
Flocked Cupcakes are Bound to Make ANYONE Smile!!!

***Are you reading from a reader? Click over to see the photos and read more!!!***

And that is what I decided to do with my banner. Today's post will be short and sweet, as I am not well today and even typing seems to be exhausting. HA!

Cupcake Bunting Banner

I created this bunting by first cutting the scalloped triangles and the triangle inlay pieces on my Cricut. Umm...I love that thing.

Cupcake Banner Bunting close

I punched the scalloped circles from old book pages and then created the flowers for each pendant. They are sprayed with crimson Glimmer Mist to give them a bit of color and sparkle!

Flocked Cupcakes

I punched the cupcakes with a Martha Stewart Punch, but I believe you could cut something similar with your Cricut if you have that, but not the punch. I flocked the top of the cupcake with turquoise fabulousness (...er....flock) for a fun fuzzy frosting! (Heee!!! Isn't alliteration fun?!) I used a white pen to outline the bottom of the cupcake to give it more definition so it would pop off the background a bit.

Cupcake Bunting Banner Pendant

I added the pink ribbon before adhering the cupcake. The cupcake is adhered with dimensional foam adhesive so there is a lot of depth there. I love it! Finally, I finished off each pendant with some white doodles around the edges and attached them all with a heavy white twine.

Cupcake Banner Bunting Pendants

Overall, this was really a super fun project to create! And they aren't difficult at all! You can customize it to totally make it your own, too! Let me know what you think!

Also...I wanted to let you guys know that I posted an ebay listing for The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker, in case any of you are interested!


Hi. I'm a flake. But at least I'm a creative one! HA!

*Are You Reading in a Reader? Click through to read more!***

Yup. So I totally neglected to actually UPLOAD the photos of the really cute cupcake banner that I SOOOO wanted to show you today!

But...the good news is...I will share that with you tomorrow! I got hit with a big smack of inspiration due to a wonderful gift from a friend which took my banner from "Where the heck am I going with this?" to HOLY CUTE CUPCAKES, Batman!!!! I think you will like it! I hope so, anyway.

In the meantime...I will show you a couple of things of which I do have photos...

I made these super fun glittered crowns with my Cricut! I simply cut them and then covered them with Martha Glitter Glue. They will be on that set of ATC's I was working on, but first I need to get another piece prepared so....yeah. We'll see when those come together. Soon, my friends....soon.

Glittered Crowns

Aren't they just wonderful??? They have been sitting on my desk in all their sparkling, glittery glory and I have been so loving that!

Also, as I was working on my banner last night I discovered that I had used a grand total of FIVE different kinds of adhesive throughout the project.

Do you do that? Do you have an adhesive obsession? Do you actually use the many different kinds that you own? I use mine. I love them. I love trying new ones, too! Check these out!

My Adhesive Problem

For. REALS. It's a wicked totally fabulous collection, if I do say so myself. I have a few others , but most of them are on those two shelves. I love using just the right kind for just the right project! My favorites change from time to time, depending on my current projects and what is working for them.

What supply or tool do you keep in large quantities and varieties?


Wordless Wednesday: Going Places!

Little Toy Bug

For More Wordless Wednesday Posts check here, here, and here!

What's On Your Workspace Wednesday - Minimal Progress, but progress, nontheless!

WOYWS 28 April 2010

This is what I have going on right now. I didn't have opportunity to create at all over the weekend, which was a total bummer, but last night I got some painting done, so I have made some progress on the three dolls I have going right now. As you can see, the one that was a lovely orange no longer looks as though she got into a fight with a bottle of sunless tanner! HA!

I wanted to really give this coat a chance to dry well, so I will be adding the details sometime this week...hopefully. I also made some progress on the banner I am working on. I'm not 100% sure what I want to do with that next, so it's waiting for some inspiration, but that's just a super fun project, so I know I will come up with something fabulous!

So, that's my work space this week! The studio desk is actually much cleaner than last week, but still not mess-free by any means! HA! But you know what...I'm okay with that. Just say'n! ;-)


Just Because - A Fabric Flower Card

I am so excited to share this card with you today!  For reals!  It's way cute and I love the way it came out and it makes me SOOOO happy!

Just Because - Fabric Flower Card

I created the flowers from strips of torn fabric.  Why torn, you ask?  Oh, I'm SO glad you did!  I tore it so that the edges would be a bit frayed lending a bit of a vintage, worn feel even though the fabric is bright and full of vibrant color!  Good plan, huh?  Yup.  I thought so, too!

Beaded Corner of Just Because

I added some fun pretties throughout the entire design of the card to bring it all together.

