
Have I mentioned that I love Paper Piecing? How about Hot Air Balloons? And Skipping Stones Design?????

Have I mentioned that I love all of those things super lots and lots? Hmmmm....well, just in case:

Hi, my name is Jingle and I love paper piecing, hot air balloons, and Skipping Stones Design.

There. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!

(We won't mention that according to GI Joe, who made that phrase known, violence is the other half....just say'n.)

Sending You Sunshine

Ummm...yeah. I know. I LOVE that balloon and I LOVE that October Afternoon Paper!!! It is, of course, from the ever fabulous Uplifting set over at SSD. This is quickly becoming a favorite of mine! (Shh! Don't tell Healing Wings that I'm cheating! Just say'n. That could get ugly.) I love how pretty the sentiments are in this set, too! I framed the balloon image with fancy bracket thingies (yes, of COURSE that is what they are officially called!) from the beautiful and terribly useful Sentiment Frames set. I kinda love both of these sets.

Sending You Sunshine (detail)

The beautiful sketch was created by Kim Kesti. *Love* Just say'n.

AND...seriously, I know I say this a lot, but you HAVE to see what the other Stamp Tramps created! Seriously. There are some REALLY gorgeous cards in the line up this week, so totally check them out because I told you to and you do everything I tell you to do. HA!!! TOTALLY kidding....although, feel free to do so...I generally like it when you do what you are told. HAHAHA!!!

Kim Kesti
Amy Tsuruta
Barb Turpin
Karen Baker
Brenda Weaver
Gladys Chia
Karen Christensen
Kandi Phillips
Wendy Jordan
Tammie Beaton

And it's HOMEWORK TIME!!!! Yup! It's homework time. Go get your adorable little self over to Skipping Stones Design, check out the sketch, make an awesome card (it doesn't even have to use SSD stamps!) and link it up on today's sketch Tuesday post for your chance to win some free stampage! It's a win-win-win kinda deal, here, folks! I get to see your fabulous card, so I win. You get to give a fabulous card made by you, so YOU win. The person you give it to gets a beautiful handmade card from you, so they win, and...if you happen to WIN win you get free stamps, too! That's a lot of wins and stuff, so seriously...you should just do it. Now go get all Nike and stuff. (HA!...get it...'just do it'....nike....*fizzle*fizzle*crash*burn*)

Well, anyway, have a super fantabulous Tuesday! And really....I would so LOVE for you to play along with us!

Happy Jingle OUT!

Today's Creative


  1. Love this! Totally my kind of card, too, with all that clean white space. I love this style. :)

  2. Love this card...clean, simple and so cute! I'm loving the hot air balloon and figure it's time to add some of those cute stamps to my stash-they're so..."uplifting" haha!

  3. Love your paper piecing and the nice clean lines of this card!

  4. I love it! So clean and beautifully orchestrated! Not sure that makes sense? hmmm.

  5. Love the balloon, looks great paper pieced with the gorgeous papers. Great sentiment, perfect for the image. Tracy x

  6. Love the balloon! I love the flourishes that frame it too. Great card!

  7. Whoa....holy fabulous paper piecing!!! Great job my friend. I am loving the Sentiment Frames on your card. It is ingenious. I would have never even thought of that. Have a great day my creative friend!!!

  8. Love that balloon card! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Love your CAS take of the sketch.

  10. adorable and one that would be wonderful to receive!!!

  11. Super sweet card!


  12. How fun! Love that hot air balloon!

  13. Love your paper piecing on the balloons!

  14. Fabulous card and I love the colors in your balloon!

  15. Cute and sweet and full of colors I like this card...

    Greets Patrice

  16. Ooh, now the combo of these two sets are utterly amazing, as is of course, your color choices and fun blog post!

  17. LOVE the paper pieced balloon, AND how you simply framed it with sentiment frames...awesome card!!

  18. Beautiful... love that gorgeous balloon... the paper, the color... fab card...

    Jenny x

  19. Great job on the balloon. I like it a lot.

  20. i just totally flipped for this!!! adore the colors and great design.

  21. Wow, those colors are so clean and crisp...love it! I haven't used that frame near enough...and I think I'm due for more of the Uplifting set too! Great combination!

  22. I love this!!! The balloon looks so dimensional - gorgeous CAS card!

  23. Love the awesome paper piecing! Glad you kept it CAS because it looks fabulous! :)

  24. Your card is so pretty.
    You really know how to work that stamp girl ;)

  25. That is so incredibly cute!

  26. love this and one of my favorite paper lines!

  27. I love hot air balloons too. And this card!

  28. REally great card, Jingle! Love the way you've framed the balloon!

  29. Awesome- love the paper- you achieved such depth! Love the flourish stamps as well.

  30. I totally read your posts aloud inside my head. Fizzle*fizzle...love it :)
    I love the combination of the sentiment & the balloon - parfait, m'dear.


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