
Sometimes you can discover wonderful things when you have no where else to go....


A Mixed Media Assemblage Art Doll Piece.

Okay, so yes, I'll admit it. I'm not really sure which of those categories this one falls into, so I sort of lumped them all together into one category! HA!

I gotta say...this one was tough to photograph. It is a hanging piece that can ONLY hang, so I had to find a place where I could hang it and still capture it! I officially need to go buy some hooks for my ceiling! Just say'n!

So, you remember that sewing foot that you saw on my desk the other day? Well, it became a bird!

Bird Assemblage

I used a silver fork and the sewing foot to create the body of the bird. The head is paper mache painted with acrylics. The feathers are actually real bird feathers from a pet bird...not mine. Which is a good thing because while creating this I discovered that I am highly allergic to the bird that these came from. THAT made life a bit interesting! HA! (Yup. I had two large puffy eyes for two days. Oopsies! LOL!)

Backside of bird assemblage

This is the top part. I (by 'I' I mean The Hubbums) drilled a hole in the top of the fork and I strung a beaded wire through it. The tag is attached to the top of the cage.

Top of Cage

The cage itself is a wire structure wrapped loosely with fabric strips drenched in decoupage glue. (Hence that glue handed photo from yesterday! HA!)


And this last shot is taken from beneath the piece. I just think it's a cool shot and wanted to share it! HA!

View From Below

So...what do you think? Really. I'm curious. This one has a lot of meaning to me. Sometimes we feel like we are in a cage or trapped and cannot fly and cannot spread our wings. We tend to limit ourselves when that happens and instead of looking beyond the cage bars we sit and do nothing. We expect things to move around us into the exact position we hope, but then we just sit there and fret about our current position. We have to spread our wings even when we are in the cage. We MUST imagine what can be done from that small space and make the most of every inch of it. We must explore our options and change our plans and only THEN will the cage release us and let us out into the world to truly fly. If you remain in the cage moping about the fact that you are in a cage, your wings become fatigued and struggle to work when you really need them. Don't let this happen. Be the bright and beautiful person you are within that cage and you will find a way out. You will discover what you need to discover. You will get there, but you have to keep your wings in shape!

I am submitting this as part of the Wings Challenge over at Gingersnap Creations! Check it out! You can make anything you want! A card, and ATC, mixed media, or something crazy like me! LOL!

I am linking with the following parties:



  1. Wow, Jingle, this is so cool!! :)

  2. Wow - that looks like a lot of hard work. Great job! I can imagine that it was difficult to photograph - when I made that tussie mussie, it was ridiculously hard to get a nice solid photo of the entire piece to show all the detail. I also like that this work is so meaningful to you - art is at its best when it truly means something! :) Theresa

  3. Awesome, so awesome... BEYOND awesome! I love what you're created!!! Thanks for linking this up at the Gingersnaps blog-- it's amazing!

  4. I'd like to get inside your head for just one day. Ok - even one hour! LOL!!! You just come up with the most interesting things!!!! You go, girl!

    What I want to know is - what do you do with all these creations? Is your house filled with them...do you give them to friends/family....or do you sell them?

  5. Love what you have created, such fun. Annette

  6. I see you don't mind suffering for you craft teehee.
    I was wondering whay you were going to do with the sewing foot.
    Love your discription of the bird in the cage.
    This goes with my DD and I were discussing. She was asked to photograph a wedding. We all believe in her, She is doubting herself though. Time to get out of your comfort zone and fly.

  7. wow! that is just sooo cool! and great fun

  8. wow, you are super crafty! thanks for your kind comment on my blog! I hope to see you again!

  9. loving your blog!! so cute and i'm glad you came to mine so i could see yours!!

    you are creative!!

    i am your newest follower!

  10. I love your creativity!!! Can't wait to keep following what you're up to!!

  11. Thanks for stopping by today!! It's great to "meet" you!

  12. What a fun piece! Very cool.

    Thanks for stopping by and for the kudos regarding my art stuff! I'm still on cloud 9.

  13. How fun ... so many great elements.

  14. This has made me think and I am about to break out of my cage. So you're right, this is powerful. thank you!

  15. I love your bird. I also like that your "cage" has bars that are far enough apart so it looks like the bird could fly out any time he wished. It says to me that security is available when needed but I can fly when I am ready.

    Get some hooks already girl!! I think more hanging art is calling for a place to be!


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