
What's Black and White and Very Pretty?

A card made with the beautiful Skipping Stones Design Dandelion Dreams stamps! Yes, my friends, it's time for a new sketch challenge over at Skipping Stones and this is a GREAT one, you guys! It's SO easy to use so you should totally play along 'cause you could totally win free stamps and that would be, like, totally awesome, dudes. Just sayin'.

I created this card using the sketch, which I, of course, flipped on it's side because I can never seem to do things the easy way. I'm sort of crazy like that. No. For reals, though. I'm kinda nuts.

Floral Black and White Card

I used the beautiful background paper from Crate Paper's Portrait collection (I love that collection. Lots. And lots. Just sayin'.) Along with some very pretty ribbon from May Arts! YAY! As for that GORGEOUS frame...YUP! Totally used the new Grand Calibur for that one!! Can I even TELL you how much I'm loving that machine? Seriously. It's pretty awesome and stuff. For reals.

Black and White Floral (detail 2)

I added just a few little rhinestones off of one corner to give it a little extra something. I like 'em.

Floral Black and White (detail)

Sooo...now that you have taken a look at my card, I know you totally want to see more! Head on over to the Skipping Stones blog to check out what the entire team did! They pretty much rock, so it will totally be worth your time. I promise.

As for me...I'm going to try to forget about the hot tea that exploded on my hand a couple of minutes ago and enjoy my Dulce de Leche Cheerios. After that, well, I'm sure I will attempt to do something productive, I just KNOW IT! I hope you have a Totally Terrific Tuesday! Tee-hee!

Jingle Out.


  1. Just beautiful! Love those silhouettes. :)

  2. Very pretty! Great touches with the ribbon and the bling!

  3. I love how you create in all kinds of mediums! I'm still swooning over your casts with the magic putty stuff!

  4. oh yes! Very pretty!

  5. so pretty...love that fun die cut you used...just perfect.

  6. This is so pretty and elegant! Looks like you are getting some good use from that fancy schmancy new die cutting machine!

  7. I love black and white...anytime! Peace, mary helen Fernandez Stewart

  8. I hope your hand is OK! Although the cheerios should help.
    Gorgeous card - that frame piece is stunning!

  9. wait a minute, leche cheerios? really? i know about tres leches cake..... hmmm.

    your card looks great!


  10. Beautiful card Jingle and love that fab die cut. x

  11. This card is really elegant, great job! :)

  12. You're right, it is VERY pretty!

  13. This card is beautiful, and I love that frame! Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

  14. Such an elegant card.
    Hope you didn't burn yourself, ouch.


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