
An Elephant with a Tooth Ache Wishes You Well

So...my birthday shows up and I, all of the sudden, begin to fall apart.  I have fluid in my ear, my knee is killing me, and my back was giving me this weird pain that shot into a nerve in my hand.  I'm sure most of it is purely psychological (or related to my workout), but this is INSANE!  LOL!  So...in that vein, I decided that this adorable 100 Proof Press image was quite suitable for today.  (P.S.  I'm actually fine....I just need to whine now and then!  HA!)

Get Well Elephant

ACK!!!!  Is he not the cutest thing EVER?!  I seriously think is just adorable and I feel so bad for this poor little elephant!  You can find him, along with some other fun elephant images here on the 100 Proof Press website!  I paper pieced him with some Amy Tangerine papers from American Crafts.  I love the colors!!!  The beautiful ribbon is May Arts and the pretty scalloped rhinestones are Teresa Collins.

Get Well Elephant (detail)

Heeeee!!!!!  He is just TOO CUTE!  I want to hug 'im.  Just say'n.

On another note...I recently (as in five minutes ago) discovered Dulce de Leche Cheerios.  I got a sample in the mail and OH.MY.CARAMEL.AMAZINGNESS.BATMAN.  For reals you guys.  These are the yummiest Cheerios EVER!  And I'm a pretty big Cheerios fan, so that's saying something.  Seriously, you guys.  These are SO GOOD!!!  I would say it's like eating candy for breakfast, but, well, I actually do that quite often and this has FAR less guilt associated with it.

HA!  I SOOOO don't feel guilty when I eat candy for breakfast, but I've heard other people do, so I tossed that in there for good measure.


Jingle Out.

See you on the 'morrow!


  1. I DID read your last two posts, but I was scattered yesterday (to say the LEAST) and never returned to comment. I know. I should be FLOGGED! I'm sorry you are 'falling apart'! LOL! Seriously, I hope you feel WAY better (I think the dulce de leche Cheerios will help) because it's just plain intimidating knowing you FEEL bad and can STILL produce something as darling as that lil' elephant card! That just MAY qualify as the cutest one yet! LOVE YOU, Jen! And get better soooooon!

  2. oh he is the cutest!!!!

  3. Such a cute card -- feel better!

  4. Think I should be grateful we can't get those cheerios here - I'd end up like the elephant ...
    Super sweet card! Love it! Have a great day, hugs, Karin

  5. JIngle - he is adorable! I too got the Cheerios sample on Tuesday and it is delish. I ate it for a snack without milk.

  6. sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well!! hope you are on the mend!

    this card is adorable and i love the honey nut cheerios --i can't wait to try dulce de leche!!

  7. LOL, my hubby LOVES those Cheerios as well! And I love that rhinestone scallop border! :) Get to feeling better! :)

  8. Super cute... love the bling on the bandage!

  9. O he's soooo cute, love the card!!Hugs May x x x

  10. that is such a cute cute elephant....what a cute get well card..love it

  11. Happy Birthday Jingle! Hope it gets better and you are blessed. ;)
    I LOVE THIS LIL GUY. Such a great card! ;)

  12. Happy Happy Happy Sweetheart! I love this little elephant image...he really knows how one might feel when one is sick! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. I had to laugh a bit at your post~ iI have pains like that sometime weird ones, you don't where they came from. Your card is super cute~love the elephant!!!

  14. Have a happy birthday! And look out for the old age truck (it's run over many a casual road crosser, myself included.) Love that card!!

  15. Your card and the elephant is adorable! I actually feel bad for him! lol... I love the scallop rhinestones on your card!

  16. awww hope you get to feeling better soon
    loveee your card the bling birder is soo pretty!

  17. Loving that beautiful elephant. Hope the aches and pains go away soon. x

  18. glad to hear that you are feeling better--GREAT card!

  19. Well Jingle all the way! Love this card and it's more yellow and grey! Whoop, Whoop!

  20. What a cute get well card. I will check out the website...Can you colour them with copics after you have printed them? Do you use a laser printer?

  21. Hope your feeling better soon. There are those beautiful colors again love the elephant.

  22. I just pinned you to my first Pinterest board! Don't much know what I'm doing, but I managed it!!

  23. This is the cutest! I can see why you were Ackking over the ellie and like how you gave him a few polka dots! Lots of character he has even if he has an aching tooth. Adorable! Sorry you are coming undone. Age can be rough sometimes huh? hang in there! :-)

  24. I don't often LOL when I see cards (especially at night when I am tired and cranky) but your card is a hoot! I LOVE it! Great image, and it's perfect for all of your aches and pains ;). I haven't tried the new Cheerios yet...I'm more partial to Lucky Charms for my morning sugar rush, but caramel for breakfast sounds yummy!

  25. awwww....what a cute image...fab card!

  26. I'm glad you're OK - if you SAY so - because that all sounded pretty miserable. And everybody should get to whine to a supportive audience once in a while, it's very helpful :)
    I love the poor sad elephant - his polka dots & sweet bandanna make it a very cute toothache!


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