
Up and Away!

So, if you happened to see my big news yesterday, that is pretty exciting,  huh?  Yup. Totes.  I'm so wicked excited!  However, I have to admit, the card I'm sharing with you today was probably my absolute favorite of all those I sent in.  It took a bit of time, but it turned out even better than the picture I had in my head and I just LOVE it when that happens!

Congrats Balloon

Squeeee!!!!  Isn't it fun?  I lightly sketched the balloon and then I used a total of seven different stamp sets to bring it all together.  I stamped the tiny pieces randomly until I was happy with the fill.  This was SO much fun to do!  I loved every minute of it!


I have included the supplies in the inlinkz below if you are curious.  Seriously, though, I love this card.  I love that I made it.  I love that I even tried it because this is not something I would normally consider to be a task I could accomplish successfully.  AND... the best part... this card was totally inspired by toothpaste.  For reals.  Well, not the paste, itself, but rather the tube/box it comes in.  AND...as it so happens, when you apologize to the lady who is trying to actually buy toothpaste at Target while you are busy taking pictures, she says you are fine and totes acts like it is COMPLETELY normal to be taking random pictures of toothpaste.   Lady at Target, I commend you - we are obviously of like mind.  Because it obviously IS totally normal.  Just sayin'.

And with that, my friends, I hope you...

Have a Happy!


  1. Wow! That's some awesome stamping! I LOVE all of the little flowers and circles. It's such a happy card. :)

  2. This is so awesome! Great stamping!!!

  3. I'm amused that you didn't just but the toothpaste, but this really worked out! I love the stamping, it's perfect and I love the colors!

  4. Oh wow! I do love this card. And funny about the lady at Target. LOL!

  5. Very cool and congrats on becoming royalty!

  6. So stinkin' cute and clever!

  7. Beautiful card Jingle and Amazing stamping. Love the colors too.

  8. Such a happy card! The colors are perfect and your stamping is amazing! :) And I gotta love your story about the toothpaste! Too funny! ;)

  9. wow this is amazing..great stamping..

  10. Congrats to you! So excited to see everyone's cards!

  11. How clever are you?! great stamping!

  12. Seriously awesome. If this is a 'reject', then I can only imagine how incredible your winning card is! :D

  13. Congrats!!!!!!
    They didn't select this one?! WOW. Can't wait to see the winning beauty.

    LOVE your stamping on this! genius!

  14. Congrats! So Happy for you - and how exciting!!!


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