
Be: A Photo Series

Sometimes life hands you little things that make you smile. Sometimes life hands you little things that let you think. And sometimes, life hands you little things that let you take flight and soar with an idea. This was one of those times:

Be (1 of 14)

Be (3 or 14)

Be (4 of 14)

Be (5 of 14)

Be (6 of 14)

Be (7 of 14)

Be (8 of 14)

Be (10 of 14)

Be (13 of 14)

Be (14 of 14)

You see, these letters came from the back of my Bath and Body Works Lotion tube. They have been coming off for awhile now, but the other day I looked down and saw these two letters just stuck to my skin. Serendipity at it's best. Each photo represents a bit of what I am. So, my words for you as we begin this week:

Just be.


  1. Okay, now how fun is that? happy monday!

  2. This is fabulous! I love the meaning behind it and the serendipitous nature behind the letters!

    Great message!

  3. I love it...I love that you took the time to take it all in, to just "be."

  4. Whoa - that is awesome!! Serendipity how I love thee. And yet, good fortune is nothing without action...those photos are just absolutely amazing.

    Excellent reminder - taking a deep breathe right now to bring it in. :)

  5. Ahhh......very cool!

    I'm back from vacation. Sure did miss everyone's blogs while I was away. Check out some of the photos I posted if you feel like it. ;)

  6. These photos are just ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! I am SO envious of your little piece of magic you came across! Go you for thinking to take these photos, they would make some amazingly unique layouts or a mini... I think that you just inspired me to do something crazy soon with my own fingers/toes and a few neat things !!! :D

    I just finished a cute journal for one of the twopeas back to school challenges!

  7. It's been too long since I have dropped in sweet friend!

    I love that I came today! Just BE!


  8. funny! All I get is a random rub-on that's not even a whole letter and you get words from the universe! :)

  9. I love this post and the serendipity of those letters coming off at just that moment!

  10. I don't know, Jennifer, but I think it would be much more "you" if you drew a little smile-mouth and button nose under the Be!

  11. How awesome is this! VERY fitting! This was such a wonderful inspiring post! Theresa


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