
Little Ladybug Cupcake Toppers!

Wanna see some SUPER cute Cupcake Toppers? So tell me, if you were turning 1 would these make you happy? Heck, I think they would make me happy and I'm THIRTY ONE! HA!

Ladybug Cupcake Topper 1

I created the pleated disc with my new Martha Stewart Score Board. Seriously, you guys. This thing is like GOLD! (And a 50% off coupon certainly doesn't hurt! Just say'n.) I accordian folded strips of patterned paper and adhered them into the disc shape. I love them! The Ladybugs are punched circles (one is cut in half, obviously) and then I embellished them with those adorable wire antlers and some fabulous lime green bling! LOVE!

Ladybug Cupcake Topper 4

CUTENESS!!!! I hope you like them, because I am totally in love with the darned things! HA!

Ladybug Cupcake Topper 3

Have you made anything adorable this week???? Show it off! Leave a link in the comments!!!! (Along with a comment, of course! Because those make me happy!!!!)

I am joining the following parties:



  1. Super cute! Who would not want a cupcake with such a fun topper. Thanks for sharing. I have my daughters 4th Birthday that I'm starting to plan so you are giving me some fab. ideas!

  2. Wow - you did such a nice job. They're super-cute. The little one-year-old will love them. :) Hope you are well - haven't heard from you in a bit. :) Have a great weekend! Theresa

  3. why yes, yes this WOULD make me happy! well, if i were turning ONE, i'd probably be happy with a really great POOP, but you know. ;) adorable, indeed!

  4. those are precious! and so creative!

  5. These are just too stinkin cute! She's gonna love them, I know I do!

  6. I am IN LOVE! We are so blessed to have you help make our ladybugs birthday so special!! Thanks so much they are soo sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo CUTE!!

  7. ooh, they are adorable Jennifer! I love them and I'm turning 30!! hahahaha --- you did a great job and almost enables me to want to buy that scoreboard! LOL

  8. This is adorable! I just bought one of those Martha scoring boards. Maybe you'd consider doing a tutorial on how you made that pleated flower thingy?

  9. Oh mu, is it thursday already? Maybe I will...

  10. Those are really cute and pique my interest:-)

  11. Ohhh these are adorable.
    I love my MS score board as well.

  12. These are too adorable, Jingle!


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