
It's Samantha Walker Blog Hop Day and We Are Celebrating FABRIC!!! {WOYWW}

Welcome to the Samantha Walker Blog Hop! If you just discovered this hop here on my blog today, you are in for a treat! Be sure to head back to Samantha's blog to start at the beginning for your chance to see LOTS of great fabric projects AND for your chance to win some yummy Fat Quarters of Samantha Walker for Riley Blake fabric!!! YAY! If you came from Cristal's blog you are already on the right track!

I have created a SUPER fun project for you using Samantha's GORGEOUS Wanna Be a Cowboy 2 Cottons! I chose the Pink Cowboy Plaid and the Brown Paisley patterns. I paired the fabric with some super FABULOUS ribbon from May Arts!

Samantha Walker Wanna Be a Cowboy half apron

And there it is! A super cute and SUPER simple apron! {heart.} Just say'n.

Samantha Walker Apron

Okay, so here's the deal...I'm going to tell you a little *secret* BUT you MUST promise not to tell ANYONE!

Are you ready for this???

Are you SURE????


Here Goes!

I didn't touch a sewing machine.

No. Really.

And I didn't touch a needle and thread, either.

Nope. The entire thing is no-sew! I am officially a SERIOUSLY big fan of Heat & Bond. For reals. Just say'n.

AND....I have some GREAT NEWS!!! I am giving this adorable little apron to one lucky Just Jingle reader today! Just leave a comment on this post with a way to contact you and you are entered to win! Just be sure to leave a 'real' comment as opposed to a 'pick me' comment, because, well, quite frankly those bug the heck out of me and somehow the random number generator always agrees with me on that one. Hm. Odd, that. SO, Yeah, totally leave a comment if you would like to win this super cute Samantha Walker fabrics Apron!!!

And...don't forget to leave comments all along the way because Samantha is giving away some super cute fabric and every blog you leave a comment on gives you an entry! So...next up is Nancy! LOVE HER! So hop along and be inspired!!!

And...for those who are here to peek at my workspace, ahhh, yes....that photo...yet again...


Yup. A mess. And a boring mess at that! I don't have any projects in progress, as I wrapped up the stuff I was working on! *sigh* I guess I'll just have to make sure I'm doing something extra cool next week! HA! Don't forget to stop over at Julia's blog if you would like to join in for What's On Your Workspace Wednesday!

Now...it's time to head to Nancy's blog and keep on hopping! Click on the logo link below to get there!


  1. I love the apron! I'm so glad you shared a non-sew way to make an apron for those who don't have a sewing machine or are afraid to use one. You did fabulous! The pink plaid with the paisleys is one of my favorite combos.

  2. Heat and Bond sounds good. Do you need an iron to heat it up? No sew sounds like a great alternative foe people like me who can't see to get the needle threaded! Enjoy your blog hop, and have a great day, Valerie

  3. Another Fab project. Love that fabric combination and the fact that it's no-sew. I can sew, I just like that I don't have to.

  4. My life just wouldn't be the same with no sewing. :-)
    A x

  5. Great project. The fabric is great and the paisley is my favorite.

  6. LOVE your apron and what a nice giveaway! You'd never know that the apron hadn't met the sewing machine!

  7. Hahaha, a "boring mess"?! Funny, I know what you mean by that, although I am not the creator/inventor you are. Your apron is darling and I love that you love Heat and Bond...truly miraculous stuff, eh?!

  8. oooh! a girl after my own heart! heat and bond, you say? i'm all OVER that stuff! i can envision, i can cut, i can assemble, but my sewing machine HATES me. no-sew?! yes, please! the apron is super duper cute, and you ROCK!

  9. Thanks for sharing your space this week and I hope the rest of your week goes well! No sew sounds great! Is there a no cook that makes dinners that look as cool as the apron?!

  10. Lovely, lovely combo of fabrics, ribbons etc. You've done it so neatly, I know I'd get heat and bond stuck everywhere except where it was meant to be!! Fabric fans rule :D xxxx

  11. I love your way of thinking, no sewing machine. Great apron and you did such an awesome job of modeling it.

  12. No-sew. Brilliant. Would like to try that. Great apron. Will now hop over to all the others.

  13. This is so cute and I love that you didn't even use a sewing machine! I love using heat and bond too!

  14. This is SO fabulous!!
    Makes me think I could make one, too ;)

  15. I KNEW where you were going the moment you said you had a little secret but I have to tell you that does not look like it wasn't sewn! Awesome. I think that apron would be perfect for me since we are back to Mad Men watching in my house and a cute apron TOTALLY compliments a martini or manhatten in just the very perfect way!

  16. Love the apron and the fact that it was no sew makes it that much more fabulous!

  17. very cute apron - brown is my favourite colour, so I love the brown paisley print at the bottom. I can't believe you didn't sew one stitch on it! my email is michib2006@hotmail.com

  18. Such a sweet little apron! I just love it!!!

  19. Super cute apron there missy!!! I love fabrics...matter of fact I think I would be considered a (gulp) fabric hoarder. hehe That's ok...a gal can NEVER have to much facric on hand.


