
Some Notes To Some Folks and Classroom Posters

It's a cloudy, rainy, Monday here in Massachusetts. And, as it would seem, it is likely going to be a cloudy, rainy WEEK here in Massachusetts. Hmmm...I like the sun. Just say'n.

BUT...I did get some crafting done over the weekend. The problem is that I worked on my World Card Making Day stuff, which I posted on Saturday...and then I worked on a doll, which is not yet finished, and then I worked on my Skipping Stones DT stuff, which I can't post until tomorrow. Hmmmm...lots of fun stuff, none ready to post today...That means, FUN STUFF TODAY!!!!! (Well, that's all fun stuff, too. Actually, everything I post is fun if you ask me, sooooo.....hmmmm...yeah, well, anyway...moving on.)

Dear Dairy Queen,

Why do you make me hug your food? No. For reals, here, people. You put the combo meals in those convenient little boxes and then slide two boxes into a paper bag for take out. All well in good, in theory, however, because I can't carry the bag upright without all of the food sliding to the end of the boxes and getting all mixed up and squooshed and such, I have to essentially 'hug' the bag to keep it in it's right and proper position. Is this a marketing ploy? 'Cause it's a pretty funny one if it is. Just say'n.

Dear Buffy,

Thank you for making a cool, cloudy weekend more bearable. Oh, and tell Hulu thanks for having your entire series available. Just say'n.

Dear Monday,

We are not friends. Just say'n.

Dear Mary Engelbreit Planner,

Thank you for making me smile with your adorableness. The bird cage on this week's page is my favorite. Just say'n.

Dear Hubbums,

Thank you for being interested in my hobbies and supporting me and even asking me to make stuff for your classroom. Thank you for going on those lovely trips to Michael's that you *love* so much and for paying separately so I can use coupons to the max. You rock. Just say'n.

AND....for those wondering what I have made for his classroom, well, I have those to show you today. They aren't super fancy, but they work well for a middle school Social Studies room. He has them get news stories each day and so he wanted simple definition posters to put on each of the four computers they use to get the news. Here they are!

Local News Poster

State news Poster

National News Poster

International News Poster

Aren't they fun? I mean, they aren't like the most glorious scrapbook pages ever or anything, but for their purpose I think they are perfect! AND...what is better, is that the lesson is working and kids are reading the news and sharing it!

I hope you have an awesome Monday!


  1. :) Love the letters and the school signs! I bet he has one of the best looking rooms in that joint!

  2. how lucky your hubby has you to help make his classroom extra special :)

  3. Nice classroom project! My DH goes on the much loved Michael's trips also and pays separately!

  4. Love the classroom projects...I'm not sure if I want my hubby to go to Michaels with me...then we would know about my paper addiction.

  5. another husband here who does the Mike's thing with me... so we can use all the coupons... he also does Joann's and Beverleys *LOL*...

  6. Yup my hubby goes with me to micheals too, but he is always trying to get me to buy more, he is a gadget guy in everything LOL.

    Love your posters. Does your hubby make them read the news clippings out loud? I always hated doing that, teehee.

  7. ROFLMAO--- I just love your post! I love the posters you made for your hubbums! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Owwww I so want to see all the goodies...guess I'll just have to wait (tapping foot..impatient as...LOL)

    Love the things you did for the "teacher"....so cute and perfect for the kiddos. Great job as always.

    Ohhhh I'm jealous and will admit it...my hubbikins never says anything about my art....but then maybe that's a good thing...LOL!!


  9. LOL, the Dairy Queen letter is so true!!

    Your posters look great.

  10. Dear Jingle,

    Thanks for being sew darn cute. Give that DQ bag a little hug from me next time (treat yourself to a peanut buster bar too ok).


  11. Love the projects you created for your husband's classroom!

  12. Jingle, I just love reading your blog ,I was catching up on your last conversation with Hubbums and started laughing.... Careful or I be shooting my staples across the room and might put someones eye out. LOL
    Thanks for you well wishes. Its good to be home ever if its Monday!
    hugs Lynn

  13. Super fun post today!!

    Monday IS my friend these days. The girl attends 2.5 hours of preschool, the hubby is off to the office and I get to do WHATEVER I want... like read your blog. It is glorious!

    Your posters are great... I think the hubbums is super stoked to have you dragging him to Michaels even if he has to occasionally pretend he is being put out!

  14. Yes, they are incredibly fun!! and I love your letter to Dairy Queen!

  15. Love the "news" signs! I'm a 1st grade teacher and appreciate rubbing our craftiness on today's youth. They are seriously lacking in this area!! Just sayin ;)

  16. Oh I've heard amazing things about Dairy Queen - I wish we had it in Australia!!

    Love those posters - your hubby must have one of the most fun classrooms in the school :)

  17. I think it's great that your hubby is utilizing your mad skillz in his classroom!

  18. I love that your husband will go to Michaels with you! What a guy! The posters are adorable!!!!

    I sympathize with your feelings on the rain. It was like a monsoon in eastern MA Friday when I was supposed to ride up to VT for the day (VT was forecasted to be monsoon-like as well). We did get to go Sunday though with was gorgeous!

  19. I love that your husband will go to Michaels with you! What a guy! The posters are adorable!!!!

    I sympathize with your feelings on the rain. It was like a monsoon in eastern MA Friday when I was supposed to ride up to VT for the day (VT was forecasted to be monsoon-like as well). We did get to go Sunday though with was gorgeous!

  20. What an awesome post! I love your notes to some folks. I am a HUGE Buffy fanatic! My hubby and I couldn't get enough of that show. I especially loved your note to your hubbums and those sweet posters you made for his classroom. :) Theresa


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