
How Not to Pack For an All Day Crop


Seriously.  I was tired and sick of packing so I grabbed a bag and just started throwing in embellishments of all kinds. HA!  NOT the best plan I've ever had, but hey! It got done quick!  Just say'n!

For a more humorous description of the day...check out Jen's blog!  She took this wonderful photo!

For More Wordless Wednesday check Here, Here, and Here!
P.S.  For my non-scrappby friends, a Crop is a gathering of scrapbookers and card makers to, well, make stuff!


So....remember that bunny paw????

That little one that I sneaked and told you that I couldn't show you the whole thing yet?

WELLLLLLL.....my swap partner received her package, so I can TOTALLY show you now and I'm SUPER STINKING EXCITED to do so!!!!!

For reals, people.  I love him.  He was SO wicked fun to create, I can't even begin to tell you!

White Rabbit Front

Ladies and Gentlemen....I'd like to introduce to you, The White Rabbit!

Yup!  I made him.  Yup!  He makes me happy.  Yup!  Now I'm showing him to you so he can make you happy, too.  Just say'n.

White Rabbit Angle

His feet totally make me giggle!  LOL!  He is wonderfully round and fluffy, too!  And, of course, he is wearing his hearts.

White Rabbit Back View

His hands, feet, and head are all sculpted from clay.  His body is a wire form body, taped, and filled with rice to give him weight.  I covered him with fuzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!  That was fun.  Messy...but fun!  HA!

White Rabbit Side View

He is wearing some beautifully embellished over-sized playing cards and a brilliant red collar adorned with glitter!

White Rabbit Close

I hand painted his face, hands, and feet and I am just thrilled with them!  He really was a blast to create and I am so glad that he is safe in his new, happy home!!!!

I am linking with the following parties!!!  Check out all the cool stuff everyone is making!

DIY Day @ ASPTLCreations by KaragiveawaysGet your craft on Thurs.


So....What do YOU want to know?

It's Monday and it is DUMPING rain here in fabulous New England! Dumping rain. For reals. It's kind of cool. A complete and utter storm! I do love a good rain storm, I just wish there was thunder and lightening to go along with it!

I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful comments and emails regarding my previous post! Your thoughts have been so helpful and I am taking each and every one of them into consideration as I look at my options and make some choices. I will, of course, keep you all in the loop!

Since you all shared so much with me, I wanted to share some stuff with you! But...I don't know what you want to know about me...so, here it is...my official Q&A post. Please take a moment to leave a comment with a question you have for or about me! I will then take the time to answer those questions later this week! It can be about anything you want to know! Go ahead and ask!  You can ask about art stuff, craft stuff, scrappy stuff, life stuff, the meaning of life in general....  Who knows...maybe I'll have an answer!!!


So....about this whole Etsy shop thing...

Okay...so I know many of you have told me that I should open an Etsy shop.

The thing of it is....I. Am. Scared.

Yup! I'm one hundred percent intimidate by that whole idea.

You see, I love to make stuff. I REALLY love to make stuff. You might have noticed that. Just say'n.

But...I worry about things like quality issues. What if it falls apart despite my best efforts??? What if they just think my workmanship is crap? What if I didn't know about some 'proper' material I should have used and the buyer is appalled that I didn't use it???

So many what ifs!!!

And then there is the even more obvious issue - What if nobody wants it.

I mean, really, I know people like what I create, or at least many of you say you do and please continue to do so because that makes me happy and that makes me smile. Just say'n. BUT...that doesn't mean that people are jumping into line to pay money for things.

And then there is that issue...what to charge for different types of projects. I know that very few artists actually end up making a reasonable amount of money for the time they put into their projects. Of this, I am fully aware. BUT...that really doesn't help with the whole pricing thing. You see, things are only worth what someone is willing to pay, thus, the rise and conquering of all things eBay. So, that makes it rather tricky to decide what is fair to you, as the artist, as well as value to the customer.

And then...the final problem...and quite frankly, the one I'm hoping that all of you will help me solve.

Yup. I am putting you to work! HA!