  20. What a fun apron. Love how you used the different fabrics. Now I want to make one.

  21. Super cute apron and I love that you didn't sew. I am a big fan of fabric. Have way too much of it for the small amount of projects I do each year.

  22. OMG!!! I love aprons! I try to figure out ways to make aprons from just plain white ones that I can alter or win from crops at my LSS. Must do a tutorial on YouTube to show me how you made this apron!!!! What is heat and bond? Would love to know more about that. Thank you very much for sharing! Ideas are now jumping in my head!!!! Katherine (lightmypath@shaw.ca)

  23. I always wanted to make an apron. What a great idea! TFS

  24. OK, how CUUUUTE is this apron and I love that you didn't sew it either!!! I need to check into that Heat & Bond stuff! Love this!!!!

  25. oh this is just too cute.. love aprons.. love this one.. great job.

  26. Your apron is adorable and love the ribbon waistband. No sewing? Wow, great job and amazing pleating, too. Thanks!

  27. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you made this and didn't sew a stitch!! So cute Jingle! Is this your own pattern?? So curious how you did the waistband with the heat & bond. IT is super cute!!!

  28. Are you kiding??? What challenge! I know a brazilian actress that make her wedding dress just heat&bond. You´re the second creative woman to do this! kiss and congrats, joelma

  29. Wow what a fantastic apron. My quilt group would have a hissy fit if they saw this! What no sewing! I can just hear the purest among them....
    Now then, how do I make a quilt like this?!!

  30. What an adorable apron! I can't believe you didn't sew it! WOW!! I wonder if it would make me love cooking more? LOL!

  31. Cute apron! Amazing what some products will do. I have quite a collection!

  32. How can your mess be boring when it has taken so much creativity to get it that way and there is so much desirable stash on it. Other people's always seem enticing.
    Love the apron and the fabric so I'm hopping over to see Samantha now.... byeeee.e.e.....e
    JoZarty x

  33. Super cool apron Jennifer, lovin the no sew method! I see your desk is back to it's normal state lol ;)
    Hope all is well with you sweetie?
    *hugs* Sal x

  34. Hi there! Happy Blog Hop! Nice place! I received an invite via FB! :) LOVE the pics and projects!

    And the gnome! LOVE the gnome!!! Rollin' with my gnomies! Woot! Woot!

  35. Cute idea! I love the fact that you did not sew one stitch! So easy!

    Carol B

  36. LOVE that no sew idea! Thanks for sharing. LOVE the pics of your messy desk--nice to know mine isn't the only one. . .

  37. Totally adorable! Love your combination of patterns & the ribbon.

  38. WOW! No sewing machine, thread or needle? The apron is so cute!

  39. Wow I am amazed that you did this cute apron without any sewing!!! I would love to see more pictures or a tutorial to do one, thanks! And my e-mail is: lucy_newton@prodigy.net.mx

  40. Super adorable apron! I have to confess... I wear an apron everyday that I am in the kitchen! I love aprons especially the huge frilly ones! Fun desk space!


  41. So cute! That's amazing that you made it without sewing at all!

  42. That apron is way too cute - love it!

  43. That apron is way cute and the no sewing bit has me sold on it!
    Happy WOYWW

  44. I can't believe this was made without any needle or thread!
    Thanks for the chance :D

  45. I'm freaking out that you didn't sew at all, thanks so much for sharing this project...is the heat and bond you used on a roll or does it come by the yard?

  46. NO WAY! You didn't sew it? I love this apron. I could use it when I garden, do crafts, etc. Thanks for the chance. I love the colors and design.

  47. Love the apron! So happy to see mine is not the only messy room! Makes me feel more normal!

  48. Your apron is so adorable. I love the no sew. that is how hubby repairs his work pants, teehee.

    Looks like you have some fun creative projects in the works.

  49. great looking apron! Love the fabrics. Your craft room looks very busy and creative this week. I can so relate to the horizontal surfaces being cover with all sorts of goodies. thanks for sharing. Vickie

  50. thanks for the glimpse. looks like you're busy... Have a great day.

  51. I spent years and years fighting with a sewing machine that kept breaking the thread or altering the tension without warning before I found one that actually works. Cost me UK£700!!!!! Now I see that all I needed was some iron on bonding. Ay eck!!
    Hugs Joanne xx

  52. Love your apron!! and thanks for explaining how to create one!!

  53. omg, i LOVE LOVE LOVE the apron you made and that it's NO SEW is even better as i have a terrible phobia of the sewing machine!! *giggle* I've got my fingers crossed as this would be super fun to have as i'm getting messing with the girls. these SW hops always make me want to pull out the fabric box!!!

  54. How clever to use that heat and bond. How does it hold up in the laundry! I have always wondered that:-)


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