
Fabulous Friday - LINK PARTY!!!!

Well, folks, here we are! It's Friday! I have had a super busy week, yet again, but I can say that I have seen a few fabulous projects out there in blogland this week! BUT, I also know that there are more that I don't even know about!!! So, here it is! Your chance to show off what you created this week! Did you bake something amazing? Make a wearable masterpiece? Create canvas, doll, card, scrapbook layout, altered project, home dec item or something I haven't even THOUGHT OF yet???? I bet you have! Now is your chance to share them here! Just include your link below and leave me a comment letting me know if you like this link party idea. I'm thinking about making it a weekly feature! Thanks for visiting!!!

Here is my project!

I started with an inexpensive wood framed mirror from IKEA! I {heart} IKEA!!!

Crackle House Frame featuring Tombow Adhesives

I layered Maya Road Chipboard Houses over the wood mirror frame and glued them down with Tombow Mono Adhesive. I then painted over those with a light colored paint. I coated it with a layer of crackle medium and then, once dry, painted the brown over that. Then I watched the magic happen! I {heart} crackle medium! It's just wicked crazy cool!!! Just say'n.


I finished it off by adding a really pretty organza ribbon with some super fabulous Prima flowers! I actually glued them in place (Tombow Mono) as the simple foam adhesive they came with wasn't quite strong enough for this type of project.


And that's that! Now, share something you made this week! The only rules right now are that YOU actually created your project and that it is a current post from this week sometime. Please don't post more than three links, but feel free to post UP TO three links! This is for projects posted on blogs or on Flickr, links to shops will be removed. Also, it's not currently required, but since I'm just getting this whole Fabulous Friday thing started, I'd love for you to spread the word and share a link to my site! THANKS!!!


  1. What a fun idea Miss Jingle!!! Have a great weekend! Your project is just AWESOME!

    Deanne :)

  2. Super cool! Love the way it turned out. Thanks for the linky!

  3. ok Jing-A-Ling - that frame is *wicked* as you would say cool LOL..

    me,, well I have created nothing this week... sigh... unless you count covering A single MONOGRAM with some SMOOCH!

  4. What a great transformation on your mirror! I have a few of those stashed away...

  5. HELLO!!!! Just added my onesie project!!!! What a fun idea!! have a fabulous weekend! Hugs, T

  6. I love this idea Jingle. Always coming up with new and neat ideas.
    When you asked me to link my project, I got a bit nervous, as you know how well I am with this techie stuff LOL.
    Cute frame. I love crackle as well. I used it quite a bit when I did my wood working. :)

  7. What a fabulous project! You are uber-talented!! You know that, right?

    What a neat idea to have a little linky party!

    I've linked up my favorite card of the week, which is Miss Pig. I hope you like!

  8. Super cute frame! It would make a lovely housewarming gift. :) Enjoy the weekend! Theresa

  9. Cool linky thing! :) Love your crackle project!! Have a great weekend!

  10. Thanks! That is sweet of you =)

  11. Your frame is so cool! Love the 3-D plus the crackle - what a pretty effect. It's always hard to make something with such subtle colors POP and you did it so inventively. I luuuve it!

  12. What a cool frame, it turned out super duper

    like the idea of the link party but not sure about it being weekly, i can just about keep up with woyww lol

  13. Really cool frame -- love the Maya Road houses and the crackle!

  14. whistle, Clap, Cheer for this Wingle!!

  15. Looks like Chocolate!
    Love it!
    Thank you for sharing!

  16. I love your creative ideas...Wonderful frame!Warmest Regards,Cat

  17. I absolutely love what you did with that little Ikea mirror, it looks fabulous. It think crackling it made all the difference but the layering gave it the distinction. I found your blog on Carol's Christmas in July Link and decided to follow you. I'm #22 on the link and would like it if you'd follow me too so we could get to be blogging buddies. I love crafting too. Smiles


  18. Wonderful idea. I just added my Menu Dice. I finished them last week. Even if I didn't post them until today. So that qualifies, right????


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!