
Hello! A Giant Clothespin of CUTENESS!

Well, my vacation is officially over, so back to the routine it is. I did, however, make a discovery...the coffee sleeves at Dunkin Donuts have a different pattern on them. I feel as though there is a whole new world of coffee sleeve crafting opening up before my very eyes! HA!!! It's the little things that keep me going. Really. It is. Just sayin'.

Today I want to share a super cute project I created with Stampendous! stamps and a bit of May Arts burlap string.

Hello! Giant Clothespin

I began with a Bare Elements clothespin from Creative Imaginations and I stamped the Distressed Type Cling stamp onto some Stamp'n Up! paper I had in my scrap bin. I layered the paper onto the clothespin adhering it completely. I then stamped the typewriter from the Vintage Typewriter set onto bristol and cut it out. I adhered that with foam tape and then wrapped the Burlap String around the pin (through the spring) and tied it off to finish the pin! I did mine with the clippy part facing downward so it can be hung on the wall to hold stuff, but if you want it to stand up to hold things like recipes or photos you can do it the other way around.

Hello Giant Clothespin (detail)

I love how easy this was and yet, how adorable it turned out! These are a great way to present gift cards and such, too! Very fun project! I hope you have a super fantastic Monday!!! I'm excited to get back into my usual blogging schedule and such!

Jingle Out.


  1. this is just way too cute! i am addicted to clothes pins right now!

  2. Cute, cute, cute!!
    I think clothespins are going to be a big trend and you are ahead of the game :)

  3. this is just way cute...I love this big clothes pin...love that typewriter stamp...

  4. oh, that is totally cute!!!

  5. I love this...Great idea jingle and as you say, that clothespin can be turned up or down!

  6. Super cute! I have a bunch of these I need to alter.

  7. super cute!!!! I made a couple of these too. They do come in handy! Great work, jenn!

  8. Love it! Definitely cute!

  9. Oh this is totally adorable--I love it!!!

  10. Very cute! I'm obsessed with big clothespins, so this really spoke to me! :)

  11. {love} typewriters, but I'm pretty glad I don't use one anymore...backspace & delete are good friends of mine, although Liquid Paper was my bestie for a long time in Uni...lol
    Love the twine bow :)

  12. This is super cute! LOve the old typewriter stamp....right up my alley!

  13. Awesome project! Like the idea of it holding a gift card or something similar.

  14. Yep, you're right--




    totally cute!!


  15. So cute, sorry you had to go back to work :(

  16. Adorable clip. So glad you joined our Behind The Alley Blog Hop.

  17. LOVE your altered clip!

    I hear your pain...I was back to work on Monday too...

  18. This is super fabby fab fabulous! What a terrific project, just love it!

  19. I love this fun card- you are so creative!!! I do not drink coffee or eat donuts......but I will be on the look out for coffee holder thingies.....hehehe


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