
You've Been Boo'd!!! (SSD #45)

Have you ever deleted an entire post? It is a sad thing to do. Just say'n.

Okay, now onto the fun stuff. Have you ever done the whole 'Boo' thing? Have you ever HEARD of the whole 'Boo' thing? Well, let me share because it is wicked crazy fun and you should know about it! Basically, you create a treat - big or small- whatever suits your fancy - and then attach a nifty little poem that says something to the effect of 'someone likes you and so they are giving you this treat, now copy this poem and pass it on.' Okay...so the poem should be *slight* more eloquent than that, maybe, but THAT, my dear friends, is why Skipping Stones Design rocks so much! You see, they have kindly created a stamp set that is JUST FOR THIS VERY THING! I mean, of course you can use if for lots of other stuff, too, but it is AWESOME for creating boo treats!

SSD #45 You've Been Boo'd!

Here are the pieces I created using the awesome new stamp set! LOVE! I used American Crafts cardstock as my base and then layered a random stamped circle over the Rusty Pickle Thriller patterned paper. I love the spooky designs in this paper line!


I added a black strip across the circle with the little Boo poem and then finished off the card with some black organza CTMH ribbon and a stamped hat that I colored with Prismacolor markers and finished with Liquid Glass. It looks SO neat in person!


For the treat topper, I used all coordinating papers and such and stamped the ghost from the SSD set to pop off. And...I would like to state on record that all candy that you see in this treat bag that I created over the weekend is STILL in that bag with the staples secured. That's pretty amazing. At least with me around. Just say'n.


So head on over to Skipping Stones to check out the new set AND get the great news about the Blogs for Boobies event! And don't forget to check out what the other stamp tramps created!

Kandi Phillips
Amy Tsuruta
Ann Kranitz
Barb Turpin
Brenda Weaver
Gladys Chia
Jennifer Ingle (That's me!)
Tammie Beaton
Wendy Jordan

Today I am linking with the following parties:

All Thingz Related


  1. ooh, I LOVE the Boo game and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Boo Treats! You did a fantastic job!!!!

  2. Boo'ing is huge in my neighborhood (so much fun)! My daughter is going to LOVE your project...can't wait to show her tonight! :) Soo spooky and yet so cute! Great project!

  3. Well this is just booing lovely!

  4. I laughed when I saw your Boo treats !

  5. these are fantastic! I love all the details

    thanks for visiting my blog

  6. Very cute - love the poem and the witch hat!

  7. That's the best Boo note I have EVER seen!!

  8. love the boo poem and that goody bag is so scrummy! hugs Debx

  9. These are great Jennifer. The colors are so rich and elegant!! Great job!!

  10. Decidedly cute. Nowk let's see WHO should I BOO?

  11. Sooooo fun....haven't deleted a post but accidently posted too soon..hate it when that happens...love your Boo Duo...sooo fun!

  12. This puts our pitiful neighborhood copy paper poem to shame. We definitely need to step up our game! Would love for you to stop by and share this at the Pretty Packages Party!

  13. What a fun package this would be to receive!! Very cute!! Great job with the sketch! ♥♥♥

  14. Your Boo Candy's are adorable.. kinda like a spooky valentine! Love it!
    Amie @ www.pinkapotamus.blogspot.com

  15. Adorable! I love how you display stuff with your floral frog. Happy Fall!

  16. I've never heard of this before, but it sounds like great fun! The card you make is fantastic - the person who receives it is very lucky! Theresa

  17. What a clever idea! This definitely ranks up there with CRAFTASTIC!

  18. So adorable! I love the "boo" tradition-- so much fun!

  19. Girl, you rocked it!!

    I love Boo'ing my neighbors. The thrill of ding dong dashing. lol

  20. How did I miss this post.
    I love that stamp.
    That treat topper is so cool!!
    Every year I sneak to the neighbours and put some treat (decorated of cours) on their door. But they figured out it was me.

  21. Everytime I see this I say, "I'm doing this this year!" So adorable! So glad you stopped by and linked up to the Pretty Packages Party!

  22. Jen, you did such an awesome job on this project! I love the background paper and the way you used the boo poem...and your little hat is genius!

  23. Seriously love this little treat set, and that paper is amazing!

  24. Hi Jen! I featured you today! Please stop by and grab a button from the side bar!
    Have a wonderful week!

  25. I can't tell which one I like more!! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)


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