
What you are about to see just might shock and amaze you. Just say'n.

This is my not-even-close-to-wordless-Wednesday post and my WOYWW! Just say'n.

WOYWW 7/27/2011

I know, right? Yes, I cleaned up that massive insanity that was my desk. It was honestly beyond workable, so it had to be done. The rest of the room still needs a LOT of work, but at least this is a start.

WOYWW 7/27/2011 (2)

I do have a project or two sitting there waiting for me. Along with an envelope at the end that I am just now remember I was supposed to prepare and take to the Post Office today...I guess I will be doing that tomorrow, then. HA!

WOYWW 7/27/2011

These lovelies will be worked on this week for sure. They are waiting for paint and proper clothes and such. One of them is for a swap and the other two are just for fun. 'Cause I love making dolls. This body type is new for me and I don't know if I like it or not yet. We shall see once they are completed! HA!

WOYWW 7/27/2011

Many of the things I currently am storing on my desk need new homes, but that won't happen until I get some reorganizing done in the room as a whole. I am, however, now just ITCHING to jump in and make stuff on that nice clear desktop!

OH! Guess what? So, we had that heat wave last week and I thought my ac in my car was just struggling because it was slightly over one million degrees outside and extremely humid, HOWEVER, as it turns out, I discovered yesterday when it was just normal hot (like 85 or so and muggy) that it still didn't seem to be working...after a bit more investigation, alas, my ac is NOT working and needs to be recharged. Seriously? I went through a freaking heat wave with a less-than-functional AC and lived? Wow. I must like hot more than I thought! HA! Anyway, hopefully taking that in on Monday to get the recharge done. In the meantime, it's gonna be some warm, cozy hour long commutes home for the rest of the week! Fun stuff.

On another note...if you were looking for the sketch over at Skipping Stones Design yesterday and found it wasn't up there yet, it has been posted, so you can check it out and play along with this week's sketch for your chance to win! Also, two wonderful stamp sets are on sale this week, including the recently released Victorian Summer, so check it out!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Lol, my first thoughts when you said the rest of the room needed tidying was "no way, she's going to dive right in there on that clean desk and mess it up again!"... just sayin'! Yeah, our heat has finally broken too, now all we need is a bit of rain!

    Brenda 73

  2. You are entertainment, Girlie! I love reading your wacky, real posts...makes me know I'm not alone. I hate that you went through all that heat wave with non-working ac in your car!!! I know that's miserable because my dear old blue suburban (may she rest in peace) and I went through many a Houston summer with a barely working ac...forget cool air after the temperature rose to 75!! Love your cleaned up desk and those dolls look interesting. My grandmother, who was a very crafty lady, made all sorts of dolls (her first love) so I'm intrigued by what you'll come up with!
    Happy scrapping!

  3. Is that really your tidy desk?? I would never dare show a pic of mine! Hope you soon get your AC back! Valerie

  4. wow i dont think i have ever seen your desk this clean! your project looks really fun!

  5. You have made my day! I will walk around with a large smile on my face just because of you! I feel such relief about my art desk and art room now, as I thought I may have gone over an edge of insanity with a small slice of usable space surrounded with containers of art tools and supplies, but now I find it's a shared condition of being a creative person....and I am envious of the much larger work space you have just created, as the blank area on your desk certainly is inviting all sorts of tools and such to pile up in a frenzy of creativity! Good for you! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

  6. YAY!! Your desk is clean. :) Now mess it up, girlie!!

  7. Get creating and mess up all that wonderful some with some thing lovley, Thanks for sharing

  8. Love your post...especially about it being 1,000,000 degrees in Massachusetts! Glad it has cooled a bit for you - good luck with your a/c recharge. Hope to see the finished dolls!

  9. Well i'm just impressed how you manage to keep everything on the edges, if my desk wasn't backed against the wall there would be mess all over the place lol
    I keep seeing your doll heads but never the finished dolls, i really need some time to browse your blog properly.. know anywhere i can buy some time lol

  10. That loots like a very organised desk today :-)
    A x

  11. You sure are entertaining!

    Happy WOYWW.

    Hugs, Sandra Take a peek at MY DESK here

  12. Your dolls look SO interesting!

  13. So tidy.... some of it anyhow!
    Glad you've got rid of the worst of the heat - for now anyway - hope your AC works ok next time... lol.