Just Because Sentiment

I went with the Just Because sentiment per Jen's death-threat-sprinkled demands suggestion.  I kind of love it.  It lets me choose to give this fabulousness to any sweet soul I choose!  I surrounded it with sparkly glitter happiness because, well, you know.  I love glitter.  Lots.  Just say'n.

Fabric Flowers

And just LOOK at those crown jewels!  Ummm...I mean flowers.  But, seriously, you can't even begin to tell me that those aren't simply amazingly fabulous.  You can't.  Don't try.  HA!  See the bits of frayed action going on in there?  LOVE THAT!  And I love the fun buttons that finish them off, too.  Basically, I'm mildly obsessed with these flowers and have now used them in lots of different ways and I am bound and determined to do it again!!!  (There may be tiny ones coming in the future for a certain doll....just say'n.).

So now you can see why I was so excited about this one, right? Right. 'Cause it is complete and utter cuteness at it's finest, if I do say so myself! I love it. It makes me happy.

I am linking with the following blog parties:

DIY Day @ ASPTL All Thingz Related Get your craft on Thurs.


Yoplait Greek Yogurt Review and Giveaway!

Okay, so have you guys tried this stuff yet? OH. MY. YUM!!! For reals. I just had the chance to try it for the first time due to My BlogSpark and I am hooked! Yoplait Greek Yogurt (I tried the strawberry flavor!) is thick and creamy. I absolutely love the smooth texture and the flavor is really fantastic! I eat yogurt nearly every day, and, to be quite honest, I'm picky about it! LOL! I like a creamy texture and it has to taste good!!! This fits that bill wonderfully! I have one more requirement...it has to be good for me! Let's break this down for you:

Fat - 0g - 0%
Cholesterol - 10mg - 3%
Sodiam - 95mg - 4%
Potassium - 270mg - 8%
Carbs - 19g - 6%
Protien - 12g - 23%

Vitamin A - 15%
Calcium - 30%
Vitamin D - 20%

(Percentages based on a 2000 calorie diet. The above information came directly from the product packaging.)

So, as you can see...LOTS of good stuff and not so much of the bad stuff! And did I mention that it TASTES GREAT?!

My BlogSpark sent me a wonderful package including two coupons for free containers of Yoplait Greek Yogurt along with some wonderful VIP package goodies! And...they want to send the SAME package to one JustJingle reader!

Also, you can dowload a coupon for Yoplait Greek Yogurt here!

Mandatory Entry:

To Win the package you see below simply visit the Yoplait Greek Yogurt website and tell me which recipe looks like something you would like to try! (I love using yogurt in recipes! It's a great way to slip in lots of healthy stuff!)

For Additional Entries you may (but are not required to) do any of the following.  Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry, as that is what counts the entry.

*  Follow Just Jingle and leave a comment letting me know you do!  (New and Current followers are all welcome!)
*  Become a Facebook Fan (or liker or whatever they are calling them these days) of Just Jingle and leave a comment here with your Facebook name.  See the right sidebar for the link!
*Post about this giveaway on your Facebook Status and leave a comment here letting me know!

This giveaway will end on 2 May 2010.

Thank you to Yoplait for providing the free gift pack, coupons, and information to both me and the winner via My BlogSpark!


Introspection and the sharing of our being

Main Entry: in·tro·spec·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌin-trə-ˈspek-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin introspectus, past participle of introspicere to look inside, from intro- + specere to look — more at spy
Date: circa 1677
: a reflective looking inward : an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings
— in·tro·spect \-ˈspekt\ verb
— in·tro·spec·tion·al \-ˈspek-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
— in·tro·spec·tive \-ˈspek-tiv\ adjective
— in·tro·spec·tive·ly adverb
— in·tro·spec·tive·ness noun

The above is taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Introspection is an interesting thing and, to be totally honest, with you it has been on my mind as of late.

Kind of funny that a word that is all about thinking can be on your mind, huh? I think it's kind of funny. But...that's part of what I want to discuss with you today.

Yup. Sit down and get comfy. You may wish to pour yourself a cup of tea for this one. 'Cause we are diving in today.

Here's the thing. I actually AM quite an introspective person. I love to think. For reals. It's that plain and that simple. I enjoy contemplating things like quantum physics, philosophy, religion, and politics. I am actually married to a philosopher/political scientist with a degree in, well, basically most of what I just listed above. We often discuss such things at home. We don't always agree, sometimes we do agree, sometimes...I just end up confused.

I realized, however, that you guys probably don't know this about me. Most of you wouldn't come to JustJingle to ask a question about current events, political upheavals, religious matters, etymology, or to discuss multiple universes and alternate realities. No, here I focus on art. I focus on a completely different passion of mine. One that utilizes that prized right side of my brain. I actually actively avoid discussing most of those things here. I am not interested in arguing with people, for one. The thing about religion and politics is that everyone has an opinion and unfortunately many of those who like to share it most often haven't taken the time to properly educate themselves on such matters before speaking. Those who HAVE gone through the research and discovery process are often very fun and interesting to engage in conversation on these matters, however, I don't want to do that over a blog interface...I want to do that in person. Where I can feel the emotion.

