
Happy NEW YEAR! {Season's Givings Blog Hop and GIVEAWAY}

And the winner is.... AMY TSURUTA!

Hello, friends! Happy New Year!!! Welcome to the Season's Givings Blog Hop! This year has had quite a lot of ups and downs for me and my family. It has been so wonderful to be able to share my work with you throughout it all. I appreciate your comments and your encouragement so very much! I know many of you spend less time on blogs and more time on Instagram these days, so if you don't already, please feel free to look me up there! My name is JustJingle on Instagram.

Hello, World

Since we are welcoming in a New Year, I figured a Hello card was perfect for the occasion! I also decided to keep with that HELLO theme for my giveaway, so stay tuned for that one!

Hello (detail)

Did I mention a Giveaway? Oh, yes! Of course, I did!!!! You can see the items I am giving away below. The giveaway is open to US addresses only, please. To enter, simply leave a meaningful comment that doesn't make me want to instantly disqualify you. HA! (No, seriously...avoid 'pick me', but aside from that, you are good. *wink* *wink*) 


Yup! It's a HELLO theme! :) One lucky winner will receive the cute little umbrella monkey stamp set (that says HELLO right ON it), a typewriter die perfect for any HELLO card, Adelle's latest album, featuring... yup, you guessed it... HELLO, because every crafter needs some music to work by. And then some more Waffle Flower stamps to remind you to DANCE like no one is watching, and finally, a Green Clover Distress marker to write HELLO with when you get it. But you have to promise to write HELLO, okey dokey? Awesome. Thanks. Glad we had this chat. 

Giveaway ends one week from today. (8 January 2016)

Here is the complete hop list! LOTS of awesome people, LOTS of awesome inspiration, and LOTS of awesome prizes. So, basically, lots of awesome. YAY!

Have a happy!

Lawn Fawn

Scrapbook Cards & Today Magazine

Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L

Reverse Confetti

Technique Tuesday

CAS-ual Friday Stamps

Verve Stamps

Donna Salazar

Richard Garay


Stamp Simply Ribbon Store

Inchie Arts

Avocado Arts

OHscrap (Bossy Joscie)

Rubermoon Stamps

Latina Crafter

A Jillian Vance Design


Your Everyday Stamps

Latisha Yoast

AJ Otto

Kimberly Crawford

Julia Stainton

Laurie Willison

Teri Anderson

Jennifer Gallacher

Vera Yates

Wanda Guess

Nichol Magouirk

Kelly Klapstein

Anabelle O’Malley

Kim Watson

Chari Moss

Laura Bassen

Lydia Fiedler

Lisa Adametz

Alice Wertz

Daniela Dobson

Jenn Shurkus

Lori Craig

Amy Tsuruta

Lisa Henke

Margie Higuchi

Lee Murphy

Lori Tecler

Dina Kowal

Loretta Lock

Darsie Bruno

Marcie Sharp

Veronica Zalis

Barbara Anders

Maria Levine

Dana Joy

Melody Rupple

Keri Sereika

Asia King

Jennifer Ingle - YOU ARE HERE

Yvonne Van de Grijp

Beth Pingry

Erica Houghton

Mary-Ann Maldonado

Piali Biswas

Ashley Newell

Nicole Maki

Julee Tilman

Leigh Penner

Christina Griffiths

Lindsay Amrhein

Laura Williams

Debbie Seyer

Christine Emberson

Kerry Urbatch

Linda Lucas

Tosha Leyendekker

Giovana Smith

Bunny Vance

Stacey Schafer

Lee Ann Barrett

Ruby Naz

Julie Dinn

Jill Hawkins

Christiana Reulling

Jodi Collins

Gracie Chavez

Michelle Woerner

Tania Willis

Karisse Schilling

Lori McAree

Ashley Harris

Emily Leiphart

Heidi Blankenship

Coralynn Murray

Tenia Nelson

Pretty Philosophie

Jillian Vance

Misti Oblander


  1. Wow...what a wonderful prize! Happy New Year and I love Adelle, she is amazing.

  2. Ok...Now I LOVE this card...Love the image, Love the Hello...and um...Yeah, my CD player in my car hasn't had a CD in it in ages....It's been waiting for this EPIC moment forever...and uh... ello Yellow...Yep, love it...and oh green, I pinky promise to write you a big giant HELLO with it. ;) wink ok? Yeah, you betcha!

