
Granny's Photo Album and WOYWW

I am so excited! Retro Cafe Art is sponsoring Gingersnap Creations this month! Can you say, "Match made in heaven." 'cause....it totally is. Just say'n. The first challenge is the theme challenge and it is 'Granny's Photo Album' - totally FUN!!!! Here is a card I created using Retro Cafe Art products for the challenge!

Happy Birthday Cameo

I used a Cameo Profile Charm inside that fabulous brass picture frame and gave her a bit of sparkle with a rhinestone! The trim is a bit of lace from May Arts and some vintage buttons clustered with the beautiful paper flower. Also, the base of the card is covered with Tim Holtz Tissue Tape.


You should totally play along with this challenge! Retro Cafe Art if offering an AMAZING prize with a value of $35! You can check it all out HERE!

As for the current state of my desk, well, business as usual!

woyww 3/7/2012

You can actually see the remnants of the house paper I used on the card above and that is a brand new can of spray paint ready to alter another fabulous bit from Retro Cafe Art! I'm also spotting the printable from the brand new Scrapbook Circle kit and THAT is pretty awesome, lots of scissors...corner rounders, and.... well, the signs that creative activity has most definitely taken place. And that, my friends, is what I like to see in a workspace! Just say'n.

Starburst All Red Jelly Beans

Well, that, and THIS!!!! It's JELLY BEAN SEASON!!!! I love Jelly Bean season. *sigh* It makes me happy. Just say'n. And best of all Starburst makes this fabulous bag of ALL REDS! Yup, Strawberry, Watermelon, and Cherry. There are precisely ZERO gross flavors in this bag and I pretty much LOVE THAT!!!!!

So, with that....have a super happy Wednesday!!!!


  1. great card and oh i am totally stopping at cvs to pick up a bag of these starburst jelly beans!!

  2. Gorgeous card! I always have coffee at my craft desk - do right now. Jelly beans would make me chubby :)

    Deanne :)

  3. Loving your card, but aaaaaaaah those jelly beans....wowser, x

  4. Absolutely love your creation.Those jeelybeans look lush my daughter would love them anything strawberry or watermelon shes there even doen to shampoo...lol
    Have fab wednesday and creative week hugs judex 9

  5. Great card and those jelly beans look delicious - even at 9 a.m.!

  6. Great card, love the different textures. I too love jelly bean season and consider myself quite a connoisseur. My current favorite are the Sweetart ones. YUM! I have two bags that I got on sale at CVS last week for $1.49 a piece. Yay!

  7. another super cute card~love the rhinestone in her hair~nice touch!!!

  8. your card is so gorgeous,love the cameo, the frame, the paper, well everything!
    those red starburst beans are yummy!
    happy WOYWW, Debxx #14

  9. Your card is fabby!!! Now I will be longing for red jelly beans all day and that is not good for me LOL I don't think that particular bag of red goodness has come to Canada, so I am saved!

  10. That's a VERY tempting theme to try. I AM, after all a granny (and GREAT Granny) myself. Hmmm ...! Your card ROCKS! And jellybeans! (I am a fan of Jelly Bellies - especially the coffee flavored ones & pretty much ALL the rest except for the watermelon and tutti-fruti) so I'm totally feelin' you!

  11. Now you have me heading to the sweety jar!

  12. pretty card...love how you did the frame...awesome

  13. Beautiful card! I am totally into pomegranite jelly beans, right now. I have even eaten them for breakfast. Hey, it's a fruit!

  14. great card! Your desk looks like mine :)

  15. Lovely card, love the cameo. Very creative desk too. Tracy x

  16. Gorgeous card! LOVE that frame on it!

    my desk is looking a bit like yours at the moment! And I'm a bit of a compulsive neat freak in my scrapping space. I actually have to clean up during projects because I can't stand the clutter encroaching on my space, LOL! i know...weirdness!

  17. You never disappoint...beautiful card. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Such a pretty and elegant card! :)

  19. Such an amazing card! Love that frame. Uh, jelly beans?! Seriously love me some jelly beans but I lean toward the sour or spicy hot kind like tangerine or jalapeno! I was never a Jelly Belly consumer until I tried a few of their flavors...buttered popcorn...yummy!! I do love Starburst candy and strawberry is yummy, but I cannot abide anything cherry!!
    Enjoy your beans, Girl:)

  20. Awesome card. And yay to jelly bean season. Its also Peep season. Time to stock up!

  21. LOVE the frame!!!

    yikes! it is jelly bean season. love the black ones best :)

  22. Gorgeous card which excuses you for the mess on your desk as it was essential to produce it! My fave jeel beans are cinnamon... but hard to find.
    Love JoZarty x

  23. So nice I like the use of the cameo and the lace .
    Hugs Elaine

  24. Gorgeous cards, I especially love the vintage lace and the pearls that you have used :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Luv Karen xx

  25. Your posts always make me smile and I must say that desk looks a little cleanner than usual! As for the jelly beans, I am glad there are no gross flavors in there ;) waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

  26. one day i will work out how you are managing to get over the pond to the uK, snap my desk , get home, and have it blogged ready fro woyww, for sure that is my messy desk not yours?

    Dx 111

  27. That card is elegant and pretty, but I do NOT like cherry jellybeans . . .

    Had a box of yummy sour JellyBellies at Valentines, all sour-but-not-too-sour flavors.


  28. That card is elegant and pretty, but I do NOT like cherry jellybeans . . .

    Had a box of yummy sour JellyBellies at Valentines, all sour-but-not-too-sour flavors.


  29. That card is elegant and pretty, but I do NOT like cherry jellybeans . . .

    Had a box of yummy sour JellyBellies at Valentines, all sour-but-not-too-sour flavors.


  30. love your messy desk. Pretty card. Not into jelly beans - luckily or I'd be in sugar overload. BIG GRIN
    Thanks for the peek, have a great day

  31. Love that card and the jelly beans yummy!!! Fabulous lace on that scrummy card, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  32. how beautiful - loving the lace x

  33. Great card.
    Your desk is always so interesting. And of course the treats, they are always a nice touch ;)
    I have a chocolate bear claw on mine....well a half eaten bear claw, lol.

  34. So pretty! I need to get me a bag of all red jb!

  35. Lovely card, I need to check out the challenge!
    Jelly bean season? LOL
    hugs Lynn

  36. super LOVE your card and I always love it when you share your desktop:)

  37. The card is lovely and the jelly beans look yummy! Have a great crafty week. Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #26

  38. Just so elegant.
    As for your desk, I am pretty messy at the moment myself lol.

  39. Fantastic card, not sure about the red Jelly beans though, lol! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW, it's now Friday & I'm still snooping! Zo xx 60

  40. Gorgeous! Love the way you've clustered the flower with the buttons.

  41. Wonderful card...love your silhouettes! take care, gerri

  42. That wooden silhouette is just too cool! Love the way you framed it!

  43. Great card...love the button/flower embellishment cluster, love the cameo in the frame...very nice job!


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