
What's On Your Work Space Wednesday - Shhhhh!!!! Don't tell!


There you have it!  My current workspace!  Shhhh!!!  Don't tell anyone it is that clean - it will DESTROY my reputation!  HA!  Yes, that is a project behind that little jar.  Yes, I did intentionally take the shot from this angle so you couldn't see it yet!  HA!  Well, that and it was drying and I was using the bottle to keep the piece in place while the E6000 was setting.  You know how that goes.  I am not sure where this one is going to take me.  It started out as a simpler idea, but it has grown, so I am thinking it may take a bit more time.  It's an assemblage doll piece.  FUN STUFF!

To see more amazingly fun workspaces head on over to The Stamping Ground!

Also...if you work for JetBlue or know someone who does could you please email me. I have a question! Thanks!


  1. I love seeing workspaces! It's really a peep into folks creative minds!

    HUGS J.

  2. What cha makin'? Can't wait to see. My workspace is quite messy right now with bags of stuff and new papers piled on top.

  3. Ooops, sorry Jingle, that was me, Chrispea, not Ethan. The computer was signed on to his account... but he wants to know what you're making, too! ;)

  4. I am still in the middle of re-organizing mine - been ongoing for a couple of weeks now :( Shame on me!!!!!

    Deanne :)

  5. I am with Deanne on this, reorganizing is taking forever!
    Very nice space you have.

  6. gah! i wanna see, i wanna seeeeeeeeeee the hidden project! you little MINX!

  7. WOW your work desk is clean.
    Is your next doll shy?

  8. If you ruin your reputation if it's that clean, I would to see it if it's that messy.
    Good luck with your projects!

  9. Hi

    love your workpace looks really creative


  10. GReat work on your desk - I want to see it too!!

  11. Can't wait to see what you're currently working on! I know it will be cute! :) Theresa

  12. Strategically placed objects, now we are all dying to know what it's hiding, your space looks very tidy :)
    big hugs
    En x

  13. yes, very tidy, can't wait to see the finished piece! hugs Debx

  14. great space but far too tidy, quick mess it up again lol look forward to seeing what you have made.

  15. It looks like you are keeping busy!

  16. My workspace...you don't even want to know! LOL

  17. I'd show you my workspace, but I don't think anyone wants to see a picture of a toilet. :P

  18. Golly, don't you lose all your creative inspiration when the table is tidy? Like, nothing accidentally sticks to anything...!!!

  19. Wow! Means you have to deliberately hid stuff from us! Like the cute stamps at back - and the toadstool actually. Don't forget to show us the fnished erm, thingy!

  20. I love it when projects evolve unexpectedly into something totally different and/or more elaborate. Enjoy and please post the results when you're finished.

  21. Messy, clean, clutter....be lucky you have space in your house for a "space".

    I have been pushed out into the garage!

  22. can I see a bug or a toadstool?? very tidy!!


  23. I love seeing your space! I wish I had a space- all of my stuff is portable. I have to scrap at my apartment, Ryan's apartment, my parent's house, and my grandparent's house!!! It is in all sorts of containers and bags!

  24. Lots of loveliness there! Thanks for sharing, cant wait to see whats behind the jar!!

    Keryn :)

  25. Hmm what's the cup for? Look forward to seeing the hidden project
    Anne x

  26. im intreagued to see your hidden project, the fork popping out was the first thing in the picture i noticed!


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