
Macro or Not, it's still Raining Cats and Dogs

Macro Rain

Rain (No macro)

*Taken from my studio window. First shot with macro on, second without. I have GOT to get myself a better view! Raining for the fourth day in a row. Lots. It's kinda nice, but sucky because it means fall is officially here and I miss my summer already! Just say'n.

For more Wordless or Wordfull Wednesday posts check out here and here!


  1. That did work. Great tip.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  2. It has started to rain in London as well, but we can't complain because we have had loads of sunshine over the past couple of months...

  3. We welcome the rain here...it gives us a break from so much of this HEAT,hotness,draining zapping dang Southern humidity. It has rained just about everyday here for the past few weeks. At least there are breaks of sunshine in between. Ohhh the things we have to put up with in living the coastal life...LOL!! Come visit and you will still have SUMMER weather.


  4. yes - a sunnier view would be nice...especially after 4 days of rain :P

  5. Wish you could send a day or so to us here in Michigan. We're pretty dry

  6. It would be nice to have a little of that rain here. We need to put out some fires and wash the air!

  7. View or not, you are lucky to have your own studio. I have to wait until my oldest goes to college to get one of my own. :)

    I hope you day clears.

  8. It gets pretty depressing if it rains that much!! We will have that in fall so, I am basking in the sun for as long as we can!!

  9. We're having monsoon rainstorms so they look a little different than yours. That macro setting is awesome!

  10. We've had much welcomed rain here this week too, and fall-like temps. I'm so ready for it though!

  11. I have heard of the monsoon that you are enduring at the moment! I talked to my mother this morning (lives in MA)and all I heard was how much its raining and how cold it is.... Maybe I dont want to come back home for a month?! lol
    Its been raining here for 2 months straight and we are finally seeing sun again... so the rain is all yours! :D

  12. It's been dreary here today....but just thankful it isn't 90 degrees out anymore.

  13. We had monsoon-like rain on Sunday. I don't like rain like that - but we desperately needed some. Our yard was getting crunchy! Today it was cool but dry. I'm hoping the weekend looks good. Theresa

  14. I am hosting a giveaway over at Sassy Sites. Come on by and join in on the fun! We would love to have you!


  15. rain rain go away come back another day, like in a few months..
    hope you have dried up a bit there its in the 100 here today!


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