
Pink and Grey Thank You

One of my favorite parts of the Stamping Royalty contest is when the winners have been notified and I can share the cards I sent in!!! They are always cards that I put a lot of effort into, so I love to share them. Today I am showing you one of my simpler designs. I loved the color combination on this one and had fun stamping the diamonds in place.

Pink and Grey Thank You

The diamonds are from the Date Night stamp set from Chickaniddy Crafts. This is SUCH a fun stamp set! I combined them with a great new sentiment from the Simon Says Stamp Handwritten Sentiments set. LOVE it!

Diamond Thank You (detail)

Looking at this one, my diamonds really needed to be more precise, but I still love the design, so I may even stamp a few of these out just to have and use because it is a great versatile design and that sentiment set has lots of options, too! Love that!!!

I will continue to share some of my cards over the course of this week! YAY!!!

Oh....and Yeah... sooo... did I mention that I WON????!!!!  Not in this category, of course, but the announcement is on the Paper Crafts Blog now, so I can shout it from the rooftops!!!!  YAY!!!!!

Have a Happy!


  1. Oh I really love that Chickaniddy stamp, gorgeous in the gray.

  2. congrats on your win...wonderful news.

  3. Awesome card. Congratulations.

  4. Awesome card. Congratulations.

  5. BIG congrats !!! And this is an awesome card - LOVE it!

  6. love your card, and congrats on the win!!!

  7. This card is very pretty--love the color combo. Hooray for winning!!! You rock. :) I can't wait to see your SR card!!

  8. This card is simply awesome and I am so glad you won!! CongratulationS!! Taunya Butler @ daisiesgirl.com

  9. I am so honored that you used Chickaniddy for the submission! Too Cool! Thanks so much for making our stamp look amazing!


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