  3. Ok...Now I LOVE this card...Love the image, Love the Hello...and um...Yeah, my CD player in my car hasn't had a CD in it in ages....It's been waiting for this EPIC moment forever...and uh... ello Yellow...Yep, love it...and oh green, I pinky promise to write you a big giant HELLO with it. ;) wink ok? Yeah, you betcha!

  4. Wow - awesome prize giveaway - thank you for the chance to win. Happy New Year!! vlharrod(at)bellsouth(dot)net

  5. Love your hello theme! I love your work and thank you for sharing your creativity to inspire us all! You are kind enough to share your work with all of us so I will share mine too! I posted some of my favorite cards from my design team work on my blog (http://afourthlife.blogspot.com) as well. Thanks for a chance to win!

  6. Jingle - as always, you are super clever!! Love your hello theme and all of the items you have incorporated. My best wishes to you for a wonderful 2016 that is full of happiness, good health and craftiness!!

  7. Happy New Year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. Happy New Year!!! Best of 2016 to you! Hello big world!

  9. Happy New Year! Cute card and clever giveaway. Love it. Wishing you nothing but the best for the new year!

  10. Hello! Clever little give away! Happy New Year!

  11. Hello from north of the border cute card

  12. What an awesome blog hop! Hello from Georgia. Thanks for the chance to win!

  13. Great theme!!!! Great prize pack! Thanks for the chance to win! (Adele is the shizz!!) Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. Wowsers! This hop is huge! If I hopped this much in real life I could easily stick to my New Year's resolution to lose some weight!

  15. I love your theme! Those little monkeys are some of my favorite critters out there right now!

  16. Happy new year! Your giveaway is so creative, just like your cards... NICE! I follow you everywhere, love your work. Best wishes on 2016.

  17. Happy New Year. I love that Hello card. I'm off to go see more of your cards.



  18. Jennifer, just found you and I am very much liking this. Hello is one of my favorite greetings. Keep up the happy.

  19. I promise to write hello.
    Green is one of my favorite colors. It reminds me of life.
    Love the monkey.

  20. Hello is so happy and so is your card and great blog candy :) Happy New Year!

  21. Hey Jingle... not sure if this is allowed but..wanted you to see it.... Made some special Hello cards today with you in mind after seeing your post... http://ihaveapassion4paper.blogspot.com/ Off to hop... great contest theme!

  22. You KNOW I love this card! The little dots leading up to and from the hello are a great touch! Don't worry about putting me in the draw since I already have most of this stuff. Hope you have a great New Year!

  23. Your cards are very inspiring . I love the hello die.

  24. HELLO! Happy New Year, I also enjoy Adele. I like your hello cards, its clean and simple, my kind of style. I hope 2016 brings you lots of new and exciting things!

  25. What a great card and a fun collection of goodies! Happy 2016!

  26. HELLO to you too! What an adorable card! Oh I love Adele too! Wishing you a Happy, Happy 2016!

  27. Hello! I love your card, it's a perfect start for the new year. I can't wait to see what else you have to share throughout the year.

  28. Happy New Year! Fabulous Giveaway, thanks!

    Carol B

  29. Hello Jingle,
    have a helloing new year! And heeeeeeeelllllllllllllloooooooooooo what a great helloing giveaway! That would be so helloing much fun to use it!
    Be helloing huged
    Elchi xx

  30. Fantastic giveaway - thanks! Those Waffle Flower monkeys are the cutest. Happy New Year!

  31. Absolutely love your card... and ingenious to do a "hello" theme with Adele's album! Happy New Year!

  32. Hello ... fantastic hop and prizes. Thank you.

  33. Always intrigued by your cards. Love the CAS yet classy look. Prize stamps look adorable.

  34. I have that geometric stamp but never seem to use it.
    I love how others use it - just need to jump in and see what happens. thanks for the offer of the gift.
    Happy New Year.

  35. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year!!! <3

  36. This is a pretty awesome giveaway! My sister loves monkeys, so I am always looking for new and fun monkey crafty goodies! Have a warm and crafty 2016!