  14. Heat wave here as well! Can't wait for it to be over :)

  15. Great Desk! Love the trio of dolls awaiting completion...I am sure that they will turn out fabulous! Great to know that I am not the only one who needs to clean to craft! LOL!- Amanda #36

  16. OMGOSH (clutching heart) I AM shocked and amased...LOL!! You always make me smile..thank you. The desk looks great and really I can't wait to see it messy again. Means your muse has been singing!!

    Owwwwwww..I love the dolls. You know several of my dolls are the yarn bodies but I do a bit of stuffing here and there to fill them out. Hummm, wish I could do that to myself although it would be removing some of this stuffing I have..hehe!!

    Have a great Wednesday...HUGS!!

  17. Lol! You crack me up! My studio counter is a disaster like always. I never seem motivated to do anything about it though! Good luck with your ac!

  18. Lol! You crack me up! My studio counter is a disaster like always. I never seem motivated to do anything about it though! Good luck with your ac!

  19. okay! That's it! While everyone talks of heat waves from last week, I'm still wondering what planet I'm on!! My friends from an hours away were, like you, struggling with Ac's and sweatin like crazy while I, up here in Quebec city, was freezin at a mere 15 degrees (celsius..) and wearing socks and long sleeves!! LOL!hihi!
    on another note, just can't wait to see how your little dolls turn out :) keep us posted!!

  20. PHOOEY! I want SO much to go back & comment on ALL your blog posts from the time I was out of town, but I can't 'cause I'm trying to do 965 things before this weekend. I DID go back & READ them all! Sadly, I'll comment on THIS one only, yet let you know I loved seeing everything you've been up to in the past few posts! These dolls are going to be AWESOME! I KNOW because I own one of your awesome dolls! And as much as I WANT to sympathize re: the a/c, we've had NO a/c in the car for almost 6 YEARS even in Houston's excruciatingly sticky heat. Can't afford to get the darned thing fixed. And we have this kind of heat for MONTHS. Does that make it easier to endure? NO WAY! With that said, I think I DO need to feel sympathetic because it must be brutal to those of you who AREN'T used to it. And just LOOK at what you accomplished, lil' Jen, DESPITE the heat! Your work area looks AMAZING! Big ol' hugs to you!

  21. Congrats on your clean desk, Jingle! (Just LOVE your cute nickname!) Can't wait to see your new dolls!

  22. o be sure, but, your desk is neat compared to mine right now. Here it is as if a bomb is dropped! Very horny ... and then you have clean it up and after a few hours creativity, anything is back a chaos!

  23. Congratulations on all that open space to work! I, too, am working on a major organizing/tidying campaign, and it feels so nice to have open surface to play on. Good luck with that A/C...definitely a summertime priority! Happy WOYWW!

  24. Hi ya
    now whose desk is that you have taken a piccie of??? lol lovely tidy space hun, hope you get your ac working, no heatwave here!thanks for the mocch, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  25. Your space looks awesome!
    Sorry about your a/c :(

  26. Your desk is far too clean girl - get and mess it up!!
    My air con is not up to scratch either but at Volvo prices it ain't going to be for a while - just have to open the windows and sun roof!! Only drive 3 1/2 miles home from work so can cope!!

  27. Holy crap, I don't think I've ever seen your desk that neat. :) I LOVE the way the new dollies are starting to look!

  28. Those dolls remind me of ABBA in their silver lame phase!! All together now 'See that girl, watch that scene, diggin the Dancing Queen'....!! x

  29. That's enough tidy my dear... leave us a bit to nosey about in. Looks good enough now. I'll await the finished dolls with glee...
    Love JoZarty x

  30. Nice desk--you can see it. I had to clean my work area too because I went on vacation and was worried what the kitten might do home alone!

  31. Wow amazing story and very entertaining too...Love your craft desk and I am very curious to see the end product after you are done with that doll project

  32. isn't it the best having a clean desk? I need to do that as well!! Sorry to hear about your AC...that is the worst!

  33. What a clean desk!!!

    I'm sorry about the a/c situation. I can imagine how HOT your car is!

  34. Couldnt believe it till I saw it...you with a clean work desk. Your post today made me laugh....take care, gerri

  35. This post reminds me of Garfield and the quote,"A clear desk is the sign of a sick mind!"...lol..

    It's nice to have a desk to work and leave projects on...love the colorants on your desk...

    Those dolls look very interesting! :)

  36. oh my goodness! is there are clean up bug going around WOYWWers this week! congratulations on that cleared up space (is it still there today?) your dolls are looking interesting!

  37. lovin' your dolls and can't wait to see how you dress them up!

  38. Whether it's clean or not, I think you have the coolest workspace. :)


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