
The Wicked Witch of the West!

Are you a Wizard of Oz fan?

I actually saw it for the first time when I was twelve years old.

It gave me nightmares.

AT TWELVE! That's a bit ridiculous. Just say'n.

BUT, I do so love the imagery of that amazing film! And, I am excited to be participating in a Wizard of Oz themed swap! This is my first tag for that swap...I have to create six in total, but they can all be different, so they probably will be. HA!

Wich Tag 2

I used a fabulous witch stamp from Scrolls Work! I LOVE this stamp! She is just a perfect little witch! The background of the tag is inked with Ranger alcohol inks and then I used Tim Holtz distress ink all over this sucker! LOL! The ribbon is American Crafts (the gingham) and some fun orange lace that I had around. The glitter brads (WR Memory Keepers) were the perfect finishing touch!

Witch Tag close

Wich Tag 2

ALSO, I just HAVE to tell you all about this way cool class that I heard about from my awesome friend, Lisa!

It's called 21 Secrets and I think it will be an amazing class! I am SO hoping to win a spot in it AND if I win I get to give away a spot here on my blog, too!!! How cool would THAT BE??? Amazingly cool. That's how cool. Just say'n.

Basically, a group of amazingly talented artists have come together to create this workshop. I would be so excited to learn from these inspiring people! First of all, my friend, Lisa, is one of those amazing artists and since she inspires me CONSTANTLY already, I need to know what she is sharing here! I simply MUST! Also, Connie, the amazing woman who runs Dirty Footprints also has a section and she is so full of creative energy and loves to get others excited about their art! I can't wait to see what she has to offer! Also, Less Herger is offering a piece on how to use glazes and I SO want to learn that!!! Seriously, you guys! There are so many awesome and amazing techniques and ideas being presented! I want in!!!! Go check it out!


  1. Such a fun tag...I remember those flying monkeys freaked me out when I was younger...it is such a movie classic though...

  2. The Wizard of OZ....what a great tale. My favorite has always been Glenda...the good witch of the North.
    (I use to could talk like her..LOL)
    Your tag is lovely and I so think of Glenda instead of the Wicked Witch with it. GREAT JOB!!!


  3. I LOVE your tag...can't wait to see the others!

  4. Love your tag. I used to have a pair of red shoes when I was a girl, and then my daughter had a pair she wore everywhere. Not sure if it was because of this movie though
    Thats why I loved your red sparkle shoe you made.

  5. OMG the monkeys, the monkeys scared the pee out of me! I still sweat a little when I see the monkeys flying. Monkeys just should NOT fly, Ya know?!
    Cute tag.

  6. HEY! I wanna be in on the swap! Love, love, love the woz!! this tag is so cute--love the brads too. Please post your swap stuff when you get it--seriously love all things oz related!

  7. btw, did I mention that the monkeys gave me nightmares?? And the Wicked Witch's, Margaret Hamilton's, kids (who were little at the time) were scared of her in the movie??

  8. Gorgeous tag and I've got my fingers crossed that you win a place on the 21 Secrets class.


  9. Awesome tag....and EEE! I'm so so glad you entered the giveaway! You are so incredibly sweet (sadly, I have no pull in determining the winner....but I'm sending out good vibes for ya') :)

    Fingers crossed for you beautiful lady!

  10. WICKED cool tag, my friend!
    have you seen 'Wicked' yet? It is awesome!

  11. Terrific witchy tag. Enjoy making up the rest for your swap...I hope you get some fun ones back as well.

  12. Love your tag!!!! I had to comment on the Wizard of Oz question. I LOVE this movie! Always have. When I was a kid it would come on tv at Easter (why, I don't know). I clearly remember getting to go to the neighbors to watch it because they had a color tv and we didn't. My mom saw it in the theater when it came out in 1939!!! She was 4! But she always remembered that. Thanks for letting me reminice!

  13. Beautiful tag; makes the Wicked Witch look a little too good ;) Being born and raised in KS I LUV the Wizard of Oz. You really should read the series by Gregory Maguire, it puts a whole new spin on it.


  14. Jen, fantastic job on this tag, I love it!

  15. I love this tag. The wish is pensive and elegant, just the way a withc should be WHEN SHE'S NOT EATING LITTLE CHILDREN! HAHAHAHAHA!

  16. the wizard of oz was scarrrry!! of course we never knew it was half in colour and half in black and white for years later. Nice witchy-poo tag, and not at all scary! happy woyww, sorry I'm so late, my broom stick broke down

  17. That's a clever use of brads!

    I hope you can join us for 21 Secrets. :)

  18. You did a wonderful job with the tag! I LOVE The Wizard of Oz. When I was little, I used to be afraid of the shoes jutting out from underneath the house (especially when they shriveled away). Now, I have a pair of glittery red ruby slippers of my own. I love making them go click, click, click! Theresa


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