
Jack and Stars

Yup. That's what I'm calling this one.  'Cause I think it's fun, that's why!  HA!  You guys, seriously, I'm starting to get REALLY excited about Halloween!  I LOVE IT!!!!  When Gourmet Rubber Stamps came out with this amazing Invite to Fright set I knew it would be an instant favorite!!!  Just LOOK at that Jack-o'-Lantern!!!!

Jack and Stars Halloween

I went with red and woodgrain papers from the Authentique Carefree 6x6 pad.  While the colors aren't necessarily traditional, I think they work really well for Halloween!  The awesome stars are the Studio Calico  Wood Veneer Tiny Stars!  OMG!!!!  I am SO IN LOVE with these things!!!  I spritzed them with Glimmer Mist to add both color and shimmer!  *LOVE!*  I wrapped May Arts burlap string and finished it off with a simple bow!

Jack and Stars Halloween (detail)

I am also linking this up to the Assymetry Challenge in the Moxie Fab World!

Have a SPOOKTAKULAR Thursday, folks!  (Yup.  I totally just said that.  And I'm totally standing behind it.  HA!  Just say'n.)

Jingle Out!


  1. This is sooo fun! Love the woodgrain.

  2. this is very fun! i love halloween!!

  3. LOVE it! Great colors and love those stars! And might I mention again that I just LOVE the name of this set!? :)

  4. Great Card!!! Have you been to Salem for Halloween? If not, you need to make the trek up 128 one of these years. Lemme know in advance and I will save you a parking space in front of my house. I live a 5 minute walk from all the festivities.

  5. Simply love that woodgrain effect.

  6. I LOVE Halloween and this card is just FUN!

  7. WOW!!! What a fabulous design for a Halloween card! LOVE it and the grey and orange work so well together!
    Hugs, Karin

  8. Fun card!!! Good choice on the background paper, I wouldn't have thought of using wood grain, it looks spooktacular:)

  9. So digging all your Halloween cards...so cool!!!

  10. Eeeek! Is it time to start thinking about Halloween already? Where has summer gone? Your card is fantastic. I love the paper choice and the spooky stamps.

    Hugs, Dawn

  11. Very cool card. I love that background-it looks really neat.

  12. Im loving seeing all the little glimpses of halloween popping up around blogland! LIttle sneak peeks!
    great card! I love the jacklantern.
    happy weekend

  13. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for linking this up to the Asymmetry Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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