
It's FRIDAY! Who wants a Free T-Shirt??!!!

Yup! It's FINALLY Friday and here in the US it is a holiday weekend which means I have MONDAY OFF!!!! Super wicked crazy excited about THAT, let me tell you!

So, just for fun and because I like you guys...I thought I would do a giveaway today!!! This one is sponsored by MEEEE!!!!!! Just watch the video to see the giveaway and how to enter! Thanks for being awesome blog readers! (Oh, and please don't leave 'pick me' or 'enter me' comments - those make me mad and I won't count them because I'm mean like that. I don't think it's too much to ask to have you leave an interesting comment - like what you are doing this weekend. Just say'n. LOL!)

AND HA!!!! That place where the video is stopped cracks me up! I look like such a dork, but it's fun, so I'll deal! HA!

AAAAAHHHH....I'm in a good mood today. Lucky Charms for breakfast will do that to you! Anyway, have a great weekend!!!! Pwaaaaa!


Orange and Yellow Ruffles Make Me Happy!!!

Okay, so here's the deal. I'm addicted to headbands. And I'm pretty much okay with that! HA!

So, while I was at work the other day I had this random idea that I wanted to create a headband with ruffles! It just sounded like fun!

Guess What?!

It WAS FUN!!!!

Orange and yellow goodness comin' at ya, folks! And comin' at ya fast! Check this out!


Supplies for ruffle headband

Three different ribbons. Stripes make things more interesting on the ruffles. Polka dots would be cute, too! Get creative! You also need a stretchy headband.


Needle and Thread

You will also need a needle and thread! It helps to have a super cute pin cushion, but it is by no means required. It just makes you smile, so it's worth having around. HA!

Then, just scrunch your first ribbon up into a ruffle and stick the needle right through it carrying the thread through. Go back and forth a couple of times to secure it at whatever length makes you happy. Then stitch that one to the headband. I did my largest ribbon first - the yellow one.

Ruffle Headband (Another View)

Next, I choose my orange and yellow and green striped ribbon and I folded it back and forth to create a sort of ruffle, but I stitched it onto the headband in a more flat manner so I could put something cute in the middle!

Ruffle Headband

Finally, I created the rosette by simply winding the thin orange ribbon around itself. I kept it straight for the first few wraps to create the center and then added some twists to make it look like a rosette as I continued.


That's an interesting word. What makes it a rose - ETTE versus just a rose, anyway? Is it because it is small? That can't be it because I've seen wonderful small roses that are real and nobody calls THOSE rosettes. But, yet, that's what everyone calls them in the craft world. Strange. Hmmmm...... wonder....wonder....wonder....think....think....think. Yup. It officially makes no sense. Just say'n.

SOOOOOO.....after you have create the rose. (Yup. I'm gonna be rebellious and not call it a 'rosette.' HA!) You stitch that piece on in the middle over the flat part of the stripey goodness! AND....VOI-LAH! (Ummm...so I have NO FREAKING CLUE how to spell a word that sounds like VWA-LA. Just say'n. Okay. Moving on.) You have a SUPER CUTE headband that makes you happy!!!! LOVE!

Ruffle Headband Close

So....you gonna make one???? I wanna see!!!!

I am linking up with the following parties:



What's On Your Work Space Wednesday - Shhhhh!!!! Don't tell!


There you have it!  My current workspace!  Shhhh!!!  Don't tell anyone it is that clean - it will DESTROY my reputation!  HA!  Yes, that is a project behind that little jar.  Yes, I did intentionally take the shot from this angle so you couldn't see it yet!  HA!  Well, that and it was drying and I was using the bottle to keep the piece in place while the E6000 was setting.  You know how that goes.  I am not sure where this one is going to take me.  It started out as a simpler idea, but it has grown, so I am thinking it may take a bit more time.  It's an assemblage doll piece.  FUN STUFF!

To see more amazingly fun workspaces head on over to The Stamping Ground!

Also...if you work for JetBlue or know someone who does could you please email me. I have a question! Thanks!

Magnolia Belle - Wordless Wednesday

Magnolia Belle

She used to love having her photo taken.  She would sit and pose all pretty, now I just get annoyed looks.  This was the best she would give me!  HA! 

For more wordless wednesday check here and here!