WHAT should I sell? I create a lot of different types of things and I don't really like being put into a box. Boxes are stuffy and stuff. Just say'n. SOOOOO.....with that being said, should I do cards, dolls, stuffies, supplies, mixed media pieces???? Can I do a bit of everything without looking like I am just tossing things in there? AND...what would YOU GUYS actually be interested in seeing in a shop of mine? What would YOU want to buy? What do you think? I am starting to get over the fears, but I need your help to push me over the edge. Or...if you think I should stick to blogging and ONLY blogging...let me know that, too! HA!

OH! And what the HECK is up with this weather???? Snowing? Really? REALLY???? Well, you know March...in like a lamb and out like a lion...




Okay, so it looks as though I may have a mild bunny obsession.

Just Say'n.

Burlap Bunny

So, I've been seeing burlap bunnies here and there and I just so happened to have purchased a bit of burlap the other day 'cause I want to make some other cute stuff out of it, SOOOOOO...I figured I should make a burlap bunny. BUT...I didn't want to make one just like the ones I had seen around, I wanted to make one that was a bit more....well....Jingle.

Pink tail on burlap bunny

Honestly, I don't know if I succeeded or not. Last night I didn't love it. I'll be honest. It just didn't come out quite how I had envisioned and I hate it when that happens. I love the pink loose pom-pom tail, though! That is super cute! Just say'n.

Fabric Bow on burlap bunny

I added the floppy fabric bow and I think I love that, too. Originally I hadn't planned on going girly at all, but somehow I ended up there. I think that is what is bothering me. I'm not sure, really. ANYway....even after adding her tail and her bow I wasn't totally pleased with my bunny. Soooo...this morning I painted her ears.

Painted ears of burlap bunny

I like her better now. The ears made a HUGE difference. I still don't know if I'm in love, but you know...you win some, you lose some.

I should let you know two things I learned about Burlap:

1. Did you know that ALL burlap comes with free matching thread??? Well, maybe not 'thread,' per se, but when you fray the edges you pull the pieces of twine or whatever the HECK they use to make burlap and then thread that into a needle and use it to stitch your pieces together! Genius! It matches, blends, and is pretty strong, too! YAY!!!

2. Burlap is see-through. Yeah. I know. We all knew this already, but have any of us really thought of the implications of this? Maybe you have, but I neglected to do so. My bunny has white on the BACK of her ears, too. I'll have to do something about that, but I will figure it out later.

So....that's my bunny. What do you think?

Burlap Bunny Face

Next time...I think I'll go with something more like this:

Mostly 'cause that's an awesome movie and creepy bunnies are just plain cool!

Creations by KaragiveawaysGet your craft on Thurs.


Thatcher's New Hiding Place {Wordless Wednesday...or the best I can do}

Hiding Place

She has some pretty bad anxiety issues and hates to go outside so she will run away when it is time to go out unless she REALLY has to go. Well, the other day The Hubbums couldn't figure out where she had run to (she usually goes to the bed or her favorite sleeping spot) and found her here. Looking adorable, of course. Apparently she has been going in there to get away from the noises and stuff, too. It really is super cute!

For More Wordless (or not) Wednesday posts check here, here, and here!


CSN Stores - CucinaPro Pasta Fresh 5 Machine Review - Check out What I Made!

Okay, so remember this post when I told you that the amazing folks over at CSN stores were going to send me the CucinaPro Pasta Fresh 5 Machine to review?

Wellllll....it's HERE!!!! And ladies and gentlemen, this thing is seriously fantastic!

Now, before you all get excited about some fresh pasta, let me set you straight. I don't cook. I suck at it. Yes, I bake, but I don't cook. SOOOOooo....I didn't get the machine to make pasta - I got it to use with CLAY!!! And let me tell you it is SO perfect for working with clay!


This is the machine with the ravioli attachment on it. (Yup! It cuts postage stamps!) Pretty, isn't it? I certainly think so! The handle is removable and you use it for the main press portion of the machine as well as for each of the cutter attachments.


These are the other two cutting attachments, one is for spaghetti sized shreds and the other for fettuccine! These are perfect for creating perfectly even strips of clay to weave or just to use as strips! So cool!


The machine is super easy to use. I simply rolled my clay into a tube and placed it over the slot. I then gently turned the handle while feeding the clay. That's all, folks! It's THAT simple to use this machine! Nothing complicated AT ALL! I love that!


