream is the breakfast of champions! Love the brads :)

  12. Very cute card and the brads are so cute.

  13. Very cute card and the brads are so cute.

  14. Super CUTE card!!! Great sentiment and love those little ice creams!!! (=

  15. Super cute use of those brads! Love the addition of the cherry on top!

  16. cute buttons~I love IC too but it doesn't love me!! sweet card Jingle!!!!

  17. Yummy card! I had a weak moment at the grocery store yesterday and bought some B&J's Peanut Brittle ice cream. Needless to say the pint was gone last night while chatting on SCS!

  18. Those brads are stinkin' adorable! Great card!

  19. This is so simple and AWESOME!

    I love ice cream so much I went out and bought an ice cream maker with a compressor so that we don't need all the ice and salt. Just the energy.

    And we make all sorts of delicious, healthy (really! I'm serious) ice cream.

  20. Cute stuff!
    Those little ice cream brads are darling.

  21. I'm screamin' for ice cream! Love!

  22. Loving this cute card......oooh icecream my total favourite....yummy. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  23. SO cute!

    I heard that ice cream can be physically addicting, just saying. . . my husband worked at a place that had the best ice cream ever when we were in high school. But that has nothing to do with why I started dating him, why would you think that??


  24. I want those brads. No, wait, I can't eat them, can I?

  25. mmm, ice cream. chocolate, of course.

  26. Super cute... and yammy Icecream.

  27. CUTE!!! And now...I want ice cream!


  28. Sweet card. I've got plans. Going to hang out with my 3 sisters for the week. By the ocean just sayin'!!!

  29. This card just makes me melt! Ha ha. Pun totally intended. I'm sure you know that I LOVE ice cream. I eat it almost every day. When I don't eat it, I feel like something is missing from my day. This card just might fill the gap. Although, I've already had ice cream today and I plan to try to work in some more ice cream tonight!

  30. You always make me smile!! Love love love these.

  31. Cute card! I'll take a scoop of peanut butter fudge. :)

  32. Simply divine. I adore ice cream too! take care, gerri

  33. How very clever!
    Love it Jingles!!


  34. This card is so perfect and cute!

  35. cute card! gonna go get some Ice cream :)

  36. very very cute! i always enjoy your posts and now i want to go for ice cream!

  37. Wait a minute! What is wrong about ice cream for breakfast??

  38. This is such a sweet card and I just love those ice- cream brads.

  39. Sweet, I was thinking about ice cream but decided I'd better wait till it warms up. LOL
    hugs Lynn


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