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Thank GOODNESS!  Otherwise I'd be pretty much S.O.L. on that front!  HA!  I was actually having a discussion with myself about a certain such 'incident' on the way in to work this morning!  LOL!  Do you do that?  Do your thoughts go crazy when you are in the car for long periods of time?  I actually forgot to turn the radio on, as I normally listen to NPR on my way to and from work and I didn't even realize it was off until half way here!  That's 30 miles of silence in which my brain was swirling with conversation!  Yikes!  I hope I'm not alone on that.  HA!  Anyway.....I have some REALLY exciting news to share with you!!!!

So, today I'm sharing with you the last card from my May term as Guest Designer for Skipping Stones Design!  BUT....Heeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  I'm excited!!!!!!

The awesome and wonderful Heather has asked me to join the team FULL TIME!!!!!  I'm SO excited, I can't even tell you!!!!  I have absolutely LOVED working with these amazing stamps and I am so excited to be a part of this fabulous design team!  YAY!!!!!

With that being said, here is today's card!!!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History Card

I'd be more concerned about Heather getting worried after seeing this sentiment if she hadn't designed the stamps!  LOL!  This is a SUPER FUN set!  It's called Well Behaved...hmmmm...go figure!  HA!

To create that Twilight colored background pattern I stamped the images in Versamark on glossy cardstock and then heat embossed them in black.  I then used my rubber brayer to apply the ink over the image, swiped it with a tissue to remove the ink from the embossed part and PERFECTION!  This is a super fun technique!  If you are interested in seeing a tutorial let me know and if enough people want to see it I will put it together, for sure!

Well Behaved Sentiment Detail

The patterned papers are from the super fabulous American Crafts Abode collection.  The dimensional sticker is AC, too!  I used one of my Martha punches for the border beneath the sentiment and just added a few cute tied buttons along the side!

Well Behaved Detail Shot

Leave a comment letting me know what you think and if you want to see a tutorial for this technique and then go check out with these other girls did with this week's sketch!  It's always so much fun to see the different cards that come from the same basic design!

Skipping Stones Design
Jen del Muro
Erin Grotegut
Kandi Phillips
Deb Felts
Peggy Russell
Michelle Giraud
Amanda Sewell
Angela Thomas

I am joining in the following parties!

DIY Day @ ASPTL All Thingz Related


Some fun Yard Sale Finds!!!

Well, it was an interesting weekend.  The Hubbums left on Thursday night for a quick trip out to Denver for his cousin's graduation which basically meant that I slept horribly for three nights!  HA!  Such is...such is.  BUT, it did give me a chance to hang out with my awesome Mom on Saturday morning!  We went out for breakfast and then hit some yard sales and our favorite mill (by mill, I mean antique store... many of the antique stores in the Blackstone Valley, actually, in New England in general, are housed in the old mills that drove the economy around here once upon the hundreds of years ago time....they are pretty crazy wicked cool, actually.  I'd love to live in one!). 

We found a few fun treasures along the way.  Including a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 in the most beautiful condition I have ever seen a Mustang in my life.  Seriously.  This was a gorgeous stinking car just sitting there in the middle of this little garage antique store.  I need to take The Hubbums back to see it, but I'm afraid that if I do that we will end up with a Mach 1.  HA! 

Here is what I DID find, though...


LOTS of fun goodies!  That Colorbox ink pad - yup...the gold one....set me back a whopping 25 cents!  It's a SEVEN DOLLAR ink pad that was still wrapped!!!  I was a little excited about that one! 


Yup.  It's what you think it is.  An old rusty sewing machine foot.  I know...I can hear you know...
"But, Jingle, I thought you didn't get along with the sewing machine?  Plus, that's all rusty and ick and stuff."

Ah, yes, my dear friends, however, have you ever known my mind to not be intrigued by the most curious of trinkets and such?  No.  No, you have not.  Why?  Because I like neat stuff.  I'm thinking this is going to very soon be a kind cool, little bit crazy art doll.  For reals.  I have a head ready for it and everything.  Just working through the rest of the design ideas and then I will get it all put together.  It's gonna be a cool one!!!


This is one of my favorite finds of the day!  It's an old postage scale in a GORGEOUS COLOR!!!!  Can you see those prices on there?  HA!  That's hilarious!  Just try to go to the post office and tell them that you would like to send a 1 lb. package for 40 cents!!!  Hee-hee!  It will fun to see them laugh you out of the building!  HA!