You can easily adjust the size of the slot to accommodate for varying thicknesses of clay.


And, as I mentioned earlier, the ravioli attachment is PERFECT for cutting wonderful postage stamp pieces from the clay! Think of all you could do with these!!!

So....of course, I had to make a couple of fun little things with my new toy!


This fabulous little hanging banner is pressed clay that I stamped into and then coated with Lumiere paint in copper. I put the holes in the clay before baking and then added the wire after it was cured. So simple and so easy with my new CucinaPro Pasta Machine!


I created this one using the same method, only I wiped the paint off with a damp towel so that the copper would hold fast to the crevices. I love this technique! So gorgeous!

So, I have to give a HUGE thanks to CSN Stores (Can you believe they have over TWO HUNDRED stores that you can choose from? Seriously...if you want it...they've probably got it!) for allowing me the opportunity to review the CucinaPro Pasta Fresh 5 Machine! It is fantastic and I am going to get so much use out of this thing!

***Note: I was given no compensation other than the product itself in exchange for this review. I was sent the product to provide a quality, and honest review. ***


And the Winners Are.....

I have TWO winners to announce today!!!

The Winner of the Canvas Print from UPrinting is: Shell!!!

Shell, I just need your email address to pass onto the sponsor and they will send you the code and instructions for your print!

And the Winner of the issue of Stamp It! Cards is: Diana Fisher!!!!

Diana, I need your snail mail addy so I can send this out to you!

Congratulations to both of you and thanks so much to all who entered!


A Conversation, A Peek, and A Weekend Accomplishment

First and foremost I need/want to thank you guys for the absolutely overwhelming outpouring of support! I posted my Facebook Fan Page on Friday and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't be the only one on it! LOL! You guys seriously made me feel amazing with your immediate support! It just thrills me to know that you guys are out there and reading and enjoying Just Jingle! Thank you SO MUCH!

Scene: The Wifee and The Hubbums are picking up the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher.

The Wifee pulls a frosting container from the top shelf of the dishwasher. (Yes...I washed it. It's a perfectly usable vessel and I have hoarding issues.)

Wifee: Hubbums, can you stick this on my desk for me? Good luck finding a spot. (You see, I knew full well that state in which my desk was at the time...you know...it's usual state of several projects going at once and a bunch of piles of very important stuff.)

Hubbums: Sure. (He then took the container off to the studio.)

***Time Lapse***

Hubbums: I cannot be held responsible.


So, of course a comment such as that gets one curioser and curioser, indeed!

"Hubbums...Can you please stick this on my desk?"

Yup. That's what I found when I went back into my studio. He 'stuck' it on my desk. With a Glue Dot.

Just say'n.

I did do some creating this weekend...

I worked on THIS...

Bunny Sneak

And this....

Card Sneak

But unfortunately, those must remain a secret at the moment. I will share them later, I promise!!!

And...I CHANGED My spark plugs this weekend!!! All by myself! Yup. For reals! Well, not ALL by myself, as The Hubbums taught me how to do it, but I did the actual work! I am pretty excited about that little accomplishment! And I am now in SHOCK at how much they charge to do stuff like that because if I can do it...why the HECK does anyone pay for it? Anyway...it was pretty exciting!

So...what did YOU do this weekend???


I have entered yet another dimension of Social Networking....Please Join Me!

HA! Seriously, I'm starting to wonder just HOW MANY ways we can connect via social networking media, but then, I realize that I love it all, so I'm totally going with it! And...because my blog is probably my favorite form of social media and because I adore my readers SOOOOO much. (Like wicked crazy lots, actually...Just say'n.) I took the plunge and set up a Just Jingle Fan page on Facebook! You can see the cute little widget over there on the right>>>>>>>. It's a bit lonely right now, so please become a fan! HA!

Right now, my dear Beatrice is serving as my mascot. I'll be working on the page here and there, but I felt she was a good representative with whom to begin.

Oh...you want incentive, do you? Well, if you become a fan head on over to the two current giveaways and leave an extra comment on THAT post that you became a FB fan I you get an extra entry!!!! Yay! If you don't want to enter the contest just fan me anyway so I don't wind up curled up in a ball on the floor sobbing, K? K.

