
Well, it appears that felt truly IS Fabulous in the Moxie Fab World!

I have to be honest. I was going to skip this challenge. I wasn't much interested in felt. BUT...then I realized that it isn't much of a challenge if it is something I would do normally anyway, THUS, I gave it a shot and I LOVE IT!!!! Here is my submission to the Moxie Fab World Fabulous Felt Challenge....drumroll, PLEASE......

Penant Banner Birthday

I KNOW, right???? For reals, you guys! So fun! The banner is actually one I cut up from a Martha Stewart felt banner and then I added just a *tad* bit of October Afternoon paper with a Skipping Stones sentiment on it! YAY!


The bright and cheerful colors make me IMMENSELY happy! Just say'n.

How is your weekend going? Mine is going SUPER CRAZY CRAFTY!!! I can't even count how many projects I've done at this point and I am LOVING it!!! I hope yours is awesome and stuff. Just say'n.

Jingle Out!


  1. This just makes me SMILE BIG. :)

  2. Love this! I'm getting some craft time in, too. I'm actually ahead on a few projects (gasp!).

  3. That felt good! enjoy your crafty time! Valerie

  4. This one is so colorful and Happy card! Thanks for the comments on my blog!

  5. WOW!.. Fab banners!.. Super fun bright card! :)

  6. Hey Jingle! Thanks for linking this up to the Fabulous Felt challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  7. So fun! Love the banners and the bright colors! :)


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