
Simon Says Dream Big!

Do you remember back to school time when YOU were the one going back to school? I loved it! I still like to buy a pack or two of crayons every year. There is just nothing better than the sweet smell of a brand new box of Crayolas! Of course, I hate actually using them because I love the pure, beautiful untouched molded shape of them! LOL! Back to school time is a time full of dreams and new beginnings! It's all just so excited!

Well, enough of all that sappiness...seriously...it's getting sticky in here! HA! The new Simon Says Stamp Challenge for this week is all about Back to School! And the Design Team members have pulled out some fun Sizzix goodies to use for this great challenge!

Dream Big

I created this fun card using watercolor paper so I could get a nice, deep, beautiful impression from the Sizzix Rustic Trellis Ink-Its die. This is a letterpress style die, so you can use it plain, as I've done here, or add ink to it for a colored impression! I love it! I used the Hero Arts/Studio Calico Calico Borders set for the alphabet stamp and added just a pop of color with PrismaColor pencils! The fabulous globe is from the Hero Arts/Studio Calico Wonderful World set and the Dream Big sentiment comes from the Heyday Sentiments set.

Dream Big (detail)

Don't forget to link up a card to this week's challenge! You could win a $50 voucher to the Simon Says Stamp Superstore! FOR REALS!

And...if I can take a moment to gush, I have to tell you about a toy I got a few weeks ago that I am head over heels in LOVE with now! The Corner Chomper.

I know...you think I'm crazy, but seriously, you guys. This thing ROCKS! It is a super strong corner rounder with both a 1/4 in. size and a traditional 1/2 in. size. It goes through any and all paper and can chomp chipboard, too! I LOVE IT!!!! I used it on this card and it cleanly and easily went through two layers of watercolor paper at once! My old corner rounder would have struggled with ONE layer of watercolor paper because it's so thick! So...if you happen to like to round corners, I HIGHLY recommend this amazing tool! For reals. Just say'n.

Jingle Out.

You can find the products I used on my card at the links below!


  1. I'm with you, Jennifer, I loved school all the way through.....and I just got that Corner Chomper, too - best thing since sliced bread :))
    Love your crisp card today - great sentiment for a back to school card!

  2. I always loved the start of school, too! I also always wanted to be a teacher and was one until my kids were born :)

    I love that alphabet stamp!
    Was just checking their site out today and they have some great stamps :)

  3. awesome card...love how you embossed half the card...great design.

  4. School gives me the hives and tummyache...but I do LOVE a new box of crayons! Even though we have a 5qt tote filled with them I can't resist buying a NEW box for each of my kiddos this time of year:)
    I have had my eye on the CHOMPER for some time but have not known the benifits of it's STRENGHTH!
    Thanks for the tip.

  5. That deep impression is beautiful, so many possibilities with that.
    Love your card.
    We should all remember to dream big.

  6. Gorgeous card Jennifer :-) I love the whole CAS design of this, fabulous stamps and I need the corner chomper too now :-)
    my wish list is getting ever longer ,,,, :-)

    Lols x x x

  7. Great card - did a back to school card too! LOL! Great minds think alike, eh!

  8. Cool card, Jen! I really like how you only partially colored the border and how it's half embossed!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  9. Looove the letterpress look of your card!

  10. Wonderful card, Jennifer! LOVE the design!

  11. Your card...too cool!!! I heart my corner chomper. Mines been broken for sometime and I still use it!!!

  12. Great card! Love the embossing and stamping!

  13. Cute and what a clever idea to color just some of the letters. Love it!

  14. Great card.
    The embossing turned out nice and crisp.
    I loved new school supplies, I still do.
    I remember saving my money for the huge crayon set with the sharpener in the back of the box ;)

  15. Fabulous card!! But for corner rounders, if you need something to cut thru thick layers and not flimsy single ones, I love my Zutter pink corner rounder! It has been used by me in M&T's and tons of use and never a problem, other than where I left it last! Try one if you can.

  16. love how you made "know" stand out in blue :)

  17. I agree with you about the crayons, totally... something about that waxy scent, and it always saddened me once I had to use them and then they were no longer pristine.

    Love your card! Brilliant idea using watercolor paper to get a deeper impression.. thanks for sharing! And I must say, I love how you used the alphabet stamp. What do they say about great minds? :)

  18. Fabulous Jennifer, I love your embossing and your only partially coloured. That's a great image and such a wonderful sentiment.

    Heather xx

  19. Such a fun card Jennifer!! Love it!


  20. I like your card, that embossed edge is wonderful!

  21. Love the simplicity of this card and all that white Jennifer, beautiful work..hugs

  22. Great card, Jennifer! Love the crisp white design. Can't live without my Corner Chomper!!

  23. Gorgeous card. Love that little pop of color!


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