
Hello, Kitty (oh....and some other stuff, too)

Ummm....so remember on Wednesday when I showed you that awesome Cricut Cartridge that I got??? I USED IT!!!! Seriously, you guys!!! You have no idea how freaking adorable this stuff is! I am so loving it! The cuteness abounds! HEEEE!!!!!

Hello Kitty Card 1

Yup! That's my first ever Hello, Kitty card from the Hello Kitty Greetings Cricut Cartridge!!! Isn't it A. FREAKING. DORABLE!!!!????!!!! You don't have to answer that. It is. I already know it!!!! HA!

Hello Kitty Card 1 (Bunny Cuteness!)

I used American Crafts carstock and all I had to do was cut the pieces from the colors I chose to use and then put it all together like a little puzzle! Super fun! I added glitter (thank you, Martha Stewart) to the flower centers so I felt like I was actually contributing to the design in some way! HA!

Hello Kitty Card 1 (close)

Instead of cutting the nose from a deep yellow, I simply chose to color the cardstock with a quality marker. I think it looks great!

If you have no idea what I am talking about in regards to this Cricut stuff you should check out their website! It's a fabulous little machine that makes me happy!

Now....I also need your opinion on something. I am working on my next project and I have chosen these fabulous fabrics from the Wonderland collection by MoMo for Moda. I really love this collection and I've been hoarding it and I need to use it for something fun! LOL! I was wondering what you thought of using 1 1/2 inch (maybe 2 inch) squares of the patterns shown below in a sort of messy patchwork to create a dress for a doll I'm working on. I'm not a big sewer, so I don't know the 'rules' of these things. Is it horrible that there isn't a solid in there? Do these work well together and will they in smaller form? I think I like them and I know I love the colors, but I want your ideas! Let me know what you think.

Potential Patchwork Fabric

Aren't they adorable patterns?? I love them. I hope they do work for what I am thinking. Actually, I just hope I can pull off the sewing that it takes to do this project! My little fingers are going to be tired! LOL!

AND...I also wanted to show you this way cool thing that arrived in the mail yesterday! I won a CSN Stores giveaway (it actually came from AllModern.com) and seriously, this is so cool I can't even TELL YOU!!!! Check it out:

Yup. That's totally a cast molded hand that sticks out from the wall! I can hold flowers or a candle. It is totally and completely cool. After the initial shock of discovering just how odd a woman he really married, even The Hubbums thought it was way cool! We just need to find the perfect spot for it. I just love it!

Okay...that's all for now. Don't forget to enter the Scrapbook T-Shirt giveaway if you haven't already!!!! Have a super fabulous weekend!!!!! And thanks for being uber cool and stuff!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE it Miss Jingle!! It makes me giggle!

    Deanne :)

  2. No advice on the patterns but I had to comment on the rest...

    I LOVE LOVE that card! Oh my - so absolutely cuh-YUTE.

    I love that giveaway...how whimsical.

  3. LOVE that Hello Kitty card!!!!! TOTAL and complete cuteness! Now, I am not a sewer - are you planning to use all the patterns here on the same dress? Why not make it patchwork - like Hollie Hobbie? Add bits of lace on the ends. That would be sweet. :) The hand is pretty wild. You can place it somewhere to startle your guests! LOL It is truly really neat. Enjoy your weekend! Theresa

  4. Love the card. You rocked the Kitty. As for the dress: There is only one rule: YOU MUST LIKE IT. There, I said it. Now run off and create it. As for the hand: It different. I like different things. Very cool to be handed flowers all the time.

  5. That card is absolutely adorable!

  6. Oh my! What a riot that hand vase is! I think the fabrics without a solid is great... I usually like quilt patterns without solids but I may not be in the majority here... not being a sewer either I really have nothing useful to offer! The hello kitty card is fab... Someday when I have time I just may have to dive into paper crafts.... your stuff looks SOOO FUN!!

    P.S. I Linkyed you up in my Gratitude Hop! You are even number one!!!

  7. Ms. Jingle,

    Your "Hello Kitty" card is simply adorable. Yes, I think that making a patchwork skirt would be great! I am loving those fabrics. The hand is hilarious and I can see it fitting in perfectly with your personality and in your house.

    Mrs. LTC

  8. Cutness shoudl abound!!! If the whole world was into cuter, life woudl be perfect!!!!

  9. Love the Hello Kitty!

    The fabrics are gorgeous. I know NOTHING about sewing- but I like the colors!

    What a funky wall decoration! It would scare the crap out of me daily.

  10. Love the card! I borrowed that cart from a friend to make kitty for gift bags for my niece, had so much fun! I have been itching to get my own cart! you might have pushed me over the edge! ;)

    Love the fabric!!

    The hand, hilarious!

    Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  11. Ok - first - that card is ADORABLE!!!!

    Second - I have a hosted CSN giveaway on my blog today - so head on over and enter!!!

  12. I think the fabric will look OK on a smaller scale. What a funky wall thingy! LOL!

  13. Terrific cat, but why on a bed of nails, but there again why not..lol
    Terrific arm/hand love that, totally perfect. Have a lovely weekend, Annette x

  14. Hey, that hand flower holder is cool! The Hello Kitty is adorable. I love my Cricut too, but I recently got a Silhouette SD and its hard to stay away from it too. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. Have a great weekend.

  15. AWESOME card! I made a little Hello Kitty bed with pillows and a quilt and a har bow, and, and, and, using a friend's cartridge and I ammost lost my mind trying to put it together. Stay big, big is cute. And do-able!

  16. Hello Kitty is just to cute for words...and that hand mold..wow thats cool!!!Warmest Regards,Cat


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