NOW....I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to my amazing swap partner for the Bunny Swap that I was in!!! Malissa created this amazing 3-D Paper Piece for me!!! For REALS! Is that not freaking wicked crazy amazing? Yup. It is. In case you were confused.


Seriously, check out the dimension on this thing! It is so cool. Really. It is. I'm not even lying to you right now.

She also didn't stop with just that one amazing piece! She sent me some other incredible hand made goodies, too!!! Check these out!!!


And THIS adorable little chick in a basket!!!! Oh, for the LOVE of all things cute and cuter!


And she also made this fantastic decoupaged blown egg! Isn't that just stunning! And...I discovered that The Hubbums has apparently never blown an egg in his life. (HA! That just sounds wrong. Sorry. But it does. I know. I have the mind of an eight grader. It's The Hubbums fault. He tells me the funny stuff his students say and laugh at and it just sticks! What can I tell ya?) Anyway...moving on...he had no idea how it was done, so now I feel the need to go through the excruciating process just to show him how COOL it is!!!


Anyway...I hope you will come over and become a fan on Facebook. 'Cause spending a Friday night balled up in a corner bawling is just not fun. Save me from this fate, my friends. SAVE ME!!!!!!!!

Heee-Heee...I feel it coming today....I feel it.....

yup. Here it is.....

Jingle Out, folks!

HAAAAA!!!!! *sigh*


Have An Old T-Shirt? Want A New Necklace? I've got you covered!

So, last night at got home around 5ish, as per usual. The Hubbums had one of his classes after school, so he wasn't due home for a bit and I was itching to make something, but I knew he wouldn't be too late, so I didn't want to get into something time/mess intensive because we would have to do the dinner thing and run a few errands and such.

Enter, stage left: Old T-Shirt.

Also Enter, stage right, of course: Really cute necklace idea that I've seen and have been dying to try.


Our story begins by placing the old t-shirt on a cutting mat. You may not want to use your Basic Grey mat, as I sort of chewed mine up with this project, but it is still fine, really, so that is totally up to you.
Once your t-shirt is placed diagonally across the mat so that it is mostly on said mat, use a rotary cutter to cut strips about 3/4 of an inch to an inch or so beginning at the bottom of the shirt...you DO know that I didn't measure a single one of them, right? 'Cause...yeah. I totally don't measure stuff. I just don't do it. Just ay'n. It's really just fine if they aren't exactly the same or even if they aren't perfect. Just try to do a decent job, huh? HA! Just make sure you are cutting through both layers so you have loops.
Cut T-Shirt (step 1)

Once you have several strips cut (I think I cut around a dozen or so, but I only used seven for this particular project.), you need to stretch each one end to end. This will cause them to roll up a bit and look really quite neat, if I do say so myself!!!
Stretch Strips (step 2)

Next, you want to gather those strips together and decide how many you want. Basically, you are now deciding the girth of your necklace. If you want more of a 'scarf' you can use tons and tons, but I wanted a necklace, so I used about half a dozen. Be sure to keep at least one strip aside for accent work.
Long Necklace (step 4)

Cut the strip that you set aside into smaller strips (these, obviously won't be loops like the big ones). Stretch one of those strips and wrap it around the cluster and tie it together. This will hold your necklace together. Tuck the tails under the wrap to give it a nice clean look.
Tie Strips together (step 3)

Once you have it bound you can, if you choose, leave it plain like that. Or...if you would like to add a bit of texture and visual interest you can tie small pieces around the strands in various places around the piece. In this photo I show the piece tied around a single strand, which works, however, I decided to change it after I took this shot and I actually bound three strands with each knot, but I randomly chose the strands so that it wasn't the same three or just two 'chunks' so to speak. You can play with it and see what you want to do with it. Also, you can TOTALLY add cute handmade fabric flowers or other embellishments to this necklace! I plan to use them interchangeably with it from time to time.
Add detail knots (step 5)

And you have a fabulous statement style piece made in less than an hour! I love it!!! If you make one please post it and let me know so I can see your handiwork!
Wear your new necklace!

And the curtain closes. Take a bow!

Creations by Kara

make it wear it