  37. Love yourcard. Thank you for the chance to win. Amazing giveaways.

  38. A warm HELLO from sunny Florida! I love the stamp that says "Dance like no one's watching." One time, I was trying out my son's "Just Dance" game on the Wii, thinking I was alone, when I heard some giggling. Guess what? My hubby and son had been watching me dance and thought I was hilarious! Such a supportive bunch! (lol)

    Thanks for the chance to win those goodies. Happy New Year!

  39. Hello and Happy New Year! I love your card. Your hello theme is perfect for the new year. What a fabulos prize, too! Thanks for linking your instagram. I'm trying to get into that more.

  40. Love your card!
    Hope 2016 is a fabulous year for you & your family.

  41. Great card. Love how you colored the maps and used the die cut and the pop of color. Hope 2016 is a wonderful year for you. Happy New Year

  42. Fab card! This is a great blog hop! Happy New Year! Such a generous give-away! I LOVE Waffle Flower!

  43. Happy New Year! Thank you for the amazing blog hop!

  44. It's funny I stopped listening to most music that was produced after 1980 but I love adel!!

  45. So many beautiful giveaway. Thank you for the chance to join the game. Happy New Year.

  46. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year.

  47. Hello, Jingle! I don't comment as often as I should (you're on my Feedly list, so hope my oohs and ahhs are arriving telepathically!), but I'm aiming to improve this year. Your creativity is amazing; your posts, delightful. I'm glad that our visits have helped you navigate some wavy waters and know that your cards/posts have done the same for many of us. You've brightened a number of my days, bringing some sunshine to those times when I'm especially missing my dad who passed away last December. Your Hello card: a wonderful way to being the New Year. Hope that 2016 is filled with all that you wish for...and more! I'm not eligible for your prize, but what a cool one it is! Your generosity: fantastic!

  48. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the monkeys they are so cute. I hope you have a wonderful new year. Charliemmh@aol.com

  49. Lol! H-E-L-L-O! How's that? I love your hello theme. I haven't had the chance to pick up Adele's cd yet so this is a bonus!

  50. Happy New Year! Thank you for this wonderful blog hop! So much fun and so many amazing prizes and inspiration.

  51. Love to see how pop culture references inspire us!!

  52. I love your give away. Hello is a great theme.

  53. That card is so cool! I love the abstract earth image; so fun! Such an amazing prize package; thanks for the chance to win.

  54. Wow love this card and the dimensional hello! Your blog is always inspiring and a fun place to visit! happy New Year!

  55. The gnome on your blog is ADOREable!I have a thing for gnomes! :) Happy New Year!

  56. Awesome prize giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Happy new year… God bless!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Hello there. Great prize giveaway.

  59. Your card is awesome (as usual) and this looks like an awesome prize because of that Adele CD. Believe it or not I have never listened to any of her music but with her massive popularity, I think maybe I should and I would probably dig her. So thanks for the chance to win. Happy new year. I follow you on Instagram already.

  60. Happy New Year - I like your giveaway theme :)

  61. Hello, is it me you're
    looking for? Cute card
    and fun giveaway! Happy
    New Year.
    Carla from Utah

  62. Happy New Year!
    What a FUN Hello theme...your card?! Love it. Pinned it.
    Awesome giveaway!

  63. Happy New Year 2016!! Lovely card & a fun giveaway just like the fun person hosting it.

  64. Lol. I saw your card on Altenews Instagram and had to click on it. So glad I did. Now I am following you and entering your Hello giveaway. I couldn't figure out how you made ot a shaker card. It's really creative. Thanks for sharing. barbarajean

  65. Stunning creation!
    Lovely and so creative.
    Thanks for sharing. Lovely goodies too!

  66. Fantastic project! absolutely wonderfull. Thanks for sharing.
    Would love to win too!

  67. Cute card!!!I love the map stamp and how you used it!!! Great word for the year too!!

  68. Happy New year!
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome goodies!

  69. I love the card ! great technique! Would love to win!

  70. Happy new year! And thanks for the chance to win :)

  71. HELLO to you! HELLO to 2016!And HELLO to an amazing prize! I am looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the New Year! Always inspirational! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. HELLO! Thank you for being a part of the hop and giveaway

  73. Your post cracks me up! I promise to write hello!

  74. What an awesome blog hop. thanks for sharing.


  75. Thanks for the chance, and for sharing...Happy New Year...xx ursulalongworth@talktalk.net

  76. Thank you for a chance to win and a Happy New Year to you!

  77. Hello! Such a clever theme for your prize package! Thanks for all your inspiration this past year! Wishing you a happy and blessed 2016! bperdue8@gmail.com

  78. Love your pretty card! And your prize package is awesome! Keepin' my fingers crossed (which is a fabulous way to start the New Year cuz I can't do housework this way...).

