
I'm the Featured Artist at Scrapbook News and Review!!!

So, this is kind of exciting! I am a featured artist over at Scrapbook News and Review!!! To read my article go HERE! I did notice a couple of mistakes here and there, for that I apologize. But, it's still fun!

I made a really fun Alice book using Scrolls Work stamps and Graphic 45 papers! Love it!!!

Just an FYI...I may not be around blogland as much this week, but I have some fun stuff planned for next week! Mostly 'cause I like you guys and stuff! Anyway...check out the feature and let me know what you think!


  1. Congrats to you.
    Love your paper flowers with the buttons.

  2. DUDE! that's fantastic! running off to check it now! they chose a fabby guest! :D

  3. I LOVE your article! Thanks so much for all of your hard work!

  4. So exciting - congrats! I keep getting an error when I click thru but will try again tommorow. Hope you have a creative week

  5. Congratulations! It is always an honor and fun when you are asked to be a featured artist!

  6. Congratulations have a great week, hugs Debx

  7. Congratulations Jenn - go girl!!

  8. woo-hoooo! Congrats on being featured!

  9. Congratulations on your article feature. And I love the teal with red color combo.

  10. Wooooohoooo! First of all, that Alice piece is AWESOME! I found myself looking at every single aspect of it and smiling MANY times over the clever way you designed it! Then I began to look at it as one cohesive piece of art and it was even BETTER! As I told you earlier, I GET the yoga/art connection completely. When the body is aligned with the mind, wonderful things happen! Congratulations on being the featured artist! I read every word of your article, and it was well-said! Big hugs to my adorable lil' exhuberant friend!

  11. Great article, Jennifer and I just love your mixed media book!

  12. Congratulations! And I think it's a great article.

  13. Congratulations! That's AWESOME news!!! Theresa

  14. this was quite an enjoyable read! i too have started practicing yoga and wholeheartedly agree on the deep connection to art, life, serenity, peace, mind and body health....aaaaah!

  15. WooHoo! This is great news for a great girl! I love your generosity and spiritual energies! Peace, Mary helen

  16. Congratulations Jingle. Yoga? I think I need to take this up, but I'll need to find a class because I am just not disciplined enough to do it on my own!

  17. That journal is amazing...!! So awesome to see you published!! :)

  18. Ohhh Jennifer...I'm so happy for you and so proud of you. Congrats on the feature!!! You are one awesome artist my friend and now even more know it.



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