And then there is the matter of things such as quantum mechanics and philosophy. I'll be one hundred percent honest with you on this. I'm afraid of boring people to death. There. I said it.

I guess that means that I don't have much faith in humanity to not only understand but actually CARE about these things. I'm guessing more people find them interesting than I would actually expect and many would like to talk about them. But I still have no plans to discuss such things on JustJingle.

All of these topics (broad as they are) are forms of introspection. I actively engage in thinking and even discuss them from time to time. I have, however, discovered that I actually enjoy the thought piece far more than the discussion piece.

That's where my art comes in. Art, I believe, is just as much introspection as these intense, deep, controversial discussions. Art, in it's essence is an outpouring of what comes from within. It is a physical representation of all that is introspected. My art - the very art that I share with you here - often carries deep undertones based in those issues that float around in my head. Yes, it may be a whimsical doll on the outside or a super bright and cheery card, or a mixed media piece about rearranging furniture, but, it is so much more than that.

I am very real on my blog. I don't want you to take this the wrong way and assume that I sit here lightening things up. What you see is what you get. That girl who says weird stuff and seems like she's having fun a whole lot, well, that girl is ME! The real live and in person version of ME! I guess I am just saying that I am kind of like one of those whimsical dolls. I am cute, I am fun, I am full of energy, but there is even more there. There is so much that goes so deep.

There are two bloggers who are able to express those parts of themselves so amazingly well and they were the inspiration for this post. Lisa over at Life Unity is amazing. She knows herself and is continuing to discover herself just the same. It is so thrilling that she opens up this process to others so well. She knows how to talk about it. I don't know how to talk about it, but I do share it with you all through my art. The other amazingly inspiring blogger that comes to mind when I think of introspection is Kathy over at Everyday Bliss. Kathy is not only sharing her journey, but encouraging others to express their bliss. To be introspective and really examine ones self.

So, I leave you with this thought today. Examine yourself. Be introspective. And, if you are able, share the process in some way with others. It is so amazingly rewarding. I am just now discovering this through my relationship with Lisa and Kathy. I know myself. I have for a long time now and I am so grateful for that because I know many have not yet found themselves. However, it is so exciting to share company with others who know who they are and seek to share the joy of that person.


My Works in Progress - in Video form!!!

Yup, folks.  You read that right!  I actually did a video for today's post.  With my real live face in it and everything!  I know...I'm shocked, too.  I'll give you a moment to recover....


....okay.  Good now?  Good.  Sooooo...here's the thing.  I wanted to share my current projects with all of you, but that would have been like a gagillion photos, so I decided to do a video and share them that way instead!!!  So, here you go!  Let me know what you think!

Please excuse my hair - I'm growing it out and that means that each and every week I have a new length and new adventures to deal with. Fun stuff, really.

I am joining the following parties today!

Get your craft on Thurs.giveaways


2 Sketches For You Challenge: Wordless Wednesday

Find the sketch here!

Hello Card 2

Hello Card Bow Detail

Hello Card Detail

Hello Card

Hello Card 3

For More Wordless Wednesday posts check here, here, and here!


Please Come To My Party - We'll Eat Cake!

Dear Red Sox,

Please stop losing.  You are hurting my Mommies feelings.  She is beginning to think you don't care.  Get it together and win a game or two, huh?  Really.  I don't think that's asking too much.  It's for my MOM!

A disbelieving member of Red Sox Nation

Okay....now that we have that taken care of....let's move on to some fun stuff!!!

I was totally inspired by the challenge over at Design Dollies, so I thought I would jump in!

Please Come To My Party...

"Please Come To My Party..."

This is a fun mixed media piece on 5x7 canvas board.

Doesn't she look lovely?  She is quite ready for the party.  Quite ready, indeed!  This piece sort of cracks me up because it says, "We will put on our makeup and when we are pretty we will eat cake!"  HA!

Ummm....have I ever told you about my makeup regimen?  Yeah, there's a reason for that.  I.  Don't.  Have. One.  I don't wear it.  At all.  Hate the stuff.  I'll put something shiny or shimmery on my lips now and then, but even that is rare.  For reals.  The Hubbums was looking for eye liner for his play this weekend and, well, we will be going to buy some!  LOL!

Please Com To My Party - Close

Ummm...FYI...you don't HAVE to wear makeup to wear eat cake, but that's okay.  We'll pretend.  Just this once!

Please come to my party...we'll all eat cake.