  79. Happy New Year!!
    You know your cards are always awesome!!...LOVE this!

  80. Hello and thank you for the awesome prize. Love it.
    Have a wonderful year ahead.

  81. Hello, sweetie! What a terrific card... love that the dots go to and around your sentiment... (just stuck those dots in to copy you!) Thanks for the chance to make a bunch of HELLO cards with your fab package!!

  82. Love the card and the great giveaway! Wish you a great 2016.

  83. Im a big fan of that hello die cut you used on that beautiful card. Your blog is fantasctic. Thanks for the great gift offer and a chance to win. Happy New Year!

  84. Hello! Hold the phone! That is one gem of a card! Love the abstract, cleanness of it. Also, those monkeys in the prize are cute! I got 25 for Christmas, but my daughter seems to have borrowed it.

  85. Love your sense of humor!
    Thanks for taking part in this fun blog hop and for the great prize package you are offering!
    I joined your blog and would love it if you returned the favor! I just started my blog in July 2015 and get very excited whenever I get a new follower! My address is:
    Best wishes for a very blessed 2016!

  86. happy new year. thanks for hopping and being part of this great give-away.

  87. I enjoyed your interesting post. Your card is a perfect way to say Hello to 2016. Love the teal word. How clever of you to give some music too. Thanks dear and a happy hello to you.

  88. Okay. I think I have the rules down. Actually, I have never seen rude comments on crafty blogs. Do people do that??? They certainly get very rude in other places. I figure that if you are sharing your talent and skills for free, I should refrain from tacky comments. For those other sites, I just think them, but I am trying to quit!!!

  89. Fun hello card!! Thanks for the chance to win and happy 2016 crafting to you!!

  90. What a great prize and such a fun card! Thanks.

  91. I like your hello card design and promise to write hello with the marker.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  92. I love the dimension on your hello die cut! Great card! Thanks so much for being part of this amazing (and HUGE) blog hop! Happy 2016!! krisbudreau!yahoo.com

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. HELLO - great prize! and with my coordination I can only hope that no one is watching if I dance! ; )

  95. Adele and monkeys, who would want anything else! Love it!

  96. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year! Love the give away and would love to give it a new home.

  97. Happy New Year, thanks for being part of this awesome blog hop, was a perfect thing for me to do while feeling sorry for myself that I have been sick on New Year's break!

  98. Happy new year and Hello! This blog hop is a wonderful way to start the new year and check out all the cardmakers out there!

    Thanks for offering this prize pack! It's a very creative and meaningful prize pack :)

    twynkles [at] live [dot] com

  99. Happy New Year! Love your cards! I discovered your blog about 2 months ago and have been following ever since. Thank you for this opportunity!

  100. Happy New Year! Love your cards! I discovered your blog about 2 months ago and have been following ever since. Thank you for this opportunity!

  101. Wonderful card Jingle and always happy to say 'hello'. Love the layered die cut and Adele, well I have 19 and 21 so 25 would be very welcome.

  102. Thank you for participating in this blog hop. It sure is fun to see everyone's creations and sign up for some new blogs!

  103. Thank you for participating in this blog hop. It sure is fun to see everyone's creations and sign up for some new blogs!

  104. Just hello. Thank you for the chance to win

  105. I promise to write :) Love the graphic continents in your card, very international for a hello!

  106. Thanks for sharing your cool design. Happy New Year!

  107. That image on your card is so different! Very cool! And I love waffle flowers crafts. I just got the awesome doily die and right now it's my fave... Thanks so much for participating in this blog and the opportunity to win some cool stuff! Happy new year!

    1. Did I say "cool" too many times? Did I disqualify myself? :)

  108. Cool card! Happy New Year to you and yours. :D

  109. Adele?!?!?! OMG that is amazing! She is my favorite. I love the stamps and dies too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  110. Love your card! I love the pop of green on the hello!

