
Hi. I'm a flake. But at least I'm a creative one! HA!

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Yup. So I totally neglected to actually UPLOAD the photos of the really cute cupcake banner that I SOOOO wanted to show you today!

But...the good news is...I will share that with you tomorrow! I got hit with a big smack of inspiration due to a wonderful gift from a friend which took my banner from "Where the heck am I going with this?" to HOLY CUTE CUPCAKES, Batman!!!! I think you will like it! I hope so, anyway.

In the meantime...I will show you a couple of things of which I do have photos...

I made these super fun glittered crowns with my Cricut! I simply cut them and then covered them with Martha Glitter Glue. They will be on that set of ATC's I was working on, but first I need to get another piece prepared so....yeah. We'll see when those come together. Soon, my friends....soon.

Glittered Crowns

Aren't they just wonderful??? They have been sitting on my desk in all their sparkling, glittery glory and I have been so loving that!

Also, as I was working on my banner last night I discovered that I had used a grand total of FIVE different kinds of adhesive throughout the project.

Do you do that? Do you have an adhesive obsession? Do you actually use the many different kinds that you own? I use mine. I love them. I love trying new ones, too! Check these out!

My Adhesive Problem

For. REALS. It's a wicked totally fabulous collection, if I do say so myself. I have a few others , but most of them are on those two shelves. I love using just the right kind for just the right project! My favorites change from time to time, depending on my current projects and what is working for them.

What supply or tool do you keep in large quantities and varieties?


  1. Pop Dots, Glue Dots and Xyron Tape Runner. Which reminds me, I need to place an order! :)

  2. Love the glitter on the crowns!!!

    LOOK at all the adhesive.

    I just have an ATC gun, glue dots, liquid glue, and pop dots!!!

  3. Those crowns are so glittery, can't wait to see your ATC's.
    Yes I do have a different glue for different uses. ATG, pop dots, wood glue, liquid glue, foam tape, glue gun, 3 different sizes of Xyron, yeah I think I made my point. LOL.

  4. Love the sparkly crowns!

    I would DIE without my ATG guns. (I like them so much, I have TWO of them). That's my adhesive of choice, and I buy my adhesive in bulk so I never run out. Where's yours, girly? You NEED one if you don't have one!

  5. Dang--you do have some adhesive, don't you? I keep a lot of bling--rhinestones, pearls, glitter, Stickles, shiny embossing powders...so you know I'm loving your crowns!

  6. I love my tombow and glue dots. Couldn't live without them. Oh and Mod Podge. *swoon* love the glittery crowns! Can't wait to see the final product!

  7. Felt is my thing.... loads and loads and loads of felt.

  8. Those crowns are pretty! Look at all that adhesive! I have an over abundance of clay. I hate to run out of a color, so when I find a deal...I buy a lot of it.

  9. I think I am developing a fabric obsession. And clothes to be taken apart and made into something else. I really need to work on not getting more till I have used some most of what I have. And buttons.

  10. Love those cute little crowns...you can't go wrong with glitter. :) Can't wait to see photos of your cupcake banner...I'll bet it's super cute!!! Theresa

  11. I'm with you....a girl can never have enough......Glue! But I must admit,I have a fine collections of Doo-Dads...lovely little embellishments I find here and there,ready to find a home in one of my pieces.Warmest Regards,Cat

  12. Ha! I thought it was just me. I have 2 shoeboxes full of adhesives - not counting painter's tape ;)

    Love the crowns - so would any girl!

  13. OOOH I would love to have such a cabinet of stuff!!! Since all my projects are kid related these days my biggest cache is in stickers. Sparkly ones, foam ones, shapes, fairy ones, holiday ones... you name it! I can fill a pretty big box with all the selections. Sometimes I let Jessie have access to them all and it is vert fun watching the sensory overload!

    P.S. When she catches me looking at your blog she says "Let's watch the movie of your friend!" She love your video!!!

  14. I think you are right about the adhesives! LOL! I have glue dots all varieties, Xyron 510 and X, ATG 1/2 tape runner, glue sticks, Club Scrap Bookbinding Glue, and sheesh I am probably forgetting something! Oh regular old scotch tape too! I use that for sticking down ribbon on the back of my layouts or piecing things together. Funny, just can't live without it!


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