
Victorian Summer is Here and Skipping Stones are Hopping! Or .... skipping...or....well, anyway....

Yes, folks, it's time for the Skipping Stones Design blog hop and I am EXTRA excited about this months release! If you came over from Karen's blog you have already started the fun! If not, head on over to Skipping Stones Design to get started!

SSD 84 - Victorian Summer Thank You

Yeah, I know, right? Awesome stamp! And the entire set is that fabulous! PLUS, we totally got to combine that with an incredible sketch by the ever talented Kim Kesti, making for a really great combination!

Victorian Summer Thank You (detail)

That gorgeous silk ribbon is, of course, from May Arts. I absolutely LOVE how soft and beautiful it is!

So, here's the scoop, folks! You totally need to hop along this amazing list including the Stamp Tramps, our guest sketch artist, Kim, and our guest designers, Karen and Karen. (hee-hee! That made me giggle. Just say'n.) AND...don't forget to create your OWN card using the sketch posted over at Skipping Stones for a chance to win some free stamps!

Your next stop on the hop is the ever so organized and wonderfully helpful, Kandi Phillips! So, leave a comment here and then get your little tukkis (p.s. It was rather difficult to locate a spelling of this word, but it appears that this is accurate. If you happen to be fluent in Yiddish, let me know if it is, indeed, incorrect. Thanks.) out of here so you can check out the other blogs, for goodnesomes sakes! Just say'n.

Kim Kesti
Amy Tsuruta
Barb Turpin
Karen Baker
Brenda Weaver
Gladys Chia
Karen Christensen
Jennifer Ingle Jingle, jingle, jingle...just say'n.
Kandi Phillips
Wendy Jordan
Tammie Beaton

Happy Tuesday, folks!!!


  1. This is terrific! Love the juxtaposition of the bold and the soft!

  2. Hey there....GREAT card. Love that big fabby ribbon and of coarse the STAMPS!! I hope you are having a good week. Take care!

  3. brilliant stamps, the card looks fab.

  4. This is so pretty, Jingle! You gave this set a casual and fun spin. I like that!

  5. Great card jinGle! Oh love all the elements in the card.

  6. Such a nice card. Love the yellow!

  7. Very pretty card! I love the colors that you selected.

  8. Wonderful card....I like how you used the big flower as a background for the sentiment...super idea! Have a great day!

  9. lovely use of the stamp--beautiful card!

  10. Love the yellow and the big bow!

  11. Another absolute WINNER! I love the addition of that soft bow! SOOOOOO pretty! I'll be 'hopping' in a sec!

  12. Fabulous card! Great job!

  13. Love the big bow and the sweet leaf stick pins...great job Jen.

  14. Love this card.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  15. Love it how you used the large flower as a light background - thats a good idea for larger stamps! :) Thanks for sharing!

  16. I **knew* you'd do something amazing! Love the addition of the may arts ribbon too! Love. love. love.

  17. oh wow, it is just beautiful!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  18. You're really rocking the cards lately, girl! Another beauty.

  19. what a sweet card. Love the bow :)

  20. Jennifer your card is just beautiful! Love these victorian summer stamps!

    Hugs XX

  21. so very pretty! Love how you stamped the flower and then layered the sentiment on top....awesome..


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