
Is It Uncouth To Send A Card to Yourself?

'Cause I could probably use this one today. Just say'n. HA! I created today's card based on the brand new sketch for this week over at Skipping Stones Design! I had some fun with the Upcycle collection from Cosmo Cricket. I know...it's an older one, but I do so LOVE it! I used the super fun Bras Volume #1 set!

Hang in There

SO FUN! I actually trimmed the 'lace trim' that was part of the image off while I was paper piecing so I could add the REAL lace to the bra! I love that part! Way too fun! The tape is from Love My Tapes!

Hang In There (detail)

So..here's the deal...another AWESOME sketch this week and if you play along with us one random winner gets a free set of stamps! Where is the bad in that? Make a card, link it up to the Skipping Stones post with the sketch, and you will have a chance to win! You don't have to have SSD stamps to play, either, so you just need to DO IT!!! Just say'n.

And now...because sometimes one needs to write a few letters...

Dear Montana, I have a headache the size of you. I thought you might like to know. No, it isn't the size of Texas or California because, quite frankly, that would just be ridiculously superfluous hyperbole and I am obviously above that. Just say'n. -Your aching friend

Dear Bird Who Used My Car to Commit Suicide This Morning, I realize you are no longer with us, however, I want you to know that you upset me very much! I cried, dude! I can't handle the fact that my presence on this planet ended your life. I just can't. Why did you pick MY car? For reals. I would tell you to never do that again, but, let's face it...I know you won't. Just say'n. This brought back memories of the Squirrel Incident of 2008. Those are NOT happy memories. I wish you hadn't re-surfaced them. I am sorry that you are dead. Very sorry. And very sad. Just say'n. -Your very sad suicide accomplice

Dear Weather, You're doing it wrong. That's All. -Your Vitamin D deprived former friend.

Okay...that's all. Thanks for listening! And...if you are in an area with sun, please address it promptly to Massachusetts. Just say'n. K. Thanks. Bye.

Jingle Out.


  1. Jingle, you make me smile every day! Thanks!!!

    You card is so cute - love the touch of lace!

    PS - Sun is shining here in Chicago today, I'm sending it your way!

  2. GURL I KNOW what you mean! I ran over a baby bird with my bicycle 3 years ago- it was playing on the bicycle lane and tried to take off as I got near but a gust of wind blew it right back into my path- let's just say the entire neighborhood found out I ran over a baby bird- I still get teary over it! This card is fantastic- you make me smile with your projects and your writing. :)

  3. Awww, Jen...I'm so sorry for your pain. I can relate to all of them-migraine headaches, actually. I ran over a suicidal squirrel when my kids were little. We were driving in the park to find a place to picnic and he came out of nowhere-traumatized all of us and the picnic didn't happen! And what is it with birds?! Had one fly into my window here in my scraproom-it's solid glass...what was he/she thinking?!! Totally dead on the ground. Just an awful feeling-my house was in it's way or something. I am praying sunshine arrives in MA today because we all need that!!
    By the way, your card looks completely sunny to me, even if you weren't seeing it, you were bringing it, Girl!!

  4. super cute! i love the added lace! just perfect

  5. Pretty card - very uplifting! Valerie

  6. AWESOME card...i love that little image and great choice in DP....

  7. Sweet card, Jingle and yes, send it to yourself...you need it. I have a squirrel suicide memory that is forever burned in my psyche. He wanted to cross the road, I stopped. I move the car, he changes his pea brained mind and runs back and splat. I cried all the way to work (elementary school). How do you explain to the kiddies you're crying because you were an accomplice to a squirrel suicide.

    Hugs coming your way from sunny Florida...so sorry..come on down, I have a spare room. You need it.

  8. Fabulous card jingle - real lace!!!!! Sorry about the headache, feathered suicide and weather hun, Jo x

  9. Hugs from sunny Langley, BC.
    Great card...love that you added the extra lace!

  10. Fantastic card Ingle love all the mix of paper circles and its such a fun card.
    I have had a sad problem like yours with a bird called a seagull. I couldnt stop thinking about it for months, heaven knows what would happen if I hit a human, whilst driving.
    Hugs Elaine

  11. such a SUPER cute card!!! Totally love the lacey bra!!!!

    and great letters!!!! they totally make me laugh!!!! LOL!!!

    thanks sooo much for the stamps, I got them yesterday in the mail!! totally made my day

  12. Terrific card Jingle and loving the added lace to the bra........x

  13. Really, this is seriously adorable!!!! Just too cute.

  14. I love this card!! Oh, and it is usually drab, grey and rainy in Columbus, but we've had quite a few sunny days. I'll try to send them your way!

  15. OMG! LOVE!!!!!! This is a fabulous card and a great laugh!

  16. Thank you for making me laugh on a day I needed it. And although the dreary weather is here in NY too, I am thankful for it. I have been writing IEPs ALL day (yes, ALL day!) and I am kinda happy that my hubby's golf league got cancelled so I don't have to take care of the little guy alone.

  17. Such a fun card...seriously fun choice of colors/papers.

    ugh, sorry about what happened...I'd be devastated.

  18. This is seriously a cute and fun card! I also seriously need that set!

  19. Love the card. Your blog always makes me smile..well except the part about the dead bird, by your telling of it was quit smile worthy.

  20. I am sorry that you are a bird killer, but your story made me laugh. Do not judge me harshly, but I couldn't help but laugh.
    Your card is awesome, you create well with a headache and in your time of grief.

  21. The REAL lace trim make this card go from good to THE BEST EVER!

  22. Wow!! so sorry about your day!! Just letting you know, btw, I do live where we have sunshine daily, (except during Hurricanes), and it has been scortching hot!! So much so that whole lawns are dying out. Yuck!! And this is considered Spring time!! What do you think Summer is going to be like?! Wowsers! BTW, it was in the upper 90's on Saturday!! AC bills are going to sky rocket!! So I will tell the sun to move northernly tomorrow and take these temps to you!! Have a better day tomorrow!
    God bless!

  23. Oh I hope you get some sunshine soon, that was So Cal last week and I was climbing the walls. So sorry to hear about your rough day. I hope your headache is gone and that your Wed. is much better :)

  24. So, in order: Yes, you can send a card to yourself. I would skip the middleman and just put it where I could see it :) Love the colours, and the fun lace you added!
    Headaches: blech. Someone recently told me that weather change (esp. to rain) can exacerbate them. So hurry up sun.
    Bird: oh, man. That just sucks, big time. I'm glad that you didn't get hurt too (I'm sure as a new driver I would have freaked and caused an accident).
    Weather: well, yesterday we had sun. Rain for the rest of the week. With any luck the sun went a little southwest & you'll have it shortly.
    Sounds like your Monday happened on Tuesday this week - happy hump day :)

  25. OMG, you're killing me! This is HILARIOUS... love it!


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