  111. I am fighting the urge to jump up and down screaming PICK mE!!!! PICK ME!!!! Hahahahaha! I LOVE Adelle! Have you heard Madea sing it??? Hellerrrrr..... I laughed so hard! Your card is awesome! And Adelle!!! Perfect!

  112. Happy Happy New Year, Jennifer!
    What a great theme...your card is PERFECT! Love the 'hello' die and the awesome giveaway!

  113. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Looking forward to more creativity in the coming year. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  114. What a fun prize package! Waffle Flower is a great company! I looked through a couple of pages of your cards and really liked them. My favorite was the AI Puppy Butts! I have a wiener dog and he has the cutest little hiney so I understand why you think they're so cute! Happy New Year!

  115. This blog hop is great!! I've been introduced to many new blogs, products and websites. Thank you.

  116. Hello and Happy New Year! Thanks for the inspiration and for putting together such a fun prize pack!

  117. Hello and happy new year! :D
    Love the idea! That's really funny!

  118. OMG!! I'm a huge fan of Adele and would love to win her latest album!!:)) Happy New Year!

  119. Thank you so much for your generosity!

  120. Love this giveaway!

  121. Hello! I've been blog-less and more on Instagram too. Glad crafters can connect there and still see each other's crafty creations. Love your cute cards!

  122. Hello Jingle! Happy new Year! I love this stamp by Miriam...such a great card!

  123. Happy New Year! Loved your past nade me chuckle. I just told my hubby I need at least a blue tooth speaker in my craftroom, I like to play my music loud especially while crafting, ok well all the time actually, lol. Love Adelle, my fav of all time. I thought your giveaway was so well thought out, love that. Thanks for always inspiring and the chance to win.

  124. Hello, Hola, Yo-bo-say-o (Korean)- Love your sense of style, humor, fun and cards. Thanks for all the fun this year and all the fabulous comments you shared over at SSS challenge. Have you seen the new Star Wars movie yet? Your geek cards are always a favorite here. Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve in 2016.

  125. So much great inspiration found on this blog hop!

  126. Hello back at you and Happy 2016!! I always love reading your chatty blog and finding both crafty inspiration and chuckles along the way. Cute cards, monkey stamps and Adele....couldn't get more perfect!! kladd94803 at aol dot com

  127. Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to win such great goodies! Love the hello theme and the addition of Adele's CD. That's such a great addition. You're projects are inspiring. I will definitely be back!

  128. LOL...gulp..tall order to fill for a comment. Thank you so much for your blog and this giveaway. God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com

  129. Happy New Year's! Fantastic giveaway from all of you all. Thank You!

  130. Love the monkey thanks for a chance to win.

  131. Just found your blog with this hop and I really liked that card! So I went to check out your instagram and scrolled and saw your cards. I love you minimal stamps and colors make the card perfect!
    Awesome giveaway! Happy 2016!

  132. Just found your blog with this hop and I really liked that card! So I went to check out your instagram and scrolled and saw your cards. I love you minimal stamps and colors make the card perfect!
    Awesome giveaway! Happy 2016!

  133. HELLO! And thank you for participating in the hop. Otherwise we wouldn't have met. :) I like your clean-style cards...I scrolled through your blog a bit. Thank you for the opportunity to win some fun prizes! Hoe you are blessed with everything you desire in 2016.

  134. I love the design you created and how you added the dots to the hello. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.
    Crafty hugs,
    Google follower D~
    dmcardmaker at {Gmail} dot com

  135. To be honest, I wasn't too fond of Adele's songs when she was first introduced to the world. It's totally different with her new Album. I absolutely love her new song and her voice is amazing. I'm not sure why she didn't click with me on her first album. Hello is one of my favorite words on a card. Love that you used the hello die on your fantastic card. Great theme for your post. :) Thank you for an awesome 2015. Looking forward to a crafty and inspirational 2016 with you. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year. ~~~Inky Hugs~~~

  136. Hello! and happy new year! what a cool theme and to include Adele's 25?? that is just awesome and over the top! well done!

  137. Hello! and happy new year! what a cool theme and to include Adele's 25?? that is just awesome and over the top! well done!

  138. The creativity of your prize alone is so neat I can only imagine how creative you are otherwise. Happy New Year.

  139. Just stopped by to say hello and to tell you how much I enjoyed the creativity of your prize package. Thanks so much for sharing in this fun hop.