Yup!  BIG gorgeous white TASSELS!!!  Yes, doll action coming from these suckers, too!  FUN STUFF!


I also got two jars of super fabulous vintage buttons!  I dumped them out shortly after I got home just so I could play with them!  The mixed jar is a good basic mix and the black ones are AMAZING!  There are SO many awesome buttons in that jar!  I can't wait to use them for fun stuff!  I also got two pieces of fabulous fabric!  One in a petite floral and the other a  pale blue gingham that just makes me happy!  You can see some vintage lace in there, too.  Oh, and the FEATHERS!  LOL!  Yup, that's a bag of really pretty yellow and purple feathers with just a touch of green.  Are they synthetic?  NOPE!  The crazy lady having the yard sale can't throw away the feathers from her pet bird so she keeps them!  THEY ARE REAL!!!!  I know that's a little gross, but there is just something about REAL feathers that makes me happy.  I'm so going to use them!  At least I know they are clean because they came from a cared for pet bird rather than the sidewalk! HA! 

I'm not sure how much I spent, but I know it was probably around $10ish.  The buttons came from the mill so they were a little higher than yard sale prices, but since I love them and use them so much, I think it's worth it! 

We had tons of fun on a GORGEOUS Massachusetts Saturday!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  What do you look for at yard sales when you go?  Do you have good antique stores or junque shops in your area?  Do you love them?


You Made it to the Next Level - Graduation Card

Holy GOODNESS!  Can I even TELL you how glad I am that is is Friday.  I'm glad.  Lotsa glad.  For reals, folks, FOR.  REALS.

It has been a busy week here in the land of Just Jingle!  If you haven't already, check out Monday's post and yesterday's post for a couple of GREAT giveaways!  GOOD STUFF, guys!  GOOD, freaking, STUFF!

Do you have any fabulous plans for the weekend?  I am vaguely considering cleaning my studio tonight...or at least the desk.  We shall see.  It needs it more than a fish needs water at the moment.  FOR.  Reals.  Just say'n.

I made a fun graduation card for The Hubbums' cousin.  Due to the fact that he is male and, well, graduating from high school, I was a wee tad bit concerned about creating a card that was neither childish nor girly.  You see, while I'm not one on that whole "blue is for boys and pink is for girls" line, I know this kid.  He's not the okay-with-flowers-and-butterflies type!  HA!  So...this is what I came up with:

The Next Level Graduation Card

The base of the card is kraft cardstock...'cause men like the color of wood.  Yeah.  That's it.  HA!  WHERE do I GET these things???   LOL!  The white grid paper is Scenic Route (*moment of silence for that loss, please*).  I LOVE their lined and grid papers and I will miss them SOOO much!  Good thing I had a small stash hoarded away!  The green patterned papers are Cosmo Cricket.  I have to say, I wouldn't have normally put those together, but since that is the back and front of the same SHEET I figured I'd give it a shot, and you know what...it works!  (At least I think it does.  Smile and nod.  Smile.  And.  Nod.  HA!)  The image and border stickers are Cosmo Cricket, too.  Thank  you BOYFRIEND collection!!!!  And the Alphabet stickers are Crate Paper.  LOVE the font for this card!

The Next Level Graduation Card Inside

And this is the inside!  Cuteness!!!!  Well, MANLY cuteness, that is! (read that "manly" part in a deep voice, K?  K.  Thanks.) 

Sooooo....that's my super fun, super cute MANLY graduation card!  I hope he likes it! 

As for me, this weekend....I plan on, well, as I said, possible doing something about the tornado that hit my studio (It was called Tornado Jingle...huh.  Fancy that.  HA!) and then on Saturday I'm gonna go hang out with my Mom in the morning, hit some yard sales and go to a Tastefully Simple party.  Sunday is totally a hang with The Hubbums day!  I might do a little creating in there, too, if I get a chance!  How about you?  What are your plans?


Bored. A Mixed Media Piece using Scrolls Work Stamps ***GIVEAWAY!*** Closed.

***If you are looking for the Skipping Stones Design Blog Hop please click HERE!  Thanks! ***

Have you checked out Scrolls Work Stamps?  You need to.  For reals.  I will be honest, until the wonderful Jacque got in touch with me, I had never even seen this site, but OH MY RUBBER!  I fell in love pretty much instantly.  Just say'n!

