
An adorable Tricycle Pendant and a Winner!

Happy Labor Day, everyone! I do so hope you are enjoying the time off and relaxing a bit! I know I have been! Lots of creating this weekend! Lots!!!

The winner of the Design by Diana giveaway is SHARON G.! Congratulations Sharon! I have emailed you and hope to hear from you soon!

I also have a super fun 100 Proof Press project to share with you today! I pulled out the super cute tricycle image again, because, well, because I love it that's WHY! Just say'n.

Tricycle Pendant

I stamped the image and embossed it with distress embossing powder on a woodgrain background and then I used various inks to distress it and move the color around a bit. I sandwiched the image between two pieces of glass and wrapped it with wire and copper tape to complete the pendant. It is just too fun! This would be a beautiful gift topper, a necklace, an ornament, or who KNOWS what else! And it was super easy to create, too!

Tricycle Pendant

That beautiful long silk ribbon is from May Arts. I love it!

That's all! Just a quick one today, as I know you have fun stuff to do! I will see you tomorrow!

Jingle Out!


  1. Lovely piece! Have a nice day, Valerie

  2. It's beautiful - you've done a fab job :)

  3. what a fun project. I did some Christmas ornaments this way a few years ago. It was one of my favorite projects evah!

  4. Congrats to Sharon!

    Beautiful pendant! I love your tricycle image ... you could NEVER use it too often!

  5. Very crafty!! Loving the embossing idea for this....you are soooo crafty!


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