  140. Hallo! Thanks for the goodies. Happy New Year!

  141. Hello!!! I am glad I stopped by!!!I was about to get Adele's CD, and I kid you nott!!! so I might wait a week or so 😉 Love your creativity,I don't own any WF products but they are on my wish list too, TFS, happy and prosperous 2016!

  142. I love the hello theme and also the cute monkeys. Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy new year!

  143. Happy New Year and thank you for sharing and inspiring! I look forward to following you throughout the new year. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway! God Bless you. Eliana emichaels12@hotmail.com

  144. Hi! Hello! How are you?? Happy New Year and thank you for your participation in this hop :) (an Adele 25 album!?!? - swoon)
    StampinDiva @ yahoo dot com

  145. Hey! Love your card! I've been wanting to find some cool "word" dies like that. Don't laugh I have a cameo but it never works right for me. Anyhow, thanks so much for a chance to win such fun goodies! Happy New Year!!!

  146. Well, hello there! It's nice to see you have a good sense of humor. Thanks for the chance to participate in your draw.

  147. Well, hello there! It's nice to see you have a good sense of humor. Thanks for the chance to participate in your draw.

  148. Happy New Year and thanks for all your crafty inspirations! I can't wait to see what you will share with us this year!!

  149. I'm following your blog and I'm always amaze in all your card creations. I also love your clean and simple card style, just my type really. Continue to spread inspiration and love through your love of card making. Have a fabulous 2016

  150. What a generous giveaway, thanks for the chance to win! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your amazing creations!

  151. I love your sense of humor and am so glad this blog hop lead me here. Hope your year is full of happy.
    Teresa P ta2pires@yahoo.com

  152. HELLO!!! I love your card! I enjoy the grey with the pop of color, it's lovely! I can't want to see what other creations you make this year and to say hello again in the comments. :D

  153. LOL you're funny. I like that...really, I'm not just saying that for you to "pick me". HA

  154. Hello Jingle! Thanks for putting your IG handle right up front in this post. I immediately started to follow you there as well. Thanks also for participating in this blog hop and for offering such a cool prize pack. Today (Jan.4th) is my birthday and I saw some of the items and knew I would be thrilled to have them. I LOVE the monkey stamp, and my Mom always bought me monkeys and sock monkeys, it was our "thing" together. She passed away this June, so this was my first Christmas and now Birthday without her, and it felt as though she were sending me a sign that she is still with me through this post.

    I hope you are having a wonderful and happy 2016! I always enjoy seeing what you make and find lots of inspiration here in your blog and now will be stalking you in IG as well....lol!

  155. your card is so cute.Great giveaway.

  156. I love your style jennifer! It's always so clean and classy. Thanks for sharing your prize pack

  157. I love your style jennifer! It's always so clean and classy. Thanks for sharing your prize pack

  158. Happy New Year, Jingle! I have always enjoyed your style and humor!

  159. Happy New Year! Your cards are terrific! Thanks for the chance to win some cute stuff!!

  160. WOW... I love your card so much! Great CAS for sure :)
    THANK YOU for a chance to win your blog candy!

    -Helen Gullett

  161. Love the card - great start for the new year. Looking forward to your next creations!

  162. Happy New Year...what a great card...and fun theme for your giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

  163. HELLO to you too! Would love to craft to Adele's new cd! Cool!
    Happy new Year to you. Thank you for leaving it open long enough that we can trying get through over 100 blo

  164. It would not let me finish the last word....blogs or add my email which is
    Ladyj711@live.com. Janie. Thanks!

  165. Hello, Jingle! You are so much fun. I love your giveaway theme. We often forget to say hello in our busy lives. I love this paper crafting community, we all seem to have so much in common and it's like being at home. Feel free to visit my blog too. I'm hoping for more crafty time this year. I'm a complete die-0-holic! Happy New Year! Thanks, Paulette S.
    Craftqueen417 at yahoo

  166. Well Hello - what a fantastic prize would love to win Adele's CD to get me in the mood for crafting. Thanks for the chance to win it

  167. I have always loved that stamp set! Your card is great! Hello and Happy 2016!

  168. Your blog is always a fun place to visit and so inspiring. I love the hello you used on your card.

  169. Did I miss the winner announcement?

  170. Yay!!!!!!! Thanks soooooooooo much!!!!!!!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!