Scrolls Work offers so many amazing varieties of stamps for all kinds of stampers!  Funny stamps?  Yup.  They've got 'em.  Art stamps?  Yup!  They've got those.  Steampunk awesomeness?  Heck YA!  They totally have that goin' on!  ALICE STAMPS!!!  TOTALLY!  And they are really good ones, too!!!!

Jacque was awesome enough to send me some stamps to play with for this feature.  Folks, let me tell you something - I am picky about my stamps.  I like a good, clear, crisp image without overstamping and such.  Well, let me tell you something - Scrolls Work stamps are beautiful!  The unmounted rubber is so well etched!  The images are clear and brilliant!  I used them on a variety of surfaces, too!

Another awesome thing about these stamps, or actually, the Scrolls Work site, itself, is that you can see the ACTUAL size of each stamp before you buy it.  It is so hard to figure that out sometimes, but when you visit the pages on Scrolls Work you can click on any image and it will bring up a size picture with rulers to let you see the dimensions.  I LOVE that!   Also, Jacque and her team offer excellent customer service!  She is on top of things and communicates so quickly!  I love that!  Also, shipping is reasonable and FREE if you order $100 or more!

Anyway, enough babbling, I want to show you what I made using some of the stamps from Scrolls Work!



This is a mixed media altered book piece.  I cut a window in the cover of an old book and then cut the same window through about 100 pages or so.  I covered the front with the text paper from the inside of the book and then swashed it with watercolors.  The image of the woman is placed a few pages in so that she has some dimension.

Bored.  Top Detail.

This is one of my favorite things!  I actually used a key hole stamp to create this dresden trim-style border.  I simply stamped the image in Versamark on the vintage paper and embossed it with gold powder.  I then cut the four points from the key hole image to create this border!  I love using my stamps to their fullest!

Bored.  Face and hat detail

The image of the girl is coated with a thin coat of wax.  The hat is another one of those fabulous Scrolls Work images!  I REALLY love this stamp!  You WILL be seeing that one again!  LOL!

Bored.  Wing detail

And here, my friends, was the real test.  I wanted a nice clean image on MUSLIN!  And I GOT IT!  Yup!  I stamped the tattered wing image on the muslin in VersaMark and embossed it, then sprayed it with Glimmer Mist for the dyed look.  I am seriously impressed with how beautifully the image stamped onto fabric!  BRILLIANT!  As you can see, I also stamped the watch image directly onto the book with StazOn ink.  Again, beautiful! 

Bored.  Ribbon Detail

The book is held together with a series of ribbons, twine, and fibers.  I added a few baubles, for the pretty factor.  'Cause, you know it has to be pretty!  LOL!

Bored.  Center with Candlestick

I really enjoyed working with Scrolls Work stamps!  And guess WHAT!?!  I want you to enjoy working with them, too, so I am offering a GIVEAWAY!!!!

As I mentioned earlier, Jacque sent me some wonderful stamps to work with.  They are so wonderful, that I want to keep them and so I am going to!  LOL!  HOWEVER!  I am going to buy a $10 gift certificate for one of YOU because I like them so much and I want you to play!!!!

To enter:  (Mandatory)
Visit Scrolls Work stamps and let me know what image you like the best!  (It's okay if it takes awhile...I'll be here.  HA!)

Optional Additional Entries:
1.  Make a purchase from Scrolls Work and leave an ADDITIONAL comment here letting me know.  (This will be verified)
2.  Follow my blog publicly.  Leave an ADDITIONAL comment here letting me know!
3.  Like Just Jingle on Facebook.  Leave an ADDITIONAL comment here letting me know!
4.  Follow the Scrolls Work Blog and leave an additional comment here letting me know!

Contest will end 30 May 2010.  (That is the last day you can enter.)

***Disclaimer:  Scrolls Work Stamps provided stamps for me to use to prepare for this feature.  The prize is provided by me.***

I am linking this post with the following parties:



It's BLOG HOP time! Skipping Stone Designs Release Day!!!

If you came for Wordless Wednesday please scroll down!

Welcome to the Skipping Stones Design BLOG HOP!!! It's a party!!!! YAY!!!! If you are coming over from Michelle's blog, then welcome! You are on the right track! If you are just finding the hop now, then I HIGHLY suggest heading over to the Skipping Stones Design blog to start the adventure!  Leave comments along the way and on the SSD blog to be entered to win BLOG CANDY!!!!

