
Tiny Dolls, Glitter, and Wings....seriously? How could that POSSIBLY be a bad thing?

It can't and that, my friends, is why I have brought these wonders together in my latest Coffee Break Designs Shrine from Retro Cafe Art

Life is a Fire. Bottle it.

Life in a Bottle

Life is like a fire. Sometimes it burns hot and other times it reduces to embers and barely warms the air around it, but it is fire. There is rage, there is warmth, there is beauty. Life is like a fire. Bottle it.

Life is like a fire (detail side)

Life is like a Fire.  Bottle it.  (Detail 2)

Life is a Fire.  Bottle it.  (detail 3)

Life is a Fire.  Bottle it.  (detail 4)

Life is a Fire.  Bottle it.

If you haven't thought about entering the contest over at Retro Cafe Art yet, you TOTALLY should! These are a blast to create and the prizes are AMAZING!!! And mine are just samples, so we don't even have to compete! Yay!

Oh! And if you missed the other project I did with these shrines, you can check out my Steampunk Art Doll here!

Supplies used:

Classic Winged Heart Shrine Kit
Classic Brass Charm
Frozen Charlotte
Tim Holtz Corked Vials
Tim Holtz Trinket Pins
Steampunk Parts Collage Sheet
Martha Stewart Fine Glitter
Vintage Lace
Glimmer Mist
Alcohol Ink
One-Step Crackle Medium


  1. That's ridiculously cute!! I'll bet you're covered in glitter now, though!

  2. Ha! Glitter has a mind of its own!! Love this awesome contraption! Tiny doll and all:)

  3. Great work, and love the little frozen doll in it! Valerie

  4. Very cute ... love the glitter!

  5. wow, stunning piece of art!
    Have a great weekend, Debxx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow Jingle that is just adorable......love the wings super cute.

  8. Okay, lil' Jen! NOW you're just showing off! BWAHAHAHAHA! Seriously, that is THE best yet! I mean - first of all, who WOULDN'T fall head over heels for that red glitter? RED!!!! Happiest color EVER! And the way you put it all together? Brilliant! I'm BOWING to you, oh tiny goddess of creativity! TRULY! And sending you smiles & hugs!

  9. It's awesome Jennifer! I love all the glitter! And of course the dollie :). xo

  10. Love the glitter in the jar hanging down! Great job! This is totally cool! Hope that the glitter is contained (mine breeds like gremlins in a swimming pool when let loose-LOL). Fab job! -Amanda

  11. That is way cool Jenn! Covered in "Woman Dust" (glitter) as my son calls it.

  12. Incredible...just love all your glitter. You know that I really mean that!(based on all I use.lol.)

  13. Love everything about this, Jingle :)

  14. This is REALLY cool! Has a definitely steampunk vibe to it. You did a great job!!! Anything with glitter is awesome! :)

  15. Amazing!! Love that glittery heart!

  16. Oh my goodness! This is perfectly stunning. Glitter red - girl after my own heart, xo

  17. check out all that glittery goodness!!! Awesome project!

  18. Love this great project- love the red shimmer!

  19. Your creativity amazes me.
    Such fun art.
    I am working on my art journal....I think I need help

  20. I think this is my mostest favoritest piece you've ever made, Jingle!


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