
A Conversation, A Peek, and A Weekend Accomplishment

First and foremost I need/want to thank you guys for the absolutely overwhelming outpouring of support! I posted my Facebook Fan Page on Friday and crossed my fingers that I wouldn't be the only one on it! LOL! You guys seriously made me feel amazing with your immediate support! It just thrills me to know that you guys are out there and reading and enjoying Just Jingle! Thank you SO MUCH!

Scene: The Wifee and The Hubbums are picking up the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher.

The Wifee pulls a frosting container from the top shelf of the dishwasher. (Yes...I washed it. It's a perfectly usable vessel and I have hoarding issues.)

Wifee: Hubbums, can you stick this on my desk for me? Good luck finding a spot. (You see, I knew full well that state in which my desk was at the time...you know...it's usual state of several projects going at once and a bunch of piles of very important stuff.)

Hubbums: Sure. (He then took the container off to the studio.)

***Time Lapse***

Hubbums: I cannot be held responsible.


So, of course a comment such as that gets one curioser and curioser, indeed!

"Hubbums...Can you please stick this on my desk?"

Yup. That's what I found when I went back into my studio. He 'stuck' it on my desk. With a Glue Dot.

Just say'n.

I did do some creating this weekend...

I worked on THIS...

Bunny Sneak

And this....

Card Sneak

But unfortunately, those must remain a secret at the moment. I will share them later, I promise!!!

And...I CHANGED My spark plugs this weekend!!! All by myself! Yup. For reals! Well, not ALL by myself, as The Hubbums taught me how to do it, but I did the actual work! I am pretty excited about that little accomplishment! And I am now in SHOCK at how much they charge to do stuff like that because if I can do it...why the HECK does anyone pay for it? Anyway...it was pretty exciting!

So...what did YOU do this weekend???


  1. That is so funny what hubby did!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! I love it! Can't wait to see all of what you made!

  2. I love that he stuck in the side of your desk with a glue dot. Why haven't I ever thought to utilize that space?

  3. Isn't he a prankster.
    Can't wait to see what you are working on

  4. Too funny! You're hubby sounds like he's very supportive of your creative genius! After all, he knew what a glue dot was for!!!

  5. that. is. HYSTERICAL!!!! man i love coming here :)

  6. Had a girls weekend in northern Michigan on a large lake. Margaritas, girl chat, hot tub, chick flicks, outlet mall shopping, restaurant eating, no cooking. A little slice of heaven I tell you.

  7. Ha! Well, you did ask him to "stick" it on your desk. What a clever guy! LOL I'm intrigued with your new projects - especially that little paw. Saturday I worked on my shop the entire day; and yesterday we went for a nice walk, and then I baked chocolate chip cookies. Yum! And congrats on your Facebook Page!

  8. HA HA HA HA HA! a glue dot! your hubbin has a great sense of humour! :) tell him i applaud his actions.

    and OOOHHH, you are rockin' the fanbase on the eff-bee! well done!

    your bunny swap goodies are AMAZING - your partner totally hooked you up, girl. like, whoa.

    and these sneak peeks are gonna kill me! that's a flippin' bunny paw, and i LURRRRRVE the bunnies. in a big, big way.

    your blog is the good shizznit, Jingle! :)

  9. Your hubby is so stinkin' cute! I would've laughed my arse off, seeing that! (Oh wait - I just did!)

    Your projects look interesting! Can't wait to see what they are...especially that (paw??)

    GO YOU for changing your own spark plugs! Like I said before - is there anything you CAN'T do? (Like maybe besides peeing while standing).

  10. I reorganized my closet. Good for you changing your spark plugs!

  11. Wow! That is a full weekend:-)

  12. HAHA! Typical! I love that story! Can't wait to see the full reveal of the projects. Awesome job with the spark plugs. I can change my oil, air filter, and a tire...but that is about it.

  13. p.s. Are you going to do a tutorial on changing spark plugs? hehe! thanks for stopping in at my blog weekly! you are the best!

  14. hahahaha - that's hilarious! sounds like something mine would do for sure (that's if he dares go near my desk out of fear of being buried alive). Love the sneaks! Looks like some fun creating has been going one! Can't wait to see!

  15. What a riot! That seems like something RonChops would do too! hehehe....

    I crafted my little fingers off this past weekend. I even took a day off work Friday just for crafts. It was a blast!

    Hope you have a loverly week Jing!


  16. You are well matched- that's all I can say! What on earth was your wedding like???

    And thank you for joining my fan page too- I really appreciate it for reasons you obviously appreciate!!


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