

I went to see Alice over the weekend and I LOVED IT!!!

I hung out with my FABULOUS Hubbums for the weekend and I LOVED IT!!!

I made some major headway on a project that I hope to add the finishing touches to tonight and I LOVE IT!!!

I hit over 40,000 hits over the weekend and I LOVE THAT!!!

It is pouring rain and has been for three days. While I don't love that, I DO LOVE that it isn't snow!!!

So, with all of this happy stuff going on I figured it was a great time to do a GIVEAWAY!!!!

I was fortunate enough to win a copy of Stamp It! Cards(the most recent edition) published by Paper Crafts Mazazine and .... wait for it....


So much, actually, that I want to give YOU a copy! But since I can't give you ALL a copy, I am going to give one lucky Just Jingle reader a copy! (It's a new one, not my loved one because...well, because I love it and I don't want to give it up! That's why! HA!)

So, here's the deal to enter, all you need to do is post here telling me why you would LOVE to win this issue of Stamp It! Cards!!! That's it! I'm working toward 500 followers, so if you would like to follow that would ROCK, but you don't have to in order to enter. This is one of those nice and easy ones, folks, so leave your comment answering the question above and you are entered! LOVE THAT!!!

I will draw the winner on Monday, March 22nd. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you. If I cannot contact you, I will draw another winner.


  1. I know, wasn't Alice In Wonderland FAB!?! And isn't Johnny Depp madly AWESOME!?!? I hope you got to see it in 3D.

    (Don't put me in the draw - I already have this copy, and it is FAB too)


  2. Haven't seen "Alice" yet, but your rave review might have been the final convincing that I need. (For some reason I don't like going to the movie theaters...I prefer snuggling in bed and watching a dvd on the laptop with the bf.)

    Oh also don't put me in the drawing either if you don't mind. I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much your enthusiasm made me smile this morning. Love it!! Hehe. So thanks! You're just The Awesome!

  3. Janey! Are you on top of the world, or what! D'you know that old Carpentar's song-


    corney, I know, but it still says everything!
    If I won this giveaway it would be for my youngest daughter who is starting card making as a hobby.It might inspire her as I'm anxious to get her doing something with her hands.

  4. I would LOVE to win this copy because I NEED it! I totally need inspiration in every form when it comes to making cards because they are just so mind-blocking to me. I can do layouts all day long but cards baffle me.

    I need the loving inspiration that you are being bestowed with passed along to me!

  5. I have a feelin' I would ♥LOVE IT♥ if I won ;)

    debevans at bellsouth dot net

  6. Sounds like things are going AWESOME for you! Love it:-)

  7. I can't wait to see Alice. My life has been way too crazy lately, but I plan on going with my 5 year old as soon as I can get away. Oh, and I'd love that issue because I need a lot of help with card making and stamping - definitely my two areas of non-expertise :)

  8. Ooooh.....this is getting scary. You ARE in my head. I'm having a giveaway today, too!!! LOL! Please enter me! Enter me!!!

  9. i've never read this mag so i would totally LOVE IT to be able to read what you LOVE :) HUGS!

  10. You don't need to enter me in your lovely giveaway, but I did want to say hurray that you LOVED Alice in Wonderland! Sounds like you had a LOVELY weekend - in spite of all the nasty rain, rain, rain! And I hope the week ahead is great as well. :) Take care...Theresa

  11. hey girlie! glad you had such a fabulous weekend! I loved Alice too! it was such inspiring movie, wasn't it?
    well, don't worry about putting my name in the hat for the drawing...THIS TIME! lol I just don't make stamps nor cards that much! but, good luck to everyone else, I am sure it will be awesome for those who would use it!
    have a great week, sweetie!

  12. Congrats on hitting so many visitors Jingle!

    I would love to win anything that can offer me more inspiration and ideas! You can never have too many you know!

    Oh and I looooved Alice too! We were crazy and went and saw it on opening night! Dragged my girlfriends with me and had a BLAST!

  13. Don't really do too many cards, so I am hoping this book will inspire me to be a bit more creative outside of scrapbooking

  14. Giveaways in the air! I've decided to do something too! Everyday Bliss on Wednesday! But the reason I want to win yours is that I have a bunch of stamps that I bought to entertain Jessie but I think I would like to see what I can do too!

  15. I would love to win this magazine. I haven't seen this mag before.
    I did see Alice in Wonderland and loved it.
    Have to go and check out Marlene's give away now teeheee

  16. I need a pig, here!

    I'd love this so I can learn even more--these Stamp It issues are fab!

  17. oops--here's my contact--just send me flickr mail if I'm lucky!


  18. Was wondering if my nearly-four-year-old would like Alice in Wonderland. It's the closest thing to a kids movie out right now.

    Love me some Paper Crafts!

  19. how nifty are you?! seriously! sounds like your weekend rockety-rocked, and i lived vicariously through you so i can forget the bits of ICK that came my way! BLEURGH!

    now, about Beatrice...
    i LOVE the way she expresses herself with mismatched shoes - that girl is STYLIN'. i used to wear mismatched chucks, because, well, they looked awesome together and people took notice. people WILL take notice of Beatrice! she's seriously fabulous! (and my love of anything bunny is unwavering)

    as for the mag - well, it's pretty nifty, and i hear it's a good issue, but i love those things for TECHNIQUES! i don't think i've ever lifted a card if that wasn't the challenge. i wanna see what they DO in there!

    throwin' some love on ya (yearlongday style! 'cuz that's my band!).... xo

  20. Okay, so here is why I usually don't read posts. I read the first line and was wondering "Who is Alice", I was thinking she is someone who you had mentioned. DUH!!! Anyhow, very cool that you had a good weekend hangin' with your man. You are one lucky lady to be with the one you want.

    I should get this magazine because I want it! I don't have one and you should pick my name. Randomly of course. (wink, wink)


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