Please Come To My Party- Close 2

Please Come To My Party - Party Girl

So, what do you think? Are you ready to put on your makeup and eat cake? LOL!

I am linking with some parties today!!!
DIY Day @ ASPTL All Thingz Related


And The Winner Is..... (Dean Dyment Stuios Giveaway!)

I used Random.org to choose and it came up with #1! That means that the winner is...


Please email me with your name and mailing address so I can pass it on!  Congratulations!!!

***I posted below, as well (a full post) so don't forget to check that out, too!***

So Very Many Wonderful Things Going On...Art Dolls, Altered Goodness, Mixed Media Madness!!!!


I do so love a wonderfully creative stretch and it seems that I am enjoying one of those right now.

I would love to show off all of the wonderful things I've created, but, you see, there is a ITTY BITTY problem with that.

Itty Bitty.

Ummmm....none of them are actually done.


Yeah.....so here's the thing. I have had SO many ideas and I just keep starting each of them and then I have to start another one and another one
and another one
and another one
and another one
and another one

....okay. I think you probably get it now.

Right? Right.

My Work Space 18 April 2010

BUT! Just LOOK at it all! There are at least four projects that I can see visible in that particular photo above. FOUR! All going well!!!! LOVE THAT!

I just hope they all end well! HA!

I've got ATC's going, a SUPER FABULOUS cloth and clay doll (well, she's just cloth right now, but she will have clay later...I promise! ;-)), another doll (on a bottle, no less!), and an altered shoe! FUN STUFF! I am also tossing around ideas for a couple more cloth and clay style dolls and I have been itching to do a mixed media canvas, so that should come soon, along with a fairy in a jar project I've had swimming around in my head for awhile! I can't wait!!! It's so much fun to MAKE STUFF!

My Work Space 18 April 2010

And...it can take my mind off the fact that our cars were vandalized over the weekend and I am SO NOT HAPPY about that little incident! Mine is actually not damaged, it was just messed with, buy my husband will be driving down to the Mini dealership today to replace his right windshield wiper (the actual part that connects to the car...not just the blade) because they smashed that to bits and we found parts several yards away. Yay. AND...there was a screwdriver under his hood that indicated that they tried to get in there, but failed. SERIOUSLY??? Anyway. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. I am so sick of the burbs. I'm ready to move into the city. At least there nobody pretends that this stuff doesn't happen.

So, what does YOUR workspace look like right now? Any SUPER FUN projects on your creative agenda? Am I the only person with a million of them going at once? HA!


Some Things To Make You Smile!

Well, they all made me smile, anyway, so I thought I would use this fine Friday to share them all with YOU so you can smile, too.

'Cause smiling is good.

It makes you happy.


Does smiling make you happy or does happy make you smile? Hmm.....seems we may have a chicken and egg situation on our hands here....hmmmmm.....indeed.

Ribbon Flower Hair Clip

So, this SUPER FUN and SUPER CUTE and SUPER COLORFUL clip is totally in my hair today. I made it. With ribbon. SUPER WIDE grosgrain ribbon. AND a vintage yellow button!!! HEEEE!!!! I {heart} vintage yellow buttons. Just say'n.

Ummm...yeah. So I know other people have probably known about the fabulousness that is Florence and The Machine for a long time, but she is a new discovery to me and I am SO loving this stuff! Love. It. For Reals, folks. For frakkin' reals.

OH! And this conversation....this made me smile. Or laugh out loud for real like really a lot and stuff.

*setting: The Wifee had shown The Hubbums Kanti, her art doll, before naming her. I actually was struggling with the perfect name, as I wanted something that suited her theme, so I was still working on that. Therefore, Hubbums did not yet know her name.*

Wifee: Oh! I finally came up with a name for her!
The Hubbums: For your doll?
Wifee: Yup. It's Kanti. It's Algonquin for 'sings'. I think it's perfect for her!
The Hubbums: If she starts singing I'll shoot her! That's the LAST thing we need! Is for your creepy dolls to start to come to LIFE!

HA!!!!! That's funny stuff. Really, it is.

Quilt Inspired Card

AND...I got to create some fun stuff this week!!! Like Kanti, and my hair clip, and this fun card! There was a crop over the weekend at Scrap Sisters Studio and I don't usually get to participate much in the monthly crops, but I jumped in at the last minute to participate in a couple of challenges and I'm so happy that I did!

Quilt Inspired card bow

CHECK OUT THAT BOW! Do you know how often they come out that cute? Not very. Let's leave it at that! HA! It made me smile HUGE when this when came out so stinking adorable! I sort of love it. Lots.

Quilt Inspired card detail

Quilt Inspired Card

SO...those are some things that made me smile this week! What do you think? What made you smile this week?