Two Fantastic new sets are being released today! The first set I want to share with you is a great one for Father's Day, birthdays, or just fun cards that make you laugh! LIKE MINE!

Holy Carp! (Seriously...isn't that like the cutest stamp set name EVER??? Yes. It is. There, I decided for you. You are welcome. Just say'n.)

HA! I {heart} it. For reals. I do. Mind you, my father hates fishing and The Hubbums doesn't really do it, either, but at least the Hubbums agrees with the sentiment in my card! (That's pretty much what he thinks fishing is...bate is SO not necessary! Just say'n)

If you give a man a fish... card

I stamped the SSD image with CTMH Archival Black and colored it with Prisma Color pencils. The patterned papers are the ever amazing Cosmo Cricket in action! (I {heart} all things Cosmo Cricket!!!)

If you give a man a fish... inside

***Pause for laughter*** HA! Don't you love it? 'Cause, dude, I totally love it. TOO FUNNY!

If you give a man a fish card detail

So...that is the first of the two new release sets! SO wicked crazy fun!!! And the other is...

Home of the Brave

I showcased this one last week, but I will show you that card again, in case you missed it!

Happy 4th of July Card

So...head on over to the Amanda's blog next (after you leave me a nice comment, of course!)to see the awesomeness that she created and thanks so much for visiting!

Skipping Stones Design
Jen del Muro
Erin Grotegut
Kandi Phillips
Deb Felts
Peggy Russell
Michelle Giraud
Jennifer Ingle (THAT'S ME!)
Amanda Sewell
Angela Thomas

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday - Genevieve is FINISHED!

I shared Genevieve in her near-complete stage here and I loved reading all of your comments and suggestions! Well, here she is! Complete! And a HUGE thanks goes to Charli for the corduroy collar suggestion! WHY didn't I think of that???!!! LOL!


I added the corduroy collar (and big thanks to those who gave me great collar instructions! Those will come in handy later, too!), added the little bead buttons to the jacket and gave her a simple scarf to add some color! She is a fun little doll!

For more wordless or wordful Wednesday posts check here and here!


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?


1.opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed: contrary to fact; contrary propositions.
2.opposite in direction or position: departures in contrary directions.
3.being the opposite one of two: I will make the contrary choice.
4.unfavorable or adverse.
5.perverse; stubbornly opposed or willful. 
Just in case you always wondered, but never had the guts to ask.  THAT, my friends, is what contrary means.  Pretty funny, if you ask me!  Just say'n!

So, have you been over to Design Dollies?  It's pretty much a wicked crazy cool challenge blog that puts out THREE challenges a week, so they keep you really busy!  HA!  They have great prizes and some wonderful designers!  Last week's elemental challenge was to create based on inspiration from Nursery Rhymes!  Well, it just so happens that I was INSTANTLY inspired by this challenge!  You see, I sculpted this doll head weeks ago and it has been just sitting on my desk due to a complete and utter lack of inspiration.  I didn't know who she was.  I knew it would come to me, but until then...I had to wait.  I HATE waiting!!!!  So I was overjoyed when I saw the challenge and the idea of Miss Mary jumped into my mind right away!  So exciting!!

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow?

And here she is!  Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary!  Complete with flower in hand!  She was SO much fun to make!  Her base is an Olive Oil bottle that I just couldn't bear to throw away.  

Mary, Mary Face

I sculpted her upper body and head from polymer clay and painted her with acrylics and watercolors.  She has what I lovingly refer to as the "Project Runway" haircut.  (If you watched this past season, you know what I'm talking about! HA!)  I love her simple, black hair!

Mary, Mary...

I created her 'gown' from a shirt cuff and strips of wide, heavy lace.  I used an eyelet ribbon and some velvet ribbon to accent.  She is wearing a string of pearls around her neck!  Quite lovely, indeed!  Just say'n!  ;-)

Mary, Mary back close

This is how she looks from the back.  I love the longer sculpted hair!  It's just so fun!  The vintage buttons that accent both the front and back are the perfect finishing touch!

Mary, Mary Side shot 2

I gotta say...this girls' got a bit of a booty going on back there!  HA!  

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary Bottle Doll

I love her!  She is just wonderful!  Oh!  Her bottle is coated on the inside with glitter, too.  'Cause glitter is happy.  Just say'n!
Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

I am linking with the following parties along with Design Dollies

DIY Day @ ASPTL All Thingz Related