
I love Corduroy.

The book, that is. You now...the little bear with the green overalls? Yup. That one. The one that goes on great adventures in the department store and finds buttons in fun places like from mattresses up on the top floor? Yup. That one. *love. him.* Just say'n.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I actually collect children's literature. No, I don't have kids. Yes, I love kids books. I used to teach, so that is part of where the love came from, but mostly, I just love children's lit. From the simplest of picture books to wonderful chapter books like The Giver.

So, when I saw this fantastic bear stamp from 100 Proof Press I just KNEW it was made for me! I love it SO much!!! He isn't missing a button, but that's okay, we will just pretend it was after he got a new home and a new button! YAY!!!!

Time for Adventure Bookmark

I also used the cool smallest circle stamp to create the background of my bookmark! I love the way that looks and will totally be using this stamp for backgrounds more in the future!

Time for Adventure bookmark (detail)

Well, that's all for today. We are super busy. I had to take the day off because over the weekend we found that BOTH cars had to be taken to the shop today before they could be driven on the highway. Seriously. Both Minis. Fun stuff. They are great cars, just regular stuff that hit all at the same time. Craziness, I tell you! LOL!

I hope you have a fabulous Monday! And, if you need a smile, go find a copy of Corduroy and read it again... you will fall in love all over again!


  1. I collect children's books too. My favorite are vintage Golden Books but I'll pretty much pick up anything with great illustrations. Corduroy and Paddington were always favorites that I'd read to my younger brother.
    Adorable tag!

  2. Lovely book mark, but sorry both of your minis need treatment at the same time! Valerie

  3. Is it weird that I have never heard of Corduroy (the book not the material)?? This is just adorable!

    Deanne :)

  4. Adorable bookmark which will be perfect with your collection of literature. Love the circle background, I am loving the 100 Proof Press circle, I use it all time. Love your bookmark. Tracy x

  5. Super cute bookmark...Corduroy...hmmm...can't say I remember him and I read to my kids all the time.I was a volunteer reader at the elementary school library too-weird I don't remember him. But hey! He's a cutie anyway and sounds like he had some great adventures:) Sorry about the minis needing work. Life is like that!
    Happy Monday:)

  6. Very Cute...and it it a GREAT story.I'm partial to Paddington myself..Happy Monday

  7. Cuteness! I love corduroy, too! That little bear does remind me of Paddington Bear. Those were some of my favorite books when I was a kid.

  8. I don't know of this book but this is so sweet!

  9. I LOVE HIM, TOOOOOOO! Don't laugh, but I have a stuffed one that sits under my Christmas tree each year! I'll take a photo in December! Your card just plain old makes me HAPPY, Jen! So do YOU!

  10. And I MEANT to say BOOKMARK, not CARD. Duh, me! Also intended to tell you I have the Little Women, Little Men, & Jo's Boys I got when I was 10 years old. I'll be 61 next month so those are some old & beloved books! I adore children's books!

  11. Adorable!! I love kids books, too.

  12. I love children's books. I have so many of them. I know I have 3 daughters, but the oldest is 22 and she loves them as well.
    I would put certain books away that I could only read to the girls as the illistrations were just so beautiful, I didn't want them to get ruined.

    As for your book mark, it is beautiful. I really think that background is so fun. It can be used on many different styles.

  13. This is just so sweet! Love the sweet bear. Oh my baby is 18, so I do not read childrens books too often.....I loved reading Corduroy. : )

  14. Love your tag ... Corduroy is classic!

  15. Very sweet tag. And so sorry about the car problems. I hate when that happens!

  16. Super cute!


  17. so pretty! love the stamped background! cute bear!

  18. This is just precious-I love it!


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