
What's On YOUR Workspace Wednesday and a Winner!

It is Wednesday and that means that it is time to share our workspaces!!!  I have to admit, my desk looks pretty ordinary this week...


You know...a few things here..a few things there.. basically LOTS OF THINGS EVERYWHERE!  HA!  HOWEVER....the most exciting part of my workspace this week is the addition of a couple of VERY fabulous items due to my awesome family and my birthday!


Yup!  That's a Grand Calibur!  And my parents gave it to me for my birthday.  And I'm in love with it!  Well, okay...I haven't actually used it yet as I just got it on Sunday evening and that darned job that pays the bills keeps getting in the say...BUT...I KNOW I am going to love it!!!  You can cut, you can emboss, you can stencil, you can slice, you can dice, and you can julienne!  I bet, if I tried, this sucker could even make smoothies.  Just say'n.  HA!  Okay...so really just the first three, but that's PRETTY amazing!!!!  I bought a couple of die sets already and I will be playing with it this weekend and getting it all set up.  Along with this...


What is that, you ask?  Well, those just so happen to be the photo studio lights that go with my new at-home studio!  It's a fabulous collapsible light box, complete with backdrops, tripod, lights, and fabulous storage!!!  I have to move a table around in my room to get it set up and play with it a bit to learn how to properly use it, but I am SO excited!!!  I've wanted one of these for a long time!  I'm giddy!!!! The Hubbums looked through several options before deciding on this one and he chose SO WELL!  I love it!!!!

You Give Me Butterflies

As for this pretty little card, well, I created it with the Scrapbook Circle Remember This kit and the amazing printable that is included with the kit purchase!  I LOVE this printable!!!  Polaroid frames.  Need I say more? LOL!  This one was featured on the Scrapbook Circle blog yesterday along with a layout made by one of the other DT members using the printable in awesome ways!  This kit is seriously amazing!

So...that's all for today.

Oh....WAIT just a minute!  I need to announce a winner from my Birthday Giveaway!  The winner is...

Congratulations, Erin!  Please email me with your full name and address so I can send you your stamps and your gift card. I'm going to politely ignore the fact that it appears you are a Giants fan, k?  K.  Thanks.  HA!

So...now THAT is all for today!  To check out more awesome workspaces head on over to The Stamping Ground!

Jingle Out.


  1. love that butterfly card!! just way too cute!

  2. That desk organization looks familiar. I get to the point where all my work surface is covered and I have to use a tray in my lap!

  3. great card! Can't wait to see how your light box works!

  4. Card is awesome, SO excited and jealous about that Grand Calibur, and wow! you are gonna have fun with your photo lights set up!!!

  5. I would be excited about those goodies too!!! Cute card !! have a fun day!!!

  6. Hooray for the Grand Calibur!!! Super Cute Card!

  7. woohoo congrats on getting a spellbinder Grand Calibur...have fun creating..

  8. Fabulous birthday gifts, whoop whoop, Love that card so cute, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  9. I am really into die cuts with my Wednesday night kids...and the birthday present is so Super!!!Your Mom and Dad know you!!! Peace,Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  10. very nice card i love the simplicity in it.. thanks for sharing...

  11. Super birthday gifts! Lucky you. Hope it was a great day as it really sounds.
    Thanks for popping by my blog and I've put you in the scarf draw! Just got to finish the edges, tassels and beads now!
    JoZarty x

  12. Awesome lights, and loving that card!!! :)

  13. Enjoy your birthday goodies!
    And sweet card. Saw it on the SC blog!

  14. Enjoy your birthday goodies!
    And sweet card. Saw it on the SC blog!

  15. oh la la


    can't wait to see what you produce!

    happy belated birthday JJ


  16. Too much fun on those perfect birthday gifts! Enjoy and cute card.

  17. ...lots of new stuff to play with, how exciting...look forward to seeing all your new projects...Mel :)

  18. Very pretty card! I can't wait to see the things that you will make with your Spellbinder.

  19. wow you had some great presents Jingles, they look wonderful.
    Loving your pretty card. Annette x

  20. lucky gal, a new calibur, gorgeous card, Great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing,# 52

  21. I'm sure you'll enjoy the GC - hope you have time soon to play. I'd love one, but have a cricut and a cuttlebug, so couldn't really justify it (Hazel, WOYW #136) x

  22. Beautiful Card amazing colors. Congrats to Erin for winning and have fun playing with all your new toys.

  23. Very cool card--and I'm envious of the GC--I've been starting to wonder if I NEED something like that myself.

  24. woohoo, what a birthday, hope you enjoy playing with the GC! and your studio will be fabulous! I am tempted to get one for my birthday, hubby is always asking me if I need something crafty!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx

  25. Happy Birthday to you, just a little envious of your grand calibur, ok a big bit envious lol. Love the pretty little butterfly card, I always smile when i see your profile picture, you look like your having so much fun in your world, keep smiling. Have a great crafty week Lou @#91

  26. Happy Birthday and have lots of fun playing with your new Grand Caliber.

    That light box system looks awesome. I really need to invest in something similar as my work space has glare from the overhead lights and no natural light (basement room. I love the look of your lights...does it come with a collapsible tent type structure to place the items you wish to photograph? And maybe a tripod too? I have been eyeing up some different ones but can't decide.

    Keep posting some feedback on your blog...

  27. wow you did have an awesome birthday...and I always loved your photos ...been wanting to forever make one of your light boxes ....shame on me...it will be exciting to see your photos now!
    loveee your card pretty paper!

  28. Wow!! YOU racked up girlfriend! What great birthday gifts! I'd love to have any of those gifts! Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

  29. Jingle, the word "ordinary" should never be associated with you! Happy belated birthday! ( I'm a February baby too ) Love taking a peek at your workspace, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  30. Happy belated birthday. You got LUCKY and are blessed, that's for sure.

    BTW, how did you get the numbers back on your posts? Mine went away when Blogger changed something and I can't get them back.

  31. FAB card!!! Love it - so cheer~y :)

    I am SO THRILLED you got the GC - you WILL LOVE IT!!! If you have any questions, shoot me an email, 'K! But don't ask me what die templates to get because my answer will always be ALL!!! LOL!

  32. Can't wait to hear your review on the Grand Caliber.
    I will show my daughter this post. We made a home made light box, but it didn't live up to her standards ;)

  33. Lovely card! Love those butterflies!

  34. Oooh, what absolutely fabulous gifts you have received! And yes, these pesky jobs out in the so called "real world" do get in the way of playing with our toys sometimes, lol!
    Thanks for visiting earlier!
    xoxo Karen

  35. Awesome birthday gifts! Hope you find time this weekend to play with them! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64

  36. Yippee! So happy to hear you were spoiled on your birthday:)


  37. Hubby gets big points - you will LOVE the light box!

  38. Oh happy returns! How marvellous to get such GREAT presents..oh gawd, now you need a photography station and a die cutting station....I can see your weekend going down the rearranging everything spiral! BUT: it'll be fun and worth it - enjoy!!#

  39. Lots of fun things this week! Love the card

    heather 179

  40. Wow lots of excitement from your space this week. Lucky you having a Grand Calibur! Take care, thanks for sharing & hope you enjoy this week's WOYWW. Zo xx 86

  41. Happy Belated BD Jingle!!!! Woo Hoo! Awesome BD toy! Looking forward to what all you will share:) Great card too.


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