
My Workspace is Lonely {WOYWW}

I am, of course, participating in What's on Your Workspace Wednesday with the crowd over at The Stamping Ground today, although, with what has been on it lately, I think everyone might be convinced I don't even craft anymore. Life has been UTTERLY insane! I mentioned that we had a big decision to make and I can say that the decision has now been made as of last night. It was a whirlwind, though, let me tell you! And...due to that whirlwind I have not a had a moment to work on new stuff and that is TOTALLY killing me! I have BIG plans for Saturday, let me tell you! I am on a doll making and painting MISSION!!!!

So, this is my desk at the moment:

WOYWW 25 Aug 2010

Tee-hee. She doesn't really have a mustache. I added that. And I love it. Just say'n.

But, seriously, those dolls on that box are super cute and I need to come up with a fabulous idea on how to use them because they want to be incorporated into something fabulous. For reals, folks. They TOTALLY do!


See! Can't you tell? They want ... nope. ... they NEED to be used for something fabulous! I just don't know what yet. Your thoughts are, as always, appreciated!

Anyway, so that's what is on my workspace as of this morning. Let's hope for more actual ARTWORK next week, huh? K.




  1. Hi ya
    lol adding a mustache,great desk piccie, glad you came to a decision, half the time thats the hardest part!! have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  2. I think the mustache is a great touch! ...and I can see some of the white from your desk in that photo...some! :)

  3. I think I would feel right at home at your desk....looks a little like mine.

  4. A messy desk just means there is a happy muse dancing and singing and you are trying to keep up...LOL!!!

    LOVE the box and the wee ones...so cute.(mustache included..hehe) I can see one as a tiny clay desk sitter holding a spiral wire that holds a tiny message. Just a thought!!


    Decisions...decisions...now let the action begin!!!!

  5. Love the mustache touch :-)
    A x

  6. Sounds a bit hectic at your place - hope all goes well!!

  7. The moustache is seriously unusual! Very Picasso

  8. Yes!! You get those dolls out!! Love your X sticky thing, mines boring purple!
    Have a great WOYWW!

  9. I love those! They're adorable, mustache or not.

  10. Quite a crowded desk,thanks for sharing.xxx

  11. Lovely busy desk, i'm new to this and have enjoyed visiting.

  12. Lovely desk...I have a small box with them dolls on i never thought of using one on a project.

    Look forward to seeing what you are doing


  13. ooooh your right those dolls on the box are super cute. Joey.x

  14. You got the mustache...where's the beard?!!!

  15. you've got me intrigued too.. dying to hear more!

  16. oh great moustache,great desk you have there too hugs cheryl xx

  17. You're absolutely right - the dolls on the box are incredibly cute! Mustache and all! Theresa

  18. Love the added moustache :-)
    And yes, those dolls need to be crafted with! Definitely!

  19. Love the dolls, hope you find some time to free them over the weekend x

  20. Had to laugh at the mustache. But of course, I kept looking for the good news, decision, or whatever you are keeping under wraps. you are a tease. Sorry I'm late here. Happy belated WOYWW.

  21. Good luck with your doll making mission, looking forward to seeing your creations.

    Happy Creating.....sorry i'm a little late!



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