
What's Your Favorite Color?

Mine is red, but you won't be able to tell that from my Pixie Dust Challenge card this week! The challenge, however, is to create a monochromatic card and I DO love to create in whites, so I chose to do a clean and simple, white card!

Poppin' In To Say Hi!

The image is one of the cuties from the Critter Cluster! I love him!!! SOOO cute! I left him mostly white and used a Tombow marker to give just a *touch* of color to his little nose.

Popp'n in (detail)

So head on over to the Pixie Dust Studio Challenge blog and check out the challenge! You don't have to use a Pixie image, but you get an extra entry if you do and, of course, when you buy them you get them right away because they are digital! I'd love for you to play along with us!

I hope you have a Pixie-fabulous day today! Don't forget to peep your little head out of your hole today to tell someone Hi! (I work in a cubicle, so we get the 'prairie dog effect' quite often in my office! HA!)


  1. This is really a cute little critter! Hugs, Valerie PS Is your table still tidy??

  2. Cutest little guy! Cute card:)

  3. Very cute -- I love white cards!

  4. fabulous, love the all white look and that little guy is so cute!

  5. totally adorable as ususual. Love that image. CUTENESS1

  6. he's so precious! I have a horrible time working with just white, but the effect here is great! love those beads!!

  7. He is so cute and YOU just brought back a memory long ago lost. I use to draw a tiny character peeking over a fence on my notebooks and book covers. His name was Hermie. Friends would bring me their notebooks and want me to draw him for them on theirs. I love finding lost memories. Thank you so much for this one.


  8. Great idea to do an all white card!

  9. That is SOOOOO cute! I love your blog- you are so talented and creative and fun. Thanks for that!

  10. This is just the MOST precious stamp!

  11. Awesome card- I have the hardest time with CAS! Love the trim and the cute image!

  12. I just want to pick him up and cuddle him. This is just too darn cute.

  13. PURPLE! :) That is adorable....plain, cute, simple, clean design. Gorgeous, as always.

  14. I wanted to stop in and give you a huge hug and a thank you for the lovely tag I received in Karla's bird tag swap. Your work is over the top and I will cherish my tag for a very long time. Thanks again, Char

  15. Makes me want to adopt a lil' prairie dog! So cute! Better YET, I think I'd like to adopt a lil' Jingle girl! LOL! Love the card but love you MORE!

  16. Shut up! How cute is this little thingy? And the sentiment! And the trim!? Love it.

  17. Oh I love that little critter, too. Looks kind of shy - but I'd be happy he stopped by to see me!


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