
She had Headline Dreams, but not in this tabloid world.....

I am so amazingly excited to show you this doll today! I have shared the process of creating her with you along the way and it is just so exciting to have her in my hands completed! She is beautiful and came out even better than I could have imagined!!! I'm so excited!!!

She did take a rather significant turn as far as the final design stages go, however, so be prepared! Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce....


Beatrice Torso

If you have been reading for awhile you know the basic structure is wire, surrounded by masking tape and then covered with a paper mache coating. I used watercolor paints to paint her red and then added a layer of Twinkling H2O watercolors to give her a shimmer! I love that shimmer! She has a delicate lace collar around her neck with a tiny pearl and a beautifully exaggerated buttoned bow around her waist. She does, after all, dream of making headlines and that simply cannot be done with the perfect statement accessories!

Beatrice' Fancy Shoes

She put on her fancy shoes for the photo shoot and everything! They are perfectly fabulous!

But, you see, there is one thing that is getting in the way of her headline dreams and simply pulling her deeper into the tabloid world. A world she wishes desperately to be free of.

Beatrice' Beautiful Face

People don't quite understand her beautiful face. I don't know why, as her cheeks are pink and lovely and her eyes are bright and ready to take on the world!

Beatrice' Upper Body

But...she won't give up. No, my dear friends, Beatrice is a fighter and she is strong and beautiful and she will make those headlines! She will be a star!!!!


She will find her wings and fly! After all, it is so BORING to be normal. Just say'n.



  1. Why Beatrice is lovely in my world!

  2. Beatrice is so much fun! I love her! Great details.

  3. Ive been watching her build slowly wondering how she would appear fully done and Beatrice is FABULOUS!!! fantastic!

  4. I love that she's a bunny! So unexpected and fun! I also love how you did the shoes, so clever!

  5. Absolutely adorable! I see why she is so leary of the publicity. Great job that you did on her.

  6. Heeheehee!!!! LOVE it!!!!! You totally surprised me with her face! Her shoes are amazing. I LOVE that huge bow on her dress. This is so cute!

  7. Beatrice turned out beautiful
    Not what I expected but beautiful just the same!!
    Have a great day!!

  8. I so did not expect that! that is just darling! I would love for you to link up to check me out saturdays www.iamonly1woman.blogspot.com

    The link is still open from last saturday :)

  9. WOW - you did such a GREAT job. She is just way too cute. I love her face and her nose and floppy ears. Very, very nice work. :) Theresa

  10. I ADORE how she has such a story...it totally brings her to life.

    I've loved keeping up with the process (and am SO longing to try that flour and water paper mache!) and to see her completed? Scrumptious!

  11. Wow, I've never seen such a stylish bunny. Good one. I especially like the earrings shoes, it's a unique concept.

  12. She is darling!!! Jessie said she NEEDS to have her for her room. I asked her why. She said, "We are friends and friends stay in friend's rooms." LOL Not yet three... and her logic already sounds good to me!

  13. How you handled the shoes!!! So creative and the pointy nose My kind of style!!!

  14. Love her shoes. You surprised me when I came to her head. It reminds me of Alice and the Hare.

  15. So cool! Love the head and the ribbon! So fun!

  16. She is so cute. I LOVE her shoes. And that flower on her